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Exploring the Essential Features of “Igor Ledochowski – Hypnosis Diploma School”
Dear Reader,
I want you to imagine, if you will, that you and I are both relaxing in comfy leather chairs in a plush hotel lounge, and we’re chatting away together.
I want you to imagine further that after some social friendly chit-chat I pose the following question to you:
Please re-read (or better still re-listen) to that question and ponder it.
Then, check in with yourself to see what kind of answers come up from within you
Take your time. There’s no rush.
The most important thing is to properly engage with the question and then relax enough to allow your own answers to emerge – and then trust in those answers.
For your benefit – here is the question again:
“If you and I were having this conversation in the future and you were to look back to today, what kind of progress – both personally and professionally — would you like to have made with hypnosis for you to feel like you’ve accomplished something significant, something truly transformational?”
Check within and “listen to your inner wisdom” to see what answers emerge for you.
Now, after some introspection on that question – (and if you are the kind of growth-orientated person who I believe you are) – you may find these kinds of answers and insights coming up for you:
Drop people into beneficial waking trances any where at any time!
Be seen as a respected authority in the world of hypnosis or general therapy
Have a sustainable, successful, solution-focused hypnosis, hypnotherapy or general therapy practice with plenty of ecstatic clients!
Create a lifestyle with plenty of freedom, plenty of income and plenty of time to travel based around my knowledge of hypnosis
Make a lasting, positive difference in my extended community through my hypnosis knowledge and skills!
Earn the respect and admiration of my family, friends and colleagues for what I’ve been able to achieve through my knowledge of hypnosis
Become so accomplished that I can use my skills ethically and seamlessly in both therapeutic & non-therapeutic settings either openly or covertly as the situation at the time calls for!
Now… if you find yourself nodding your head thinking “Yeah, those are the kind of answers I’m getting for myself!”…
It Means Two Things Are True For You:
The first thing that is true for you is this: you have it within your power to realize and accomplish the future-generated pictures in your head that arose from answering the question I posed to you…
The second thing that is true for you is as follows: because you got (from answering the question) the kind of answers I just listed, it means you are one of those rare people that has vision.
And since you have vision for who you’d like to be and what you’d like to achieve with hypnosis — it means, in all likelihood, you are going to be a good fit for the landmark…
What is the Hypnosis Diploma School?
In a nutshell – the Hypnosis Diploma School is a 4-year accelerated growth experience program for people with a vision of what they want to achieve with hypnosis (2 Year “Fast-Track” also possible).
In many ways it is a visionary program for visionary people.
The overall goal of the Hypnosis Diploma School is to transform you, from whoever you are now and wherever you currently are in your development, into THAT person who is unequivocally considered…
A Major Force & Major Talent In The Field Of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Without Spending Decades Getting There!
How will the Hypnosis Diploma School establish you as a major force and major talent in the fields?
Well, first of all…
The Hypnosis Diploma School is modeled upon the 5 key attributes that Milton Erickson himself utilized and leveraged in order to establish himself as, arguably, the greatest, most well-respected, results-effective hypnotist who has ever lived.
Likewise, the Hypnosis Diploma School will (through a progressive and augmented experienced-based approach to training and development) build within you the same 5 key attributes that took Milton Erickson from poor, paralyzed farm-boy to the pinnacle of the hypnosis world.
So, to recap: the 5 key attributes (modeled from Milton Erickson’s life) will “shape” the overall guiding philosophy and design of the experienced-based approach that drives the various skills training components of the Hypnosis Diploma School.
Of course, to become a major force (and major talent) at anything in a no-fuss way, you need more than just the overall guiding philosophy – you also need…
And it is structure and sequence where the new Hypnosis Diploma School really comes into its own.
In fact, in the world of hypnosis training and development there is nothing else like the Hypnosis Diploma School. Not anywhere.
Yes, there are many different hypnosis training resources out there (many created and offered by me).
But until now, there has NEVER been a fully structured and sequenced accelerated skills growth experience program (driven by the philosophy of the 5 key attributes Milton Erickson himself followed) that can be…
…personally adapted to fit you and your unique goals.
The Hypnosis Diploma School
Finally Fills That Hole!
As in the gap between where and who you are now — to where and who you want to be both in the future.
The art to traversing that gap in the most expedient and comfortable way possible is incumbent upon 3 things:
You must address and strengthen your weaknesses that are holding you back.
You must nurture and make the most of your strengths.
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You must identify and make the most of the resources required to turn you into the person capable of realizing and accomplishing your vision.
Makes sense, right?
Now, what I have found from working with and training 10,000s of people in hypnosis is that most weaknesses are not personal character weaknesses – but skills weaknesses.
As such, most, if not all weaknesses you have when it comes to hypnosis can be overcome (or at least strengthened) by developing and acquiring better hypnosis skills.
