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Exploring the Essential Features of “Gabe – The Attraction Formulas”
The easiest and fastest way to know exactly what to say to girls to make them attracted to you and never run out of things to say ever again.
Today I want to share with you a very simple structure that will help you solve the problem of what to say to a girl you like to make her attracted to you and to never run out of things to say ever again.
I know that it sounds too good to be true, but I promise you that if you read this to the end you will have a solution for this problem.
1 more thing I’m not going to try to sell you on anything here, this is going to be 100% practical stuff. If you read this page and find that what I’m sharing with you makes sense and helps you to know what to say to girls every single time to make them attracted to you, then maybe you want to go deeper and get my full online course(I will include details at the end of the post), if not then that’s ok you will get a ton of value just by reading the material here.
Ok so let’s begin.
In order to know what to say to a girl and make her attracted we first need to understand the underlying principles that build a frame or a reality that women find attractive.
There are certain things that women find attractive. And we need to communicate this things to the girl we are talking to, for her to conclude we are attractive.
These things that women find attractive are common to every single attractive man out there. I’ve been breaking down every single little detail from attractive men from movies, TV shows, celebrities interviews, the best pick up artists in the world, my friends that are good with women, and from my own experience interacting with girls and I have found that there are patterns that repeat again and again.
So anytime a girl becomes attracted to a man, this patterns where part of the interaction.
I called this patterns THE ATTRACTION FORMULAS. And they are:
- Cocky and funny
- Misinterpretation
- Preselection
- Adventure Projections
- Qualification
- Push pull
- Social Proof
- Investment & Validation
Some of this Attraction Formulas are more theoretical meaning they provide an understanding of the METAFRAME that has to be present in every single interaction where a woman becomes attracted to a man.
Other formulas are more practical meaning they provide tools that you can use to actively build the attractive frame with the girl you are talking to.
So let me explain to you very quickly this formulas one by one so that you understand how each one works and then I’ll tie everything together so that you can begin applying the formulas in conversation with girls to make them attracted to you.
Cocky and funny.
Cocky and funny is a trait that every single attractive man possesses. And is basically the idea that you think you are better than everybody else so you act like an arrogant person but you are also funny and you light things up with humor.
Think of Tony stark.
Tony Stark is attractive, women find Tony Stark irresistible.
So is Tony Stark cocky and funny?
Of course!
Tony Stark believes he is the best! He acts like the best, he thinks like the best, he feels like the best.
Remember the attraction formulas are always part of an attractive man’s frame.
Every single attractive character from movies has the cocky and funny trait.
Women are programmed to become attracted to men that act in this cocky and funnny way.
that’s why is our first Attraction Formula.
The idea of misinterpretation is that an attractive man interprets everything that happens around him in a way where he is the prize.
So think about Russell Brand.
When Russell Brand interacts with a girl he is interpreting everything the girl does in a way that frames him as the prize.
Preselection is the idea that women are attracted to men that have other women already having sex with them, because if a man is sleeping with tons of hot girls when a new girl comes along and sees this, she concludes that the man is attractive because only an attractive man could be having sex with tons of hot girls.
So think about Craig Ferguson another attractive man. Does he have preselection? Of course!
When he had the late show women saw him flirting with beautiful women every night, and he also used a lot of stories that subcommunicated preselection, which is something that we are going to be using when talking to girls to spark attraction.
Adventure projections
Adventure projections are one of the tools that we are going to be using when talking to girls. The basic idea is to use your words to build a mental frame with you and the girl in a dynamic where you are the prize.
Adventure projections are very powerful because you can feed any type of mental frame or reality to the girl, and when delivered properly this mental frame becomes part of reality so you can feed her all sorts of ideas that can generate strong feelings of attraction and even arousal.
We embed the other attraction formulas inside our adventure projections to make them more powerful.
Qualification is basically you trying to figure out if the girl you are interacting with is good enough for you or not, this formula of qualification helps you in building a frame where you are the one not sure about her so she has to meet your standards.
So think about James Bond.
When James Bond interacts with a girl is he thinking how can I impress this girl, or is he thinking you are hot but what else do you have going on, besides your looks.
