*** Proof of Product ***

Exploring the Essential Features of “I Love Marketing 2 (2012)”
After all this you are probably thinking…
“This Sounds Great! But… How Much Is I The Love Marketing 2 Home Study Course Going To Cost Me?”
Well, nothing if you apply what you learn to your business! What I mean is this is an “education” that pays for itself.
Now, I don’t want to scare you off by calling it an “education,” after all, you are going to have so much fun and meet so many other awesome entrepreneurs that the experience alone will transform your life. But, when you leave with my “Success Blueprint” in hand….all the work is done for you so you have a “robotic” system of proven money making strategies ready to plug and play.
So in reality it doesn’t “cost” a thing… it’s an investment that keeps paying you for years to come.
And I know from personal experience that if you don’t change what you’ve been doing, you’ll probably waste hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on marketing and business strategies that don’t work over the next few months. If you add up the money you will most likely waste trying to “figure it all out by yourself”…you’d probably be shocked.
Save all that money that you would have wasted, and instead do what thousands of other smart entrepreneurs have done, follow in the footsteps of success. Before you know it, you’ll be making lots and lots of money… plus you’ll be having fun in your business.
To tell you the truth it’s hard to put a value on an event that makes people hundreds of thousands of dollars. Just how do you put a price on that? I could easily be charging $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 dollars for the Home Study Course of this event.
People pay much more than that for events that don’t give them a fraction of the money making tools, strategies and resources you will get from me. But I am not asking that price for the Home Study Course of this event.
Not even close.
And the reason I don’t ask $5-$10k is I want it to be “reachable” for as many businesses as possible. People say we are living in a “new economy” and it’s not in a good way. People long for the days when the money came easy just because the economy was rich with cash.
Some people say those days are over for now. But I’m telling you for a fact… those days are NOT over… not if you have the “proven path and plan” from me.
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