The Good News…
The Hypnosis Diploma School elegantly addresses the skills gap (weaknesses) — as you will see in just a moment.
Let’s move onto strengths…
When it comes to nurturing and making the most of your strengths — the most important strengths to have if you want to establish yourself as a major force and major talent in the world of hypnosis and hypnotherapy are:
Strength 1First, deciding that hypnosis is going to be your specific area of focus to excel at… and therefore… also having…
…a burning desire to be the best hypnotist it is possible for you to be… and…
Strength 2A genuine desire to use your hypnosis talents to make a positive difference in the world-at-large.
To be fair, most aspiring and advanced hypnotists (like you) do have those two desires. And they are admirable qualities.
The problem comes from the fact that no matter how well-trained or skillful you are, you probably don’t know how to build the necessary professional contacts and relationships within your social circle and the world-at-large to the point where…
You Are Pursued & Personally Sought
Out For Your Hypnosis Talent
But that’s no longer going to be a problem for you.
Because once again, The Hypnosis Diploma School will show you how to naturally and authentically build a wide network of professional contacts and relationships within your extended social circle and the world-at-large.
That way you’ll be setting up the dynamic necessary for you to be pursued and personally sought out for your hypnosis talents.
More on how that will be achieved within the scope of the Hypnosis Diploma School in a moment.
For now, the other area you’ll need to address, as you’ll remember, is your resources.
Resources can be tangible (like, say, certifications, or skills training) or they can be intangible (like the way you conduct yourself and how you “move through the world” as a person and as a hypnotist).
Either way, in order to become a major force and major talent in the world of hypnosis — it’s imperative that you identify and maximize the key driver resources you need to make use of to get you there.
Most people, left to their own devices and cut-off from a larger hypnosis community that provides a “support system” and guidance — have no idea how to first identify and then maximize the key driver resources.
As such, most people, left to their own devices, develop as a hypnotist only to a certain point, only to plateau and get stuck (and frustrated) not knowing how to turn their hypnosis skills and knowledge into something that has any meaningful purpose.
They Feel Like A Thoroughbred Horse
That Hasn’t Got A Race To Run!
And by extension, quickly get dejected with the whole hypnosis thing when nobody recognizes their talent!
…that will no longer be a problem for you.
Because the good news is the Hypnosis Diploma School has been purposefully set up and structured to plug you into the key driver resources that you will ultimately need to establish your reputation and status as a major force and major talent in the world of hypnosis.
Bottom line:
From A Big-Picture View…
All bases are covered in the Hypnosis Diploma School as far as closing the gap between where you are now to who you want to be both in the near future and where you want to be in the future. That is conclusive.
But what about the specific elements and components of the new Hypnosis Diploma School itself?
Let’s cover those now.
First, There Are The 3 Skills Training
Components. These Include:
Skills Training Component 1The Hypnosis Skills Training Course.
Skills Training Component 2The Applied Conversational Hypnosis Skills Course.
Skills Training Component 3The Professional Skills Coaching Course.
Let’s look in more detail at what’s included in each of the 3 main training components that make up The Hypnosis Diploma School, and what each one will do for you:
1: Hypnosis Skills Training Course
The first structured training component of the syllabus is on hypnosis and hypnotherapy skills.
It’s called the Hypnosis Skills Training Course and each new module of the course is delivered to you every other week.
Every coaching module includes training, demonstrations and exercises for you to learn, practice and become more skilled and also perfectly prepares you for the next module!
Basically, through the modules of the Hypnosis Skills Training Course you will be developing all the most effective skills of Conversational Hypnotherapy, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and Ericksonian Transformational Storytelling.
Thus, in a very real way…
You Will Be Emulating Milton Erickson’s
Skill-Set And Ability As A Hypnotist
The Hypnosis Skills Training Course is a very exercise and experience driven process (where you get to actually work and practice with other people in the Hypnosis Diploma School).
And the theories and principles only come out of your actual experiences – this way you’ll be mirroring and emulating the way Erickson worked, first through experimentation, by having people to practice with, and then validating the key principles and theories.
2: Applied Conversational Hypnosis Skills Course
Applied Conversational Hypnosis CourseAlongside the Hypnosis Skills Training Course you’re going to have a second stream of coaching modules with the Applied Conversational Hypnosis Skills Course.
Again, each segment of the Applied Conversational Hypnosis Skills Course will be delivered to you every other week (in weeks you don’t have new Hypnosis Skills Training Modules) that you’ll be able to access from the online private membership area of the Hypnosis Diploma School.
And once again, the Applied Conversational Hypnosis Skills Course is a very exercise and experience driven process (where you get to actually work and practice with other people in the Hypnosis Diploma School) and the theories and principles only come out of your actual experiences.
