*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “God Tier Ads Workshops”
Product Details
12+ hours of over the shoulder video audits and account analysis.
Lead Gen videos include: How to save a Local Services Ad Account
1 hour reviewing local service account for window repair and installation. The cost per lead metrics are up to an eye-watering $2,000, I’m confident there’s scope for less than $100 leads, and without losing lead volume.
Consolidate, Restrucutre & Fix
- 1hr 40 minutes reviewing Financial services industry.
- Covering a lot of bases including consolidating after recent mixed results.
- The account needs a restructure and refresher!
B2B high CPC and Low Conversions
- To move the needle, I look at: location targets, overlap and consolidation (for easier account management).
- Landing page copy recommendations competitors and positioning (how you beat them).
- Remarketing ideas and more.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/