James Bond qualifies the girls he interacts with, everybody qualifies to James Bond because he has a stronger reality, and this is something that is present in every single attractive man’s frame.
Push / Pull
Push pull is another of the tools that we are going to be using when talking to girls.
This is an incredibly powerful tool that basically means that you are going to be transitioning from two basic emotions all the time while you are interacting with a girl, you are going to go from positive to negative, from hot to cold, from the nice guy to the asshole, and this will allow you to hit girls at an emotional level, and if you know anything about the female mind, you know that women are highly emotional creatures and if you can spike their emotions you will get them attracted to you, and push pull is an excellent tool that allow us to do just that.
Social Proof
Social proof is very similar to preselection, the way it differs is that here we are not only talking about having other women already attracted to you, but having other people in general that like you, the more people like you the better, and the more higher status people like you even better.
Investment & validation
Investment is how much energy or effort or work you are putting into something, and the higher your level of investment into something the higher you are going to value that thing.
Validation is the idea that you don’t really know your value, you’re value is always changing, meaning you could be the coolest man today and tomorrow you are the biggest loser, and because your value is always changing you are always looking for signs that proof to you if you are cool or not.
So now that you have a general idea about the Attraction Formulas, let’s get into how to use them in conversations with girls to spark attraction.
So if you wish to attract any girl, then you MUST use the Attraction Formulas because this is what girls are programmed to find attractive.
Now your main objective is to integrate The Attraction Formulas into your frame so that you become this naturally attractive man that attracts every woman he comes in contact with automatically and effortlessly.
So after integrating The Attraction Formulas into your frame everything that you say will be similar to this:
I’m so cool.
I’m the best.
I’m beaituful.
You’re so lame.
Where’s the off button.
Ugh get away from me.
Stop undressing me with your eyes.
I’m not a piece of meat.
You are just like all the other girls that just want me for my body.
Tell something cool about you
Do you even read?
That’s actually interesting, tell me more.
Hmm you are actually a very smart girl.
You are making me feel weird down there, get away please.
I can’t stop looking into your eyes, what are you doing to me this never happens.
I don’t know why but I feel I can trust you.
I kind of like you but I’m definitely not having sex with you tonight.
Ok let’s go you can make love to me know.
These lines would only come out from the mouth of an attractive man.
A man that is not attractive and does not know about the Attraction Formulas will not talk like this.
So by using The Attraction Formulas you are framing yourself as an attractive man, and girls will get attracted as a result.
So now let’s take a look at how you can begin putting the Attraction Formulas into action immediately.
Our goal when talking to a girl is to use The Attraction Formulas to stimulate the girl’s emotional brain by saying things only an attractive man would say, so that she gets sexually attracted to you.
And as I said this structure is the easiest and fastest way to start having this attractive and emotional conversations with girls.
So to begin a conversation with any girl that you like you can just say hi and ask her a very simple question like:
You: Hi what’s your name?
Her: Hi my name is Ana
Now you use The Attraction Formulas to improvise a line that builds an attractive frame.
So you have several options.
You can use the formula of cocky and funny and say:
You: Ana? HA! my name is better than yours.
That is a cocky and funny line, you told her you have a better name than her, it doesn’t make much logical sense, but it hits her in that emotional brain, and you know you are building an attractive frame because you are using the attraction formulas.
This simple line builds a frame that women find attractive.
The Attraction Formulas are based on what women are programmed to find attractive so by using this formulas you know that she is going to become attracted.
Yes is that simple!
You can use other attraction formula
For example let’s use preselection and say:
You: Hi what’s your name?
Her: Hi my name is Ana
You: oh Ana really? Wow I’ve met two different Ana’s this past month alone they are all in love with me now.
Here you told her that you have other girls in your life already attracted to you, you are using the formula of preselection and making her attracted to you because it hits her in that emotional primal brain.
Yes is that simple!
So you can see how easy it is to spark attraction in any girl you want by using The Attraction Formulas as the guidelines to improvise lines that build an attractive frame around you.
Let’s use other Attraction Formulas
For example let’s use PUSH/PULL
You can give her a push and tell her:
You: Ana? Ugh that’s the worst name ever.