Now the reason why we have a separate Applied Conversational Hypnosis Skills Course AND the Hypnosis Skills Training Course running alongside each other is an important one.
The Hypnosis Skills Training Course takes you through the aspects of actually helping people make lasting personal and powerful transformations.
The Applied Conversational Hypnosis Skills Training also allows you to do at least two things:
It allows you to build up the skills necessary to covertly create (through conversation) the right hypnotic context necessary for you to smoothly move into using the hypnotic change work skills (which you’ll get from the Hypnosis Skills Training Course).
The Applied Conversational Hypnosis Skills Training Course will allow you to get past people’s natural (instinctive) defense mechanisms, thus giving yourself the best “platform” to successfully do fast and smooth hypnotic change-work or hypnotic influence with the people you are communicating with.
Additionally, the skills you’ll learn and develop through the Applied Conversational Hypnosis Skills Training Course can be used (in isolation) to ethically inspire other people to want to work with you and hire you for your services in the first place.
In fact, in a few paragraphs I’ll tell you about one of my students who used the skills of the Applied Conversational Hypnosis to go from a struggling hypnotherapist to getting clients and – TRIPLING his income in the process and making him a “go-to” hypnotist in a very competitive area.
Bottom line:
The Hypnosis Skills Training Course will enable you to create huge and positive transformations in other people (getting yourself a rep as one of the best!), and the Applied Conversational Hypnosis Skills Training Course (used in “concert” with the Hypnosis Skills Course)…
That Will Raise Your “Game” To The Status Of A True Master In The World Of Hypnosis!
3: Professional Skills Coaching Course
Professional Skills Training Course The other stream that’s included in the Hypnosis Diploma School is the Professional Skills Coaching Course.
The main purpose of the Professional Skills Coaching Course is to enable you to create professional contacts and relationships with others you come into contact with.
If you want to generate a better than average income as a hypnotist it is imperative that you learn how to create professional contacts and relationships with people in your community.
Professional contacts and relationships are THE DEFINING CHARACTERISTIC that makes it possible for you to get the highest level of recognition, respect and financial rewards from your skills as a hypnotist.
It’s the Professional Skills Training that allowed the student I mentioned a few paragraphs back to triple his income in just 3 months.
He didn’t do any marketing or advertising (he actually took his website down). Nor did he do any traditional selling-type activities.
All he did was…
Learn How To Establish Himself As A True Professional Within His Community
Just by doing that (and it’s easier than you might imagine)…
He went from a position where he had to use his personal savings to support his hypnotherapy business to the position where his hypnotherapy practice is now supporting him.
He became financially stable and this was within just finishing only the first module of the Professional Skills Training Course.
Of course I can’t guarantee that you’ll triple your income in 3 months — but when you are in the Hypnosis Diploma School I can absolutely give you every single one of those tools that you will need.
And I can show you all the obstacles that will be in the way and how to solve those obstacles. I’ve done it myself and taught other people how to do it.
As long as you’re willing to be flexible and actually work the system, then I have every confidence that it will help establish the necessary professional contacts and relationships you will need in order to become a highly respected (and well-paid) hypnotist too.
Sound good?
Of course, I understand if building a private practice is not your main purpose for getting into hypnosis and hypnotherapy. And I’m not saying it should be.
However, when you are perceived as having indisputable authority in your field, you are in a position where people will seek you out for what you can do for them.
And getting well-rewarded for your talents and skills provides the validation that you really are on the right track in life.
Also, the fees that you will be able to generate enable you to re-invest into your ongoing personal and professional development.
And the more you develop yourself the better able you are to help more people in more impactful ways!
With all that said, the best way to establish and cement your identity (your inner conviction) that you are indeed an indisputable expert and authority in hypnosis is by…
Personally Mentoring Other Hypnotists
When You Are Ready To Do So
Which, let’s face it… you’re unlikely to get an opportunity to do outside of the Hypnosis Diploma School.
The Hypnosis Diploma School provides you with the perfect community, the most comfortable platform and support structure for you (when you are ready) to take on the role of a mentor to other junior hypnotists coming through the ranks.
Hey, don’t worry…
…you’ll never be left “blowing in the wind” in your role as a mentor. First, you’ll only ever mentor other hypnotists when you personally feel you’re ready to take on that role (it’s not obligatory, either).
And secondly, you will always have your own mentor guiding you through the process, helping you to work and practice hypnosis with other hypnotists that you engage with through the online video practice technology.
You’ll also be given specific and progressive mentoring practice exercises that you can conduct with a fellow hypnotist – so you’ll always have something new to practice… something that’s fresh and novel that allows you to experiment with hypnosis (in a teaching role) that ultimately will lead to the new insights for you that are not seen from the student role.
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Like the saying goes:
The Best Way To Learn Something
Is To Teach It!
