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Exploring the Essential Features of “Jason Capital – Charisma 2017”
The TRUTH About Wild Success And Making Women Chase You
(That No One Is Telling You)…
All I can remember.. is the pain.The excruciating pain of being..
In the moment, fighting back hot tears, I made a blood vow to myself things would be different…
In any and every kind of society structure… school… a job… a city… a country… the world at large… there are people who seem to have it all…
The fame
The popularity
The recognition
The adoration and fawning
Doors magically open for them in all kinds of life-changing ways.
It seems their life defies the laws of gravity. They’re immune to failure.
For some people, their meteoric rise to fame is jaw dropping. Almost as if they had signed a deal with the Illuminati.
Literally overnight, they’re partying with the Hollywood celebs, doing deals with the rich and powerful elite, have their face plastered all over cable and the Internet.
What’s even weirder?
“What gives?” you may ask.
In this special report, I’m going to tell you. And the reason I can tell you?
THE PAIN. The pain of being ignored.
I used to be shy, I used to be reserved…
I used to be a wallflower…
Girls would notice me from a distance and then as they approached, they’d disappear and I’d wonder why…
It’s been years since I felt that deep hole in my soul. Almost like I was invisible to the rest of the world.
Girls acted like I wasn’t even there. Guys pretty much didn’t see me as a threat and left me alone.
The Amish have a word for it. They call it being “shunned.”
I can tell you about the things I tried. But I’d just embarrass myself.
Besides the pain was just too great. (Candidly, it’s actually inspiring me to write this letter to you now. I feel like I’m venting…)
It’s pretty lonely being invisible.
When I was a kid I dreamed of being somebody. Somebody important. Somebody special. I wanted to be in demand. I wanted to be wanted.
I tried all sorts of things to get attention.
Most didn’t work. A lot of them backfired.
But here’s what I figured out along the way:
Heck, anybody can get that now, by doing some crazy shit with a cat or a hooker.
I wanted recognition, I wanted acknowledgement. I wanted respect.
I Wanted Something DIFFERENT…
(If you’re reading this right now, be honest. You do, too. That’s because you’re a part of Team Capital–my alter ego.)
You want to be known as a badass. Someone powerful. Someone who can move, touch and inspire people in special ways.
You know this. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t.
And having been through the process, I’ll tell you what doesn’t work. Then I’ll tell you what does.
Here’s what I know for a fact doesn’t work. If you want to people naturally attracted to you, don’t try…
Seeking and demanding attention from the world.
Seeking and begging approval from the world
Riding on someone else’s coattails
Any kind of gimmick that attempts to trick people into paying attention to you
(Yes, yours truly has tried all these. They were rather humbling experiences. You should have seen the time I tried to buy a nightclub with no money down.)
Now having said that, there is what I call “the long way around the barn.”
And that’s to get good at something. Mastering it. And the getting out there and paying your dues. In the process, becoming known and respected.
Do that? And you will have all the fame and fortune you want. People will flock to you. It’s just a matter of time.
Perhaps a better way. It’s definitely a quicker way.
Today, it’s one I use every single day of my life. The most famous, the most important and respected people I’ve modeled use this method as well.
And what’s that way?
It’s to develop…
To become a Charisma GOD.
Now before you go “Jason, there’s no way I have charisma!” I want you to know something…
Up until just a few short years ago, I didn’t have an ounce of charisma either.
And it showed…
My weekends were spent alone. I had few friends. I smoked a lot of weed.
Trust me, hanging out by yourself and getting stoned can only take you so far in life.
But then I started getting pissed at myself. I wanted all those things a guy (desperately) wants but I didn’t know what to do.
I started to learn about things like game and routines, but honestly?
It wasn’t helping. Not one bit. I thought it’d stay like this forever.
Here’s a little confession. This is a true story:
One day, I saw a girl..
She was gorgeous, playful, the girl all the other guys wanted shining on his arm.
For months, I thought about asking her out but my nerves always stopped me.
So one day I finally muster up the courage, walk right up to her and say, “Would you like to get a drink with me this weekend?”
My voice cracked while I said it. I felt fearful and insecure. You ever get that way around a beautiful girl?
She had been smiling but now… she looked like she’d seen a ghost.
Apologizing, she started, “Umm, that’s really sweet of you Jason…umm, I think I’m busy with my family this weekend but thanks.”
The pain of that rejection stuck with me for longer than I care to admit. But a few years later, that same girl saw me on video…
And what she saw was different.
She saw my charisma, my power, my confidence.
She Couldn’t BELIEVE Her Eyes. OrHow Bad She Wanted Me Now.
Amazed, she called me on my cell. Texted too.
The message she left talked about how stunned she was.
She couldn’t believe I’d become a star, a millionaire, a leader.
Recognize this my friend:
Your ability as a Charisma God holds the possibility of total and complete transformation for you in your life too.
The problem is no one ever showed you this. Me neither.
Think about it: How many days a week do you talk to someone?
Everyday, right?
Yet no one ever taught you THE POWER of your voice. (It’s enormous, by the way. Just wait until we unleash it for you.)
But that’s just the beginning of this..
No one ever taught you the true secret behind naturally commanding the spotlight..
To effortlessly unleashing your natural magnetism that oozes charisma and power..
Or even the 4 most-important vocal tonalities you should have in your arsenal to subconsciously influence the most stubborn of people without arousing friction.. to become the top salesman in your industry in under a month.. to connect with anyone, be they soft and cuddly or cold and distant, in barely 60 seconds of innocent, easy-going conversation.
This is what they should have taught us in school.
“Decisions Determine Destiny.”
And on this page today, you will make a decision:
To become a Charisma God, or not. What’s better, what’s your gut telling you?
Notice what happens. When people stop taking action. And start letting the world tell them what to do, how to live, how to be.
It always ends the same. In a puddle of pain, tears and excuses.
Trust me, that’s a hell of a vicious cocktail that you never want poisoning your bloodstream.
I challenge myself to go higher every single day.
Like the billionaire (and my coach) Dan Pena says…
Because once you start living as a Charisma God..
Can you see how powerful this is? Can you appreciate how simple this can be?
You know what’s really scary though?
Letting your anxieties, your shyness keep you a “best-kept secret”.
Think about it: Let’s say you’re talented, and you’re smart, and you’ve set your sights high. All true, right?
But what if you never command the spotlight and it never makes it way to you? We can’t just trust that “our time will come”. For most who wait, it never does. Think about it:
Opportunities don’t knock forever. Weird things happen.
Look at Jay Williams: He was the #2 pick in the NBA Draft. Experts said he’d be the next great player in the NBA.
Then he crashed into a streetlight after his rookie year and never played another game again.
Everything he’d put his whole life into, poof, GONE, in an instant.
An old mentor of mine used to say, “Jason, you gotta make hay while the sun shines.”
My answer to that?
We have a saying here on Team Capital:
Success loves speed.
It goes to it like moths to a flame.
So when opportunity comes knocking, who are you gonna let get the door?
That opportunity belongs to YOU. So please do understand when I say:
Becoming a Charisma God is an ability that has immeasurable power and influence in the world. It’s an essential quality every Team Capital member needs to develop.
Now if you like what I’ve shared with you just now, if you can see it IMMEDIATELY changing your life, there’s a lot more where that came from.
In fact once I discovered it, CHARISMA has become a daily muscle I’ve developed from that day to today. And watching my clients transform, it’s become obvious – anyone can develop all the charismatic power they want.
And so due to the 4+ years of demand, I am now opening my breakthrough training on how to get it fast. It’s creatively called..
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/