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Exploring the Essential Features of “Gene Ang – The Arcturian Spectrum Suite Healing Program”
Rapidly Transform Your Consciousness
With a Spectrum of Healing Frequencies and Energies Focused on the 7 Planes of Nature
The Arcturian Spectrum Healing Frequencies include time-vault sessions that include:
- Arcturian Dimensional Bridge healing frequencies that relax, center, cleanse and energize the subtle bodies
- Arcturian Shadow Frequency with an emphasis on the physical level
- Metatron, Melchizedek & Arcturian Mandala Healing Frequencies
- Arcturian Repatterning of Cells which works at the cellular and DNA level
- Arcturian-Metatron Physical Device for Longevity and then Rejuvenation
Felt Grounded and Connected as Never Experienced Before
Gene Ang is a master healer and teacher. The Reconnection healing that I experienced with him was very powerful and I highly recommend it. I have gone to various healers over the years, some very powerful. And I can say confidently that he is one of the best. After the session, I felt very grounded and connected in a way that I have never experienced before. I felt great physically, emotionally and spiritually. It has been months since the session and I still feel very positive and emotionally peaceful. I look forward to seeing him again for another healing session. He has a very gentle soul and an endearing spirit. And the fact that he is a Yale graduate makes him all the more interesting, credible and trustworthy!
S. H.
Southampton, PA
The Arcturian Time Vault Healing Sessions

The intention behind this set of 7 45-minute MP3 recordings is to provide a full range of Arcturian Healing Method frequencies to work on any problem, issue, concern, person, place, or animal. The idea is that in the future, for example 300 hundred years from now, if there were no more Arcturian Healing Method sources on the planet, you could find this set of mp3s in a hypothetical time-vault and use them to connect with the Arcturians and go through your issue or problem and help transform it and your consciousness. This program is meant to be timeless and to evolve as the Arcturian Healing Method frequencies evolve on the planet.

Each session focuses on a different Plane of Nature of the issue at hand. The 7 Planes of Nature from the densest to the most subtle and include the physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal (karmic), spiritual (soul), and divine. For example, time-vault session one focuses primarily on the physical dimension of the issue and uses Arcturian Healing Method frequencies geared towards this dimension. The idea is that by the time you have used all seven sessions on your problem, the process has thoroughly gone through all the possible dimensions of it. You can then take a break to allow the information to unpack.
At a later point in time, you can go through the seven sessions again or use individual sessions as you see fit. Using the program again would be working on the problem at a higher turn of the spiral.
Special Emphasis and Use of the Arcturian Shadow Frequency (ASF)

This is the first time that the Arcturian Shadow Frequency (ASF) has been used in a group public setting. The ASF frequency works on the energy emanations and vibrations cast by a person or object’s shadow. The shadow is this context does not refer to the hidden psychological aspects of a person as normally used in most healing contexts.
The shadow cast by an object contains unique vibrational qualities that can affect the rest of the objects subtle bodies including the physical body. Working with the vibrations of the shadow allow for unique healing effects to occur.
Each time capsule session has a special portion of the session dedicated towards using the ASF frequency with a particular emphasis on that subtle body (i.e., physical, etheric, emotional, etc.)
Maturation and Evolution of the Morphogenic Field of the Arcturian Healing Method Frequencies

Another intention embedded into the program is that the morphogenic field of the frequencies used will evolve over time. As you use the program, the frequencies that come through during the playing of the mp3 will be more evolved in the future because the Arcturian Healing Modality and the frequencies are becoming more complex as more classes are taught, more people are using this particular program, and as people who connect to the program evolve in their consciousness. This translates into the mp3 sessions being even more effective and complex over time. Each time you utilize the program you will be able to derive increased benefit from it.

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Value: $250
Runtime: 45 minutes
Time Vault Session One
In this session, your problem or issue will be worked on by various Arcturian Healing Method Frequencies geared towards its physical aspect.

The session starts out with using the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) healing frequencies to relax and center and then cleanse and energize all your subtle bodies. We then utilize the unique Arcturian Shadow Frequency (ASF) with an emphasis on the physical level. This is followed by the Metatron, Melchizedek & Arcturian (MMA) Mandala Healing Frequency with a physical emphasis and then the use of the Arcturian Repatterning of Cells (ARC) which works at the cellular and DNA level. Finally, the process ends with the Arcturian-Metatron Physical Device for Longevity and then Rejuvenation.
Value: $250
Runtime: 45 minutes
Time Vault Session Two
In this session, your problem or issue is handled from an etheric point of view. The etheric body is the same as the body of prana, chi, or bioenergy. This is where the acupuncture meridians exist in the human energy field.

