*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Exclusive – Bob Ross Elite Membership (Includes Contractor Cash Course) – 5 Months Membership Rip”
You could have walked your way into the local scene as a SEO, Web Dev or Mobile specialist a few years back and taken advantage of their ignorance. “internet marketing”.
But it’s not like that anymore!
Brick & Mortar’s have been solicited for years now, being pitched the same digital doo-dad services left and right that they’re virtually immune to them.
The only ones selling these services successfully are ones who’ve built relationships based on trust and experience. So if you’re new and looking to make a splash in your community… selling almost anything digital as your main offering is like a suicide mission.
If you want to get your hands deep into local owner’s pockets, you need to offer things that are easy for them to understand and see results with. This is not a ten-dollar product that gurus can concoct in circles with their promotion friends.
I’d like to share with you my treasured arsenal of proven and working marketing ‘devices’ that will give you the ability to deliver explosive response unlike anything you’ve ever seen.
These are secrets so good that I’m full confident you’ll become the hottest marketer in town; able to outperform virtually anyone who dare say they can deliver results.
“Even YOU Can Deliver Higher
Response Than Anyone Dreamed Possible”
Direct mail is still the most effective form of advertising. It’ll outperform anything else by leaps and bounds, including whatever the hottest internet marketing ‘fad’ It happens.
If you want to make your clients phones ring off the hook, direct mail is your ace in the hole, and I’d like to teach you what’s proven to work, and work fast.
Speed matters, because any of you who’ve sold SEO in the past and had to use the line “just stick it out for six months” Know that business owners want results immediately, not in six months.
“Just One of the Secrets I Know
Can Turn You Into A Marketing God”
If I could, all the ‘hype’ in existence, it wouldn’t be enough to explain how powerful just one particular secret for delivering ultra-high response is.
What’s even more astounding is you can be a completely nut-headed newbie and within moments of learning it, be able to deliver results better than even the most skilled marketers can do today.
You’ll be soon considered a practicer of marketing voodoo. Someone who can perform mysterious marketing miracles when you produce specific information that will bring your clients so much money you’ll be hailed as a revolutionary to their business.
That’s why I call it…
No, it doesn’t involve ancient voodoo spells, incantations, or magical potions.
But it will make your clients believe you’re some kind of mystical sorcerer that’s able to perform marketing feats beyond words… I promise you that.
With this simple piece of information I’m going to reveal, you’ll be able to vanish away the greatest challenge of marketing that business owners face today.
Gary Halbert was a famous copywriter, and one of the best.
American business owners need another. “challenge” Warren Beatty requires as much help as possible getting dates.
What are we looking for? “set-ups,” lay-down hands, deals that can’t hardly miss even if everything goes wrong. (As it always does.
I would like to sell heroin to drug addicts. Fudge bars can make you look like a porker.
That’s my idea of a desireable kind of challenge!
Direct marketing is best when you are constantly looking for people (markets), who have shown that they are hungry for a particular product or service.
– Gary Halbert (from his newsletter)
“I’m Ready To Show You Just How
To Find Those Hungry Buyers!”
The biggest challenge to making a direct mail campaign successful is finding an audience that’s likely to buy. You don’t have to resort to selling things for half off when you have an audience that’s already likely to be interested.
You can find the right people for your clients by clicking a single button. Then you can reach potential buyers directly, while making insane amounts of cash.
All done in a secretive way that will drop the jaws off your clients and have them bragging to everyone about how you… their “new marketing guy (or gal)… is somehow able to discover these likely-to-buy prospects using information that the FBI, NSA, or even the IRS wouldn’t know!
And this is just one of the methods I’ve included in the growing library of tutorials available on my just-released Elite Membership Site at HighResponseMarketing.com
But wait… there’s more…
If you’re reading this page, you must be a valued follower of mine already, so thank you for enjoying my “stuff” Over the years. It really does mean a lot. I’m excited to announce a long-needed change in my “bob ross” business.
Fortunately, you’re going to benefit largely from it.
See, I’m tired of only releasing a “big” $200 – $500 product every six months. Instead of working on product launches I’d rather be putting together helpful tutorials, offering my support, and concentrating on the free podcast where we can keep sharing inspiring methods and success stories of others just like you.
If you’ve noticed over the past year and a half, my products have all been increasing in price. That’s because:
1. I feel that’s what they’re worth — and still be a bargain.
2. I feel that the time I spend answering people’s emails and helping them out is worthwhile. Yes I love helping, but I’m not a Charity. I’ve got two other businesses I’m running, plus 5 Stay at home with your children!
So… if I’m going to focus on giving even better support and offering even more free content (like my podcast) I have to switch to a monthly recurring business model where I don’t have to feel like I’ve got to charge an arm and a leg for every guide I put out.