Again, nobody is going to push you into mentoring. It is simply something that is available through the Hypnosis Diploma School for those of you that want to evolve and progress in your hypnosis career to the max.
(You’ll know yourself when you are ready once you have experienced some of the Hypnosis Diploma School, so don’t worry about it for now!).
There are more advantages to enrolling into the Hypnosis Diploma School… because…
You’ll Also Get Complimentary Access To Various Home-Study Programs During The School Syllabus
Including recordings of some high-level (and expensive) live seminar trainings I’ve put on over the years.
Altogether, you’ll have access to recordings of seminars that would have cost you THOUSANDS to attend individually.
But you will get exclusive complimentary access to those recordings as a member of the Hypnosis Diploma School.
Plus you’ll get a whole host of other surprises along the way that will continue to enhance your abilities as a professional hypnotist or hypnotherapist.
Bottom line:
Frankly, it took me well over 10 years and literally over $180,000 in out-of-pocket expense to go to live seminars and buy the time of other hypnosis experts to get me to the level I’m at today:
You, however, no longer have to take that “old,” costly, time-consuming route to becoming a major force and major talent in the field of hypnosis.
The Hypnosis Diploma School makes sure of that!
And at an investment that’s WAY LESS than the $180,000 it has cost me and other hypnotists that have reached world-class level and status by doing it the “old way” that usually took decades!
With the Hypnosis Diploma School you will never have to blindly search and “try out” different hypnotist trainers to teach you different techniques that will get you to the fulfilling (and financially rewarding) elite level.
Your quest to become a major force and major talent in the world of hypnosis is now simplified because the Hypnosis Diploma School…
Is The ONLY Training And Expert Coaching You
Will Need From This Point Forward!
And by the end of the program (or less, depending on how good you currently are or how fast you progress) you will be sitting proud and happy as a universally well-respected and well-sought-out and highly-rewarded hypnotist.
That’s how the Hypnosis Diploma School will take care of your future.
Of course, you need to come into the Hypnosis Diploma School with the right attitude. Specifically…
You will need to consider yourself a high-worth person (worthy of the best training and mentoring there is in the field of hypnosis).
You will need to have a genuine passion for hypnosis and a legitimate desire to become an elite level hypnotist with all the respect and rewards that go with that. And…
You will want to position yourself as a consummate professional and person of high-regard in your community (making it possible for you to have people seek you out personally for your hypnosis abilities).
And, you must commit to hypnosis being your one thing to excel at and in the doing so, you must be able to commit an hour a day to either learning from the skills training components of the program and / or practicing hypnosis with the mentors or your fellow students within the Hypnosis Diploma School community.
If you have those attitude attributes and you can commit just one hour a day on average to your passion of becoming an elite level hypnotist with all the respect, status and rewards that go with that… then… I have no trouble saying that the Hypnosis Diploma School will turn out to be the best investment you could ever make in your future as a hypnotist.
It will literally shave 10-years and almost $180,000 off your career curve as a hypnotist.
But There Is A Problem…
Lots of people ask (even plead!) for us to open up between registration openings because they missed out the previous times the school opened, but they have had to wait until now, so don’t make the same mistake and get left behind with this exciting opportunity this time around…
Plus registration is only being opened for a very short time too!
And because places are limited and capped until I’m comfortable in opening up some spots for a new intake — there are sure to be a lot of people disappointed with themselves because they will wait too long and will not make the cut into the Hypnosis Diploma School.
But you don’t need to be disappointed (like many people undoubtedly will be) because you can now get in ahead of the crowd and get your enrollment taken care of today.
And instead of having to pay out $180,000 like I did and like many other top-of-their-game hypnotists have done…
Of course if your life circumstances change and you decide to stop your diploma, we’ll cancel any future billing. You’ll NEVER be obligated to continue to pay for tuition if you have to leave unlike most college courses.
You know, there’s a saying about investing in yourself and your specialist education: “Pay for the best and cry once, pay for the cheapest and cry over and over”.
Point being: When you invest in your future through the Hypnosis Diploma School you are paying for the best.
I will not sell you any more than that. Because what it comes down to is this:
Do you really (and I mean REALLY) want to have the reputation of being a major force and major talent in the world of hypnosis?
Do you really (and I mean REALLY) want the wonderful fulfilling feeling (plus financially rewarding) of being a respected and dynamic hypnotist?
Your answer to those questions will either lead you into the Hypnosis Diploma School or they won’t. If you have the identity of a winner… and you just need the “Champions Blueprint” that is all structured and delivered through the Hypnosis Diploma School… you will do the right thing by yourself and enroll today.
Either way, only a very limited number of people registering before the Hypnosis Diploma School enrollment deadline will get in. Those people and the others who have already enrolled will emerge from the Hypnosis Diploma School experience as…
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