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Exploring the Essential Features of “Elma Mayer – The Intention Activator”
Intention Activator
Manifest your Top Ten Intentions
with this 10x-Power Energy-Healing Audio
You don’t just have one goal.
I’ll bet you can think of TEN goals
in many different areas of life!
You’ve probably got goals for your…
Health. Money. Love. Fun. Work. Time.
Travel. Home. Purpose. Spirituality.
With most methods of manifesting, you can only do ONE at a time…
But I’ve discovered a”Morphic Formula” to Manifest MANY goals at once.
With no need to believe, visualize, or think positive.
In fact, trying to be positive can slow you down.
Your Mind is Multidimensional.
Why not use it to manifest multiple intentions?
Don’t just focus on 1 thing.
That’s unbalanced. Every part of your life must work together congruently.
If you only focus on “manifesting money”… but you ignore manifesting health, love, great relationships & spiritual evolution… then you’ll manifest a big imbalance!
Activate ALL your sacred desires… Now!
Health & Vitality
Money & Abundance
Loving Relationships
Productivity & Creativity
Time to Enjoy Life … and much more
I know this kind of manifestation works. After Source “downloaded” this new formula to me… I experienced a huge opening on so many levels! And… you can experience it too.
The Intention Activator
An Advanced Manifestation Machine.
What it is: A 53-minute Audio – plus a “magic” chart, and an Ebook.
What you’ll do as you listen: During the audio, you’ll be guided to tune in to your Top Ten Gratitudes, and then to your Top Ten Intentions. You’ll just follow some simple instructions, like “Write down your first goal” and then “Breathe like this” or “Feel into that part of your body” or “Imagine this image”. (And you can’t do it wrong! Even if you’re not sure you’re doing it right, it still works.)
How it works: My “Secret Morphic Formula” runs in the background, transmuting the Power of your Gratitudes into the Power to Activate your Intentions. (This “formula” is totally unique! At least I’m not aware of anything else like it.)
(This may seem complicated, but you don’t need to deal with the complex stuff! I do it for you!)
What does The Intention Activator do?
Transports your awareness… into a gentle, easy Flow – towards your Purpose(s).
Transforms your gratitude… into a 10x-power engine of manifestation & instant healing activation.
Transcends your blocks… & dissolves your doubts, hidden resistance, stuckness, limitations, and old patterns… effortlessly.
What will happen afterwards:
You’ll gain immense momentum, in at least ten areas of your life!
You’ll sense a huge opening of possibilities, abundance, opportunities, synchronicities, and support from the universe.
Your sense of “problematic limitations” will dissolve.
You’ll find yourself in the Flow of your Highest Purpose. (Some call this “Law of Attraction” – but it’s really your Purpose that attracts YOU to it.)
And if you ever find yourself OUT of the Flow (which happens to us all sometimes)… you’ll know how to shift back to it, quickly and easily.
Your Intentions Gather Power…
to Become Real on ALL Levels.
What You Get in The Intention Activator:
1. The Intention Activator (10x-Power-Healing AUDIO – 53 minutes)
This is where the activation happens! Plus, use the audio again & again, whenever new intentions come up in the future.
2. The Morphic Manifestation Matrix PDF (Chart)
This is where the momentum gathers! Write your Ten Intentions on this chart as you listen to the audio, and the “Morphic Formula” starts to work its magic.
3. Transcript, Tips & How to Do It Yourself – PDF (26 page Ebook)
Lots of tips, FAQS, and a “cheat sheet” for how to do the Intention Activation process yourself.
What’s Different about this New Way to Manifest?
Unlike “old-school” Law of Attraction, there’s NO need for:
Belief, trust or faith.
Positive thinking
Visualizing the outcome
Feeling like you already have it
Feeling good before you do manifestation
Those are all lovely… IF you can do them easily.
But if it takes a lot of work for you to get into all those “pre-requisite” states… then you’re mis-directing your manifestation energy.
And there’s certainly no need for “The Secret.” It’s a load of BS & spiritual gaslighting! Don’t get me started.
Some old-school is great! But I was guided to create an update.
I love several “classic” manifestation methods:
Abraham-Hicks is inspiring.
Orin’s Manifesting with Divine Will is transformative.
Gabrielle Bernstein is great for clarifying the basics.
But I’ve been miraculously guided to “Now-Healing-ize” the Law of Attraction. To bring it into the realm of “Instant Healing.”
Which makes it especially effective for me… and folks like me.
This even works for skeptics (like me!)
Here’s a bit of my story – do you resonate?
Before I became a healer & teacher of healing, I would have had a lot of trouble with all those Law of Attraction & manifestation methods. I wouldn’t have understood a darn word that Esther Hicks, as Abraham, was talking about. I would have pooh-poohed Gabby Bernstein as silly pop psychology.
See, I wasn’t born one of those “Can Do” optimistic American folks. I was born in Eastern Europe, the daughter of skeptical-scientist-holocaust-survivors. In the old country, back then, all this positive thinking stuff would have been mocked mercilessly. “Feeling Good” is for drooling dreamers, and “Belief” is for dupes of disinformation or opioid-of-the-masses-addicts. And don’t even get us started on “Having Fun”! We just don’t do that! We are serious, not silly children.
Even now, I’m still a natural skeptic. I try not to believe anything, if I can help it! Because True Knowing is much better than Belief. Instead of trust or faith, I prefer direct multi-dimensional experience.
With Now Healing, I can get to True Knowing – instantly. Beyond belief!
And for my inner skeptic, I am satisfied with the proof of my personal experience… Plus the experience of tons of my healing students… that positive thinking is not necessary or even always desirable to aspire to.
In this work, we don’t go positive. Or negative. Instead, we go to Center. Zero. No Mind. Non-attachment. Hey, don’t worry, it’s not forever – all it takes is a few seconds! And then zap, zoom, pow, you are in… The Space of Instant Wholeness & Cosmic Creation!
So that’s it, in a nutshell. Now you don’t even need this program! (Unless you want my new secret special proprietary unique one-and-only “Morphic Formula” for activating your Top Ten Intentions all at once!)
And even if you’re not a skeptic… Or if you’ve already had great experiences with
Law of Attraction… This is just simply faster & easier!
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/