The session starts out with using the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) healing frequencies to relax and center and then cleanse and energize all your subtle bodies. We then use the unique Arcturian Shadow Frequency (ASF) but this time with an etheric emphasis. This followed by the Melchizedek Garment of Light frequency which imbues your etheric body with thousands of frequencies in resonance with the spiritual being known as Melchizedek. This is followed by the Arcturian-Metatron Etheric Device for Psychic Surgery and then the Arcturian Red Dragon Earth Regenerative Energies for an energetic boost to the etheric and physical body.
Value: $250
Runtime: 45 minutes
Time Vault Session Three
This session focuses on the emotional body. Most of humanity and its problems or issues relate specifically to the emotional body.

We start out the session with the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) healing frequencies to relax and center and then cleanse and energize all your subtle bodies. We then use the unique Arcturian Shadow Frequency (ASF) with an emotional body emphasis. This is followed by Metatron, Melchizedek & Arcturian (MMA) Mandala Healing Frequency with an emotional emphasis. Next, we use the Arcturian-Metatron Astral Device for Samskara Clearing Frequency. Samskaras are emotional scars held over from various lifetimes that currently affect us in a subconscious way. Then we finish off with an Arcturian Dragon merged healing. This allows the shamanic power of the Arcturian Dragons to come through for balancing of the emotional body for particularly difficult issues.
Value: $250
Runtime: 45 minutes
Time Vault Session Four
This session focuses on the Mental body and includes a full entity removal process. Entities can be defined as crystallized thought forms, astral fragments, disincarnate human beings, or detrimental spiritual beings.

We start out the session with the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) healing frequencies to relax and center and then cleanse and energize all your subtle bodies. We then use the unique Arcturian Shadow Frequency (ASF) but with a mental body emphasis. We then go through the full Arcturian Entity Removal Protocol. This involves using three distinct frequencies: the Arcturian Freeze Frequency (AFF) which freezes the entity or entities in place, the Arcturian Clearing Frequency (ACF) which clears the entities, and finally the Arcturian Restore Frequency (ARF) which restores your spiritual immune system back to balance. We conclude with the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) healing frequencies to integrate the entire session.
Value: $250
Runtime: 45 minutes
Time Vault Session Five
Here we start to work on the more causative aspects of our issues beginning with the karmic blueprints we carry. All the frequencies in this session are directed towards the causal body.

We start with the preliminary portions of the session using the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) healing frequencies to relax and center and then cleanse and energize all your subtle bodies. We then use the Arcturian Shadow Frequency (ASF) with an emphasis directed towards the causal body. We then use the Metatron, Melchizedek & Arcturian (MMA) Mandala Healing Frequency with a causal body emphasis. Next, we use the Arcturian-Metatron Causal Device for karmic clearing followed by using the same device for creating positive karmic imprints. These two frequencies can be thought of as channeling Divine Grace to modify the cause and effects of our issues. Finally, we use the Arcturian Vogel Crystal Healing Frequencies with an emphasis on the causal body.
Value: $250
Runtime: 45 minutes
Time Vault Session Six
The spiritual body or dimension carries the blueprints and information at the soul level.

We start with the preliminary portions of the session using the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) healing frequencies to relax and center and then cleanse and energize all your subtle bodies. We then use the Arcturian Shadow Frequency (ASF) with an emphasis directed towards the spiritual body. Next, we use the Arcturian-Metatron Spiritual Device first for Timeline Switching or Consolidation. We then use the same device to channel healing frequencies to clear ancestral patterns followed by a frequency to download the appropriate Akashic Record Reading information into your field in packed form. Finally, the session concludes with using the Metatron, Melchizedek & Arcturian (MMA) Mandala Healing Frequency geared towards the spiritual body.
Value: $250
Runtime: 45 minutes
Time Vault Session Seven
The divine dimension or body is defined as that dimension of consciousness where we are unified with the Godhead. That being said it does not become unbalanced. However, our awareness of the divine aspect of ourselves can be blocked and therefore unbalanced. This session is geared toward restoring that awareness of our divinity that is already inside us to our full waking awareness.

