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Exploring the Essential Features of “James Beattie – Business Builder Live”
Your Instructor
James Beattie
Generated over $2 Million in Online Sales in the past 2 years.
Course Curriculum
Welcome To Business Builder Live 2.0
What To Expect & Session Plan
Session 1 – Building The Store
Building A Shopify Store From Scratch (125:00)
Session 2: Product Research
Day 2: Product Research & Building Landing Pages (80:14)
Session 3: Facebook Ads Profit Session
Day 3 – Landing pages & Facebook Ads (122:08)
Session 4: Profit Multipliers On Your Store
3 Profit Multipliers (69:52)
Session 5: Facebook Ad Analysis
Scaling on The Webinar! (58:23)
Follow Up Q&A Friday
Replay Q&A Follow Up Q&A (46:18)
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