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Exploring the Essential Features of “James S – Your 7 Chakras : The Complete Guide to Your Energy Body”
Your 7 Chakras : The Complete Guide to Your Energy Body
Everything you need to know about how your chakras work
Your Instructor
James S
I am a pioneer on a quest to integrate the secret knowledge of the ancient world and adapt it for modern use. I have traveled around the world, studying the ancient traditions and spiritual texts, and integrating them with my own practical mindsets and sense of humor to deliver high impact learning experiences to my audience.
I have taught thousands of students about the spiritual world right under our nose.
I want to help you become stronger, wiser….and to laugh a little bit more.
Course Curriculum
Introduction – Welcome to your Energy Body
- What is included in this course? (3:27)
- Overviews of the Chakras (2:02)
- Chakra Map Outline
- What are the Chakras? – Background for the Course (4:40)
- My Story (4:15)
- Find your Weakest Chakra (Preparation for the Course)
The Root Chakra – Your Safety, Stability, and Power
- Welcome to the Root (4:17)
- Overview of the Root Chakra (2:03)
- The Root Chakra’s Empowerment (2:06)
- Are you Time Sensitive? (0:56)
- The Ability to Say No (2:02)
- The Key to Freedom (0:57)
- Right Here, Right Now (1:06)
- Conflict Prone or Averse (1:44)
- The Root Powers your Sexuality (1:58)
- Numbing out to Life (1:54)
- Root Chakra Heroes and Teachers (2:43)
- Diagnosing your Root Chakra (4:18)
- Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening the Root (5:24)
- Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening the Root Cont. (1:39)
- Root Chakra – Healing Meditation (21:49)
- Root Chakra Summary
The Sacral Chakra – Your Emotions, Sexuality, and Passion
- Introduction (3:23)
- Overview of the Sacral Chakra (4:11)
- The Life of the Party (1:14)
- Like…and Dislike (2:07)
- Bowl of your Emotions (1:40)
- Dealing with Empathy (3:23)
- Abundance Mentality (2:03)
- Toxic Emotions : Shame (2:13)
- Learning to Feel Again (2:38)
- Sacral Heroes and Teachers (1:39)
- Diagnosing your Sacral Chackra (3:49)
- Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening the Sacral Chakra (5:34)
- Sacral Chakra Healing Meditation (18:23)
- Sacral Chakra Summary
The Solar Plexus Chakra – Your Identity, Willpower, and the house of your soul.
- Introduction (2:47)
- Overview of the Solar Plexus Chakra (2:43)
- Winning! (0:56)
- Differentiate yourself (2:17)
- The Healthy Ego (1:13)
- The Science of Willpower (5:11)
- Defining your Value System (1:34)
- Ready to Lead (2:03)
- Solar Plexus Chakra Heroes and Teachers (3:39)
- Diagnosing the Solar Plexus Chakra (3:55)
- Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening the Solar Plexus Chakra (5:03)
- Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Meditation (19:01)
- Solar Plexus Chakra Summary
The Heart Chakra – Love, Relationships, and Connection to ALL
- Introduction (1:56)
- Overview of the Heart Chakra (2:20)
- Survival or Love (1:00)
- The Crack through which the light enters… (1:23)
- The Body Langauge of a Broken Heart (1:23)
- The Awakening of Love (2:04)
- Calls for Healing (1:43)
- Forgiveness (2:16)
- The Other Half of the Heart: Self Love (2:44)
- Heart Chackra Heroes and Teachers (3:46)
- Diagnosing Your Heart Chakra (4:09)
- Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening your Heart Chakra (4:48)
- Heart Chakra Healing Meditation (20:47)
- Heart Chakra Summary
The Throat Chakra – Communication, Influence, and Creative Expression
- Introduction (1:20)
- Overview of the Throat Chakra (2:46)
- The Big Question…to Share or not to Share? (1:12)
- In the Beginning was the word… (3:14)
- The Truth Effect (3:33)
- Throat Chakra Heroes and Teachers (2:48)
- Diagnosing your Throat Chakra (3:23)
- Solutions and Strategies for strengthening the Throat Chakra (4:59)
- Throat Chakra Healing Meditation (17:50)
- Throat Chakra Summary
The Third Eye Chakra – Perception, Logic, Intuition
- Introduction (2:13)
- Overview of the Third Eye Chakra (3:20)
- Your Narrative about Reality (2:24)
- What are you letting In… (1:39)
- Are you Meditating? (1:03)
- Subtlety (2:09)
- Third Eye Heroes and Teachers (2:03)
- Diagnosing your Third eye (2:21)
- Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening the Third Eye Chakra (2:12)
- Third Eye Healing Meditation (17:31)
- Third Eye Chakra Summary
The Crown Chakra – Universal Insight, Spiritual Guidance, and Surrender
- Introduction (3:01)
- Overview of the Crown Chakra (5:22)
- Royalty of Old (1:39)
- Learning to Surrender (2:06)
- Surrender Part II (1:03)
- God Comes in the Backdoor (2:28)
- The Use of Drugs (3:22)
- Interpreting Signs and Symbols (4:58)
- Crown Chakra Heroes and Teachers (5:02)
- Diagnosing your Crown Chakra (4:21)
- Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening the Crown Chakra (3:12)
- Crown Chakra Healing Meditation (22:11)
- Crown Chakra Summary
- Color Associations (2:42)
- Color Associations Cont. (1:42)
- The Integrated Human System (7:26)
- Bloodlines and Ethno-Cultural Chakra Strengths (10:11)
- The Road to Healing and Power (4:37)
- Completion Certificate
- Course Transcript Files
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