*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Ina Coveney – Master Genuine DM Conversations 2022”
In this pre-recorded workshop you will learn the art of starting genuine conversations over Social Media.
Experience the EXAMPLES and take on the CHALLENGES to turn your sleepy conversations into a conversion machine!
- How to know when is the right time to start a conversation
- How to start a genuine conversation that is most likely to receive a response
- How to go from the conversation to the sale
- The cardinal rules of online engagement when you have a small audience
- Specific expert CHALLENGES to help you step up your game!
If you’re struggling to get clients, START TALKING TO YOUR FOLLOWERS!
Hey there! My name is Ina Coveney (it’s pronounced “ee-na”) and I built an international 6-figure coaching business in 2 years after I left my corporate job.
And even though my audience is not in the thousands, I have been able to surpass the 6-figure mark by nurturing a solid pipeline of qualified leads.
That’s exactly what you will learn to do in this workshop!!
If you are ready to get clients, this is your next step!
Good luck!
Ina Coveney
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