You can give her a pull and tell her:
Ana? Wow that’s the most beautiful name ever.
You can improvise in this way with any interview type question.
For example after asking her name and using the attraction formulas to improvise an attractive line. You continue…
You: So what do you for work?
Her: I work at h&m
Again you can use any of the attraction formulas to improvise in an attractive way and hit her emotional brain.
So let’s give her a push
You: H&M ha-ha only losers wear H&M
Or let’s give her a pull
You: wow I love H&M. High five.
Or let’s use preselection
You: H&M really? That’s interesting because I met this girl named Zara at an H&m last month I was shopping for some cheap t-shirts and this girl kept checking me out so finally she approached me and asked me something about my pants, I was like yeah right… like she wanted to know where I got my pants but I knew she liked me anyway she was kind of hot so we exchanged numbers… and you continue…
Or let’s use a push and a pull in the same line.
You: H&M o my god so lame, thank god you are cute.
Or let’s use qualification and make her invest a little
You: please tell me you have something else planned for the future
Now you also use the Attraction Formulas to improvise when she asks you something, for example:
Her: So what do you do?
You: I’m a male model. (cocky and funny)
You: I’m a porn actor.
You: I work at McDonald’s (is cocky and funny because you are just having fun with her not trying to impress her)
You: promise not to tell anybody… I’m batman.
Her: Do you have a girlfriend?
You: I have two girlfriends. (preselection)
So you see that after integrating The Attraction Formulas into your frame everything that you say is going to be building a reality where you are this super attractive man and women are going to find you irresistible.
The Attraction Formulas is based on breaking down thousands of conversations from the world’s most attractive men.
Yes I’ve sat down and broke down conversation after conversation trying to figure out exactly what was causing women to feel attraction for a man.
And after years I finally crack the code and discover this very simple structure that I’m sharing with you today.
Now that you know this you will start to notice this patterns repeat in every single attractive man that you know, if you have a friend that is good with women you will notice he is using the attraction formulas, if you watch infields of the best pick up artists in the world you will notice that they are using the attraction formulas, if you watch attractive characters in TV shows and movies again the same thing you will see this formulas in every single interaction where a woman became attracted to a man.
And now you can start using The Attraction Formulas to spark attraction in any girl you choose. The only thing you need to remember is The Attraction Formulas, so every time you want to spark attraction and hit the girls emotional brain you just make a simple question any question there’s hundreds of questions for example:
What’s your name?
How old are you?
What do you do for work?
What’s your favorite movie?
What’s your favorite singer?
Where would you want to go for vacations if you had all the money in the world?
It doesn’t really matter what question you ask, you just ask something, and after she answers you use the Attraction Formulas to improvise some lines that stimulate her emotions and make her laugh and giggle and chase you all the way to bed.
Of course she will also say things back to you so you will have to learn to improvise from what she tells you. And here you can use adventure projections as well for example:
You: What your favorite movie?
Her: Titanic.
You: Oh my god me too, we have to recreate the scene where Rose is standing in the edge of the ship extending her arms and Jack grabs her arms from the back, and you tell her open your arms, and say I’m flying I’m flying.
That’s an adventure projection you took her on an imaginary adventure.
Another example could be:
You: so where would you go if you had all the money in the world?
Her: India.
You: Ok, we are going to India and we are going to stay with one of those mystic gurus, have you watched Dr. Strange? Well we are going to become his disciples and he will teach us how to open our third eye and we will learn how to bend reality at our will, but you will use your psychic powers to make me your sex slave, forcing me to please you every night in a 50 shades of grey style.
Notice that this adventure projection has other formulas embedded in it.
By the way every single example that I’m sharing with you today was not planned I just used the attraction formulas to improvise as I was writing and this was the first thing that popped up in my mind. And I’m really bad at improvising, I fucking suck at this, but because I have the Attraction Formulas I can come up with attractive material almost effortlessly anytime I want.
So as you can see now you have a super power, you just need to put in a little bit of practice and you will start to see how easy and simple it is to make girls laugh and giggle and attracted and make them chase you all the way to bed.