The session starts with the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) healing frequencies to relax and center and then cleanse and energize all your subtle bodies. We then use the Arcturian Shadow Frequency (ASF) with an emphasis on our divine dimension. This is followed by the Metatron, Melchizedek & Arcturian (MMA) Mandala Healing Frequency geared towards the divine body. We then use the Arcturian Awakening Frequency (AAF) followed by the Arcturian Whale Frequency to restore our divine awareness to ourselves. Finally, we end by integrating the session so that it unpacks rapidly and successfully using the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) healing frequencies.
Discount: 94% Off
Total Value: $1,750
You Wealth Special Offer: $97
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Special Added Bonus EXPIRED
Arcturian Super-Immune System Booster Session
Runtime: 30 minutes

This Arcturian healing session uses a unique combination of healing frequencies to bolster your immune system to help fight off infection or immune system processes. Also, it will balance the immune system response in the case of autoimmune diseases so that the immune system will not react to cells considered as self.*
The session includes the following sequence of Arcturian Healing Method frequencies:
- Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) to Relax and Center
- Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) to Cleanse and Energize
- Arcturian Super-Immune Booster Frequency to charge and balance the immune system
- Arcturian-Metatron Causal Device for Karmic Clearing
- Arcturian-Metatron Physical Device for Longevity
- Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) for Integration
*DISCLAIMER: The information on this post is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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Total Value: $1,750
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Light Manifests Within Us Every Day
The Reconnection healings that my family and I have changed all our lives tremendously. The whole ‘Frequency shift’ and ‘grid alignment’ which occurs as part of the healing has alerted (in a pleasant sense) my awareness to my life’s purpose. We have also been instrumental in spreading the ‘reconnection word’ to let others know of the great benefits that come your way after being ‘connected’. It is a ‘living’ change and breaks you away from a static way of life. We have since been presented with circles of light and light manifests within us every day. I cannot fully express my sincere thanks to Gene and his channeling abilities for the major benefits we are all experiencing on an hour-to-hour basis.
B. L.
Milbury, MA
Dream Vacation Energized and Manifested
In early 2007, our eldest daughter who lives in Europe asked us to spend time with her family in Frankfurt, Germany as well as spend 2 weeks vacation in September at Costa del Sol in Spain. We gladly accepted at the chance to spend time with them and our precious granddaughter. We opted for Marriott Playa Andaluza resort along the Mediterranean Sea that is very popular amongst the Europeans. We immediately got a booking for 1 week, but we needed 2 weeks. For many months, I prayed for the other week at least once each day. I did Novenas, I lighted candles and meditated on this 1 week to be granted to us. August rolled in and panic set in! However, the Universe interceded that lead me to ask Gene to help me energize this 1 week vacation to be manifested. We agreed on the 4 sessions. It was incredulous that immediately after the 2nd session, I felt that a phone call will soon grant me the remaining 1 week. The next day I got my wish! I could never thank Gene’s amazing and remarkable focus, energy and intent to alter and remove blockages to achieve the reality that I sought. We had a fabulous 3 weeks bonding with my daughter and her family.
Consequently, in addition to meditation and prayers, I have no doubt that Gene’s sessions will help me achieve and turn my many wishes, dreams, requests and intentions to reality!
Sally Snyder
Ridgefield, CT
The Ultimate Attitude Adjustment
For me, this is the ultimate “attitude adjustment.” During the healing, wonderful sensations of an orderly and loving energy flows through my body. The feelings of peace and harmony that persist long after the healing is done convince me these healings are somehow aligning and nourishing my body, mind, and spirit.
B. B.
Colchester, CT
Nothing Less than Miraculous
My experiences with Dr. Ang were nothing less than miraculous… in my opinion. I walked into my “reconnection” having no clue as to what it was about or what to expect. I just trusted that you would not have suggested it if it wasn’t something that could and would benefit my healing. I know you sent some information on the book… but I never had time to investigate it at all so I was truly clueless upon entering into these sessions. I think, in retrospect, this was a blessing in disguise.
What happened to me (especially the second session) was unbelievable. It was the closest thing to my near death experiences as anything could be… truly crossed over into another place, or many places, for a period of time. As I shared with Dr. Ang, I quickly learned that my experience was similar in many ways to the man who wrote the book… the places he went to and the experiences he had. This was unbelievable to me, as I had no prior knowledge. This is huge confirmation for me. I feel, for the first time in my life, that I am not alone.
