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Exploring the Essential Features of “Gray Cook – Key Functional Exercises You Should Know“
Gain clarity on the distinctions between functional and corrective exercise with Gray Cook in this enlightening lecture captured live on DVD. Throughout this 3-disc set, filmed at Perform Better in Long Beach, California, in August 2012, Gray delves into the corrective hierarchy, outlining the unique goals of each type of exercise and elucidating their respective benefits and challenges.
Discover Gray’s top exercise selections in the category of Key Functional Exercises You Should Know, namely the chop & lift, the deadlift, and the Turkish getup. For each exercise, he not only provides detailed variations and verbal instructions but also conducts live demonstrations with on-the-fly corrections. The comprehensive coverage extends to commentary and a question-and-answer session.
Gray challenges trainers, corrective exercise specialists, and enthusiasts to ask the crucial question: “Why is this important?” Beyond determining whether an exercise works, Gray encourages a deeper understanding of how and why it works. Explore the nuanced goals of each exercise and their tailored application to individual clients, prompting thoughtful consideration of your fitness regimen.
Running for a total of 2 hours and 40 minutes, this 3-disc DVD set includes a PDF of the workshop manual and Gray’s PowerPoint slides for a comprehensive learning experience.
Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your understanding of functional and corrective exercise with Gray Cook’s thought-provoking insights, pushing you to explore the intricacies of your fitness routines.
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