That means… you get a wicked arsenal of some of my most treasured money-makers that I believe will transform your business in ways you can’t imagine… and I’ll continue to update it with ongoing training and tutorials so that you always have the most proven and working information on-demand at your fingertips.
Here’s What I’ve Got In Store For You…
Please give my Elite Membership a try, you’ll find I’ve prepared a robust series of tutorials, guides, and action courses for you that are guaranteed to make your bones wiggle with excitement.
You’re going to learn:
How to Sell Easily “Cyclical” Mailings
When 9×12 isn’t an option or if you’re helping them explore new territory, just offer these easy-to-buy cyclical mailings which makes mailing affordable (and profitable) for everyone.
How to grab high-paying clients using a Postcard “Whale Bait”
I’ll show you one of my most treasured ways to reach the most difficult-to-reach decision makers via postcards and even sell them specific services in one fell swoop!
How to Use Black Magic Marketing Sorcery
You will have a unique resource that is not available to other marketers in your region. You’ll not only be able to deliver massive response, but you’ll look like the second coming of the Marketing Christ when your client sees what you can do.
How to Use Lead Busting “Street Sweepers”
If you’d like to send a rush of business to your client on-command, then simply deploy these lead-generating mailpieces that are darn near guaranteed to bring every hungry buyer out of the woodwork and into your clients laps.
How to Sell 9×12 Spaces By Discounting Like a Boss
Don’t be afraid to discount. It can be used as a closing tool.
I’ll show you just how to walk away with even more in return… with an ecstatic buyer left in the process.
How to Pitch 9×12’s Perfectly
I guarantee you’re giving one critical piece of information in your 9×12 pitch too soon. Simply by withholding it, you’ll open a whole new world of selling that turns the tables on the prospect and makes YOU the dominant party! Copy my approach and you’ll see immediate results.
You also get a bonus
The 9×12 Proven Profit Plan
This comprehensive action course is your soup-to-nuts blueprint for launching your 9×12’s seamlessly.
Real Marketers Deliver Real Results
These are real testimonials. All testimonials and results can be verified and are on file
Well Jake you’ve done it again!
I’m not sure where or how you come up with these business ideas but I have to say that you are a genius. I listened to your Marketing Sorcery Secret just before stepping unto a plane for Portland and I’m having second thoughts as to if I should leave or just stay and implement this concept of yours!
Is there a way we could keep it to ourselves? It’s a wonderful way to find buyers using crosshair/sniper precision.
Miami FL
I’ve never met a more friendly, helpful and available product creator. His material is high quality, market-tested, and simple to implement.
For those wondering if Jake’s methods work, I can say that in a period of less than 4 months, I had clients writing me checks for $10,000.
Jake’s methods are for real people wanting a real business that makes real money. If that’s you, click buy and don’t look back. You won’t regret it.
Chris Hackett
Atlanta GA
Are You Ready to Join?
With Elite Membership You will also have access to The Best Marketing Discussion Group for Direct Marketing Today!
You’ll get ’round the clock access into the most inspiring, supportive and plain ‘ol awesome community of direct marketers on the internet today… my secret 9×12 Facebook Discussion Group.
You’ll learn what’s working by others just like you (and I) in real-time on a daily basis. You’ll have virtually every question you can think of answered by myself and/or others who are in or have been in the same exact position you are.
Our community is a place where we give back and support each other by sharing our strategies, successes, as well as our mistakes, so everyone can benefit.
Success Stories in Our Community Are Posted Constantly, You’d be CRAZY Not to Join!
Sell More 9×12’s Easily
Whether you’ve yet to start a 9×12 card or already have dozens under your belt… you’ll sell them easier once you learn my prospecting, pitching, and closing secrets.
You can be a marketing force in your community!
Your local community will be yours. You’ll start to dominate it and deliver results like no other. You’ll have everyone shaking in their boots.
You Have Everything, Anytime.
Never lose a PDF or document again, it’s all on the site. You can access audio, written, and video formats for everything you need to know.
Save thousands of Dollars
Instead of paying $30-$300 for each individual course… get them all for a fraction of the cost. You’ll also get monthly updates of new, fresh content.
Offer More Services for Workers
My proven methods are perfect for clients who need their phones to ring. ‘bring the heat’ whenever you’re in a bind.
Get Any Business Size You Wish
By using the marketing sorcery in conjunction with direct mail, you’ll have an unstoppable marketing force that can generate virtually any amount of business your client can dream for.
Even If You’re Not Yet in the Direct Marketing Game, These Secrets Will Be Ready When You Need Them. And If You’re a Local Marketer… Believe Me You’ll Need Them!
Only $44 per Month
Access the entirely library of tutorials and guides in the enhanced learning and action courses available at HighResponseMarketing.com. Each lesson has Video, Audio, or Written content.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/