The Attraction Formulas remove the guessing work, now you have a solid structure that allow you to be yourself and flow with your conversation improvising in an attractive way.
Now like I said in the beggining if you want to learn more and go really deep with this material I have developed a full online video course.
This online video course is design to take you by the hand and install this Attraction Formulas in your frame, making it incredibly easy for you to become unstopabble with your verbal game.
Inside the course I go deep into each of The Attraction Formulas explaining exactly how they work and how to use them. Each of the Formulas comes with a series of exercises design to make the learning process much more engaging.
I’ve also included an opertational manual video lesson which contains step by step instructions on how to use the Formulas in conversation providing example after example so you can apply them with incredible ease in your interactions with girls. I’ve also included several made for you lines and techniques that you can use right away.
And of course I’ve also included a HUGE BONUS PACKAGE with almost 2 hours of none stop breakdowns of the most attractive men in the world providing you example after example of the Attraction Formulas in action so that you get to see how they work and get even more examples.
Here’s a detailed description of what you will learn inside each component of the course
Inside Cocky and Funny you will learn:
- What exactly means to be cocky & funny.
- Why beta males cannot act cocky.Â
- The beliefs of the cocky and funny man.
- The vibe that you should have to attract women.
- How Robert Downey Jr. nailed this cocky and funny character.
- How to interpret your reality trough this cocky and funny filter to get women sucked into your attractive frame.
- What the top attractive actors in the world know that you don’t.
- The problems you will encounter when starting to incorporate this cocky and funny traits into in your frame.
- PDiddy’s belief that made him rich, famous and attractive.
- Why affirmations are not enough and what is really needed to become this attractive character.
- How your negative thoughts are stopping you from becoming attractive.
- Why you need to get control of your mind and emotions to become attractive.
- How Brad Pitt controls his body language and why is important that you start moving with self-awareness.
- The importance of having fun and keeping your cool even under stressful situations.
Inside Misinterpretation you will learn:
- Why your interpretations control your reality.
- How to take control of your interpretations and change your reality.
- Taking control of the buyer seller dynamic.
- What Metaframe you should be coming from.
- How your expectations build the frame.
- Why girls where texting and asking a friend of mine out on dates while he pushed them away.
- How to stand out from other men and drive girls crazy.
- Why is so hard for an average man to make a girl chase him.
- How to artificially create the illusion that you have abundance of women in your life.
- How to reprogram yourself to start expecting that girls are going to chase you.
- How Russell Brand uses misinterpretation to make girls think about sex.
- How to train yourself to interpret that every girl wants you.
Inside Preselection you will learn:
- Why preselection is so important to making women attracted to you.
- The most obvious way of using preselection.
- The qualities of a preselected man.
- A simple line that subcommunicates that you have preselection.
- A little story that you can use to spark attraction.
- How to embody the characteristics of a preselected man.
- Why you want to be playful when talking to women.
- How to subcommunicate preselection with your body language.
- The feeling you need to have in your body.
Inside Qualification you will learn:
- How qualification helps you to build a frame where the girl chases you.
- Why qualification flips the script.
- How to use questions to qualify a girl.
- Why most men fail to qualify girls.
- The importance of giving her the opportunity to show you if she is cool or not.
- How to use qualification as a barometer of the girl’s level of attraction.
- How the qualification formula was discovered.
- Different examples of dynamics where qualification happens.
- The underlying belief you need to have to make others qualify to you.
Inside Adventure Projections you will learn:
- Exactly what adventure projections are and how to use them to spark attraction.
- Example of an adventure projection you can use.
- How I used an adventure projection to accelerate the level of rapport and attraction with a girl I met.
- How to tell your adventure projections for maximum impact.
- An NLP secret to make the girl experience whatever you want.
- Tips to easily structure your adventure projections in a way that causes attraction.
Inside Push / Pull you will learn:
- Why Push pull is considered the most powerful attraction technique.
- Exactly how push pull works.
- Examples of pushes.
- Examples of pulls.
- How to deliver your pushes and pulls.
- How to practice this skill.
Inside Social Proof you will learn:
- Why having high status friends makes you attractive to women.
- How social proof works not only with women but in every other area of life.
- How social proof is impacting your everyday decisions.