Radical changes are taking place in my life. These things are deeper than I ever imagined and some are very, very painful to get through. But I have my heart wide open as God takes this burden from me and I can only pray that I am a person who loves deeper and more truly in the end. I am trying to be courageous as I do now believe that I am surrounded by Love and an entire Host that I cannot see with my eyes, but must feel with my heart and spirit. I cry every day… without exception …but these tears are cleansing. It is the way it has to be for now.
Thank you, so much, for being a part of the healing that is taking place within me. You have no idea the depth to which it is reaching.
L. M.
Sarasota, FL
The Return of Musical Inspiration
One clear vision I had during my Reconnection was that Gene and I have done The Reconnection for each other in various lives over a period of millennia. I felt little during my Reconnection but my life has significantly changed for the better since the experience. The main gain has been the return of my musical inspiration. For years I have not even touched the piano. When I was very young I was a professional musician but set it aside to focus on spiritual and religious pursuits. Since Gene facilitated my Reconnection in May (seven months ago) I have composed six new compositions and posted them as videos on YouTube. People are asking me to make a c.d., which is something I haven’t thought about in many years. My healing work has shifted and my clients have been consistently telling me their sessions have become suddenly deeper and more transformative. I also see more clairvoyantly when I am working on clients. My experience of The Reconnection with Gene Ang has led me to train in Reconnective Healing and to offer it to others. I am excited and hopeful about my healing work and the possibilities for my clients.
Rev. A. Cowan
Accomplishments Beyond My Wildest Dreams
My curiosity about the ‘2012 Shift’ brought me to a workshop where Dr. Ang was one of four presenters. Of all four Dr. Ang gave the best presentation. His gentle, inspiring, intelligent demeanor combined with his positive, honest, sincere energy compelled me to sign up for a Reconnective Healing session, and I bought Dr. Pearls book. I got through a couple of chapters before my session and so my expectations were very high. I did experience a deep sense of relaxation and sense of heaviness while on the table, but nothing like I’d anticipated.
After the session, while peacefully swimming on my back in my cousin’s pool I smacked my head and wound up with a mild concussion. ‘Just my luck,’ I thought, ‘everyone else gets a spiritual experience, and I get a concussion!’ Needless to say, having the x-ray was important because it documented an unidentifiable mass in the lower left corner of my gray matter. I know that whatever it was it’s been arrested (there has been no growth since the last x-ray) as a result of my work with The Reconnection. Dr. Ang gave me my Reconnection within the next month- two months later I completed the Level I & II trainings. Three months later I completed the Level III and I now facilitate about 3 to 4 Reconnective healing sessions a month and have had the privilege of facilitating 4 Reconnections.
Since my Reconnection I have been able to accomplish things beyond my wildest dreams! My effectiveness as a clinician has increased and my creativity has soared. I’ve trademarked a new theory of psychology, begun public speaking, made a commercial and have been on a local TV interview! I have truly begun to live my dreams! As I was picking up flyers (that I created myself, to be distributed in our local holistic magazine ‘The Door Opener’) I had tears of gratitude, in my eyes at the print shop. I told the clerk ‘it’s taken me 10 years to be ready to advertise with the holistic community.’ And now, I’m even hosting events for pillars of the holistic community!
So, when I read the testimonials of folks who have had the Reconnection and they say they are finding their purpose in life, I know exactly what they mean. For me, Gene has been the catalyst, because without him, I wouldn’t have tried ‘another modality’. He has truly helped me to begin completing a task that my deceased grandmother assigned me — 37 years ago — ‘Celeste should start a consciousness-raising school.’ And the opening is scheduled for the Spring!
So, Dr. Gene Ang, I thank you and so do all my ancestors, my patients and all my future students. Thank you and I look forward to our continued work together.
Celeste M.
Bloomfield, CTI don’t know how it works, but I know that it does. I have consulted Gene for the removal of barriers for various important but mundane occasions (house sale, an important meeting, the pregnancy and delivery of my second son, new home purchase, and more) and EVERY time the result has been excellent. Since the time of my Reconnection (done in person) and my Reconnective Healing (performed remotely) I have had quantum leaps in my spiritual and personal development. I wouldn’t say that Gene’s work created these developments, but that they caused subtle shifts and openings leading to tremendous changes, both felt and seen. I liken it to the movement of tectonic plates. Gene is a neutral and powerful channel for this work. Neutral in the best sense of the word: his presence is steady, calm and non-judgmental so that as a personality he almost disappears. Be Reconnected by Gene; it will change your life for the better.
