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Exploring the Essential Features of “Jason Goldberg – The Competition-Proof Business Immersion: Self-Study VIP”
You know the feeling.
The feeling of talking to someone and knowing you can help but biting your tongue and not offering your services because you don’t want to be too salesy.
The feeling of wanting to share with the world the lessons you’ve learned from your own training and transformation but being worried about being judged or feeling like an imposter or that someone will disagree with your message and call you out as being “wrong”.
Over the past few years, I have worked directly with over 1000 coaches who were exactly where you are right now.
They’ve put in their hours and paid their dues, they’ve gone through their own transformation and they know that these insights would serve so many people… if only they knew what to share, where to share it, who to share it with, and how to get into deep and meaningful conversations with people in a way that feels simple for them and makes a real difference for others.
If only they knew how to confidently communicate their message with their audience (and even knew WHO their audience truly was)…
If only they had the confidence to show up as themselves, and be 100% real and authentic in their business…
I’m sure you’ve heard it before.
“You can’t say that on social media”, “you can’t have a swear word on your business profile”, “you can’t talk like that to clients”, and “you DEFINITELY can’t be fun or playful” ie. you can’t be you in YOUR business.
And if you were to show up as yourself you would be judged or ridiculed… at least that’s what people and your self-doubt tell you.
How do I know this? Because I’ve not only heard it all, