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Exploring the Essential Features of “Frederick S. Perls – Ego, Hunger and Aggression. A Revision of Freud’s Theory and Method”
Essential reading for any serious student of Gestalt therapy, Perls’ first book (originally published in South Africa in 1942) contains the seeds of Gestalt therapy’s theoretical foundations and introduces such concepts as the “hunger instinct” and “oral aggression” and “oral resistance.”Includes a comprehensive historical introduction by Gestalt Journal Press publisher Joe Wysong.
Product details
Publisher : The Gestalt Journal Press (January 1, 1992)
Language : English
Customer reviews
Sandra Surace
In his book Perla describes his concepts of an individual as an organism with basic biological needs. He augments Freud’s concept of Hunger as sexual desire and states that as we eat to fill our stomach we all have needs to fill our soul. The soul is an organic feature and by addressing needs from an organic basis we don’t have the capacity to judge what people do. We can only understand that somewhere in their life they have suffered deprivation leading to such things and neurosis and anxiety. His explanation and analysis of these emotional states on a needs basis is excellent and enlightened! He has helped me understand myself and others from a more natural and organic perspective.
Once you can understand these aspects and leave the hyperbole behind the rest of the book will be easier to understand. An enjoyable read!
A necessary read if you’re studying the development of psychological methods and therapies. But frustratingly laden with Freudian content or revisions of Freudian concepts (thus the subtitle; so no real secret there). As with Freud, Perls had much to say but unfortunately developed his revised thinking in such a unique and personalized way that it became almost impossible to disconnect his meaning and purpose from an intimate knowledge of his being. As the readers, we do not have the luxury of knowing him that well and thus much was lost on me. Still, if you’re considering this book for academic pursuits, it’s a good book to say that you have read.
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