G. M.
Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaIn May of 2015 I went bowling and felt something had shifted in my knee by mid-June I was seeing an orthopedic doctor for the pain who concluded I had a tear and I was scheduled for surgery. I attended the Arcturian Healing Level Method Level 1 and 2 classes the last weekend in June. The next week I started physical therapy I went three times and every time I went I kept saying it felt fine that day, I have since canceled my surgery and have been pain free. The only conclusion I could come up with is the Arcturian Healing Method modality, I am ever so grateful.
J. W.
Lowell, MassachusettsI think the Arcturian Healing Method is AWESOME. It’s cutting edge and the Arcturian Healing Light is beautiful. Its quality feels pure, alive, and beautiful. I continue to feel great today as I did after being worked on in class. I’m in total agreement in treating underlying issues—not symptoms. That said, some things happened today that demonstrated a significant inner shift in myself. It will be interesting to see how things unfold over the next few days and weeks. All I can say is that I feel grateful. And I woke up today without nasal congestion (I know this is a symptom but I had to mention it). It’s one thing to clear sinuses in a healing session, but if this clearing continues without additional healings, I’ll be one happy camper.
Linda Kamisato
New JerseyGene is the teacher I have been waiting for! Years before the class I was guided that I am a multidimensional healer. At that time I didn’t even know what those words meant, let alone what it would look like in real life. After having the AHL Level 1 class, I understood the term multidimensional healer and had the tools to bring it to my everyday life! Thank you!
Nancy Cook
I just want to thank you for the training in AHL! It was an amazing experience. Applying the principles while we were all together was very helpful as it really solidified and validated the information. The Double exercise was great for me because the person who I did the healing for was very visually psychic and was able to describe for me what I had done for her. She saw me come to her and pull stuff out of her head, I put a symbol into her heart of an eye, I worked on her knees with what looked like a metal tool (that afterwards looked like the squiggle line in the Arcturian symbol for travel) and then I think I did something on her feet. It was amazing for me because it immediately gave me proof that it was real (which I know it is anyway, but the right brain needs continual retraining) and I was then so much more open. Each exercise demonstrated to me that the tools and methods worked and were very powerful. I left the training feeling like I finally, after 10 years of pursuing holistic modalities to help people, had something that truly resonated with me that I felt I could immediately use.
Rebecca Wuenschel
MassachusettsThank you so much for all of this. I love what you are doing, and resonate with it so much… I also wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your workshop immensely!!! I’ve been doing most of these techniques in my healings for some time now. However, you presented them all in a very neat package (ha, ha) …couldn’t resist saying that. I loved how you used the spoon bending technique to show that this really does work!!!
Sherry Smith
Andover, Massachusetts
About Dr. Gene Ang

Gene Ang, Ph.D. has a healing practice based in Westlake Village, California and sees clients utilizing a number of healing modalities including Pranic Healing, Reconnective Healing, the Reconnection, Shamanic Healing, and Vortex Healing. In addition, he teaches a number of seminars that focus on the integration of science, spirituality, and healing. He travels around the United States facilitating healing sessions and workshops.
He was formally trained as a Neurobiologist at Yale University where he earned his doctorate in basic mechanisms of how the brain develops followed by a post-doctoral fellowship on how ultrasound can affect the developing cerebral cortex.
After his post-doctoral fellowship, Gene decided to step into the role of a facilitator of healing in order to directly interact with helping people. Most of his work centers around the use of subtle energy to help align the subtle energy body, its channels, meridians, and energy centers to help restore balance and harmony so that healing can occur whether it be physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual.
Gene does not see himself as the healer but simply as part of the interconnectedness that occurs when facilitator, client, and Source/Love/God interact to bring healing forth. He sees his teaching engagements and seminars as an extension of this interaction that occurs on multiple dimensions to bring wholeness and understanding to all involved.
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