- Different examples of how people built social proof.
- How you can star using social proof from where you are right now.
- Why power is an aphrodisiac to women.
- How power works to attract women.
- How your subcommunications telegraph if you have social proof or not.
- Why men and women want sex to have social proof.
Inside investment and Validation you will learn:
- What investment means and how it works to attract women.
- Why we want things that are hard to get.
- Understand the subtle dynamics that make women invest.
- The energetic key to getting investment from girls.
- Why you must release negativity to make girls invest in you.
- How to see investment happening in interactions around you.
- The subcommunications you should have to make girls invest.
- Why your value is always changing.
- How validation works.
- The two ways in which you can use validation to attract girls.
- The relationship between the dominance hierarchy and the need for validation.
Inside the Operational Manual you will learn:
Example after example of how to apply The Attraction Formulas in conversations with girls, you will get many lines that you can use right away.
Inside the insane bonus package of breakdowns of the world’s most attractive men you will see:
- Exactly how to tease a woman to make her feel attraction for you.
- You’ll learn how to frame yourself in a high status way, as higher value than her so that she feels attracted to you.
- Gain a deep understanding of how to pass women’s test, why they happen and exactly how to overcome them. You will see this happening on some of the clips I have included in the bonus package.
- I’ll show you a simple but incredibly powerful technique that needs cero brain power that any man can do it even if you have no idea how to flirt with women to make her laugh, to make her giggle and to make her attracted to you.
- You will see how banter works, you will see it happening right before your eyes, and I’ll explain to you how you can do it starting as soon as you get inside.
- You will learn how to build a dynamic where woman have no choice but to start chasing you like little girls.
- You will understand how to frame other men as lower status so that you become the most valuable man in the girl’s reality. (Evil Stuff use at your own discretion)
- I’ll show you how most men give away their power to other men and how to prevent this from happening.
- You will know how to transition from topic to topic really fast so that chaos is created and she has no choice but to get sucked into your attractive frame.
- You will learn why the bad boy attitude is attractive to women. You will see how this bad boy attitude works and why it generates massive attraction in women.
- I’ll show you how to use a very simple little comment to frame yourself as the prize and to spike attraction in women
- I’ll give you a very simple line to introduce yourself to women that will set you up from the beginning of the interaction as the man that understands attraction.
- Gain a deep understanding of how to say things to make women attracted. (Most of communication with women is non-verbal)
- I’m going to explain to you how to become a sexual threat to women so that sex is part of the frame and they conclude you know what you are doing and let you sleep with them fast.
I’ll show you the way you should look to women to subcommunicate that sex is going to happen. (prizeless). - Discover the simple technique to frame women as sexual objects in a way that they feel horny around you all the time.
- You will understand how to use your tone and facial expressions to subcommunicate your higher status.
- You’ll discover how to use statements of intent to make women giggle like little girls and charm them all the way to bed.
- Get precise lines that you can say immediately to set a sexual frame to make women blush and fluster and want to fuck you.
- See more shit tests from women in action and how to use humor to disarm them.
- See a frame battle between men and understand how to end on top.
- Why compliments are important and exactly how to use them to melt women’s panties off.
- Learn how to speak with so much charisma that you charm entire groups of women.
- Learn to spike a woman’s emotions so hard by teasing her so that she laughs uncontrollably.
- See the precise facial expressions you need to subcommunicate lust to a woman, so that she unconsciously gets turn on.
- See how to smile at the end of anything that you say so that you automatically subcommunicate that you are the bad boy they all dream off.
- Learn the simple trick to be able to say anything to a woman and get away with it.
- See how a hot girl qualifies herself to a high status man and understand why and how to do get women in your life looking for your validation.
- Discover the secret to framing yourself as the leader of any group so that women know you are the alpha of any group.
- See social conditioning in action.
- Understand how society brainwashes you to act like a beta male loser that repels women.
- See how you were forced to accept a frame where you supplicate to women.
- See how an attractive man dominates the frame among some very angry women.
- Know how to win any argument by leading it to where you want it to go.
- More shit tests and more techniques to pass them.
- Understand how to use tone to charm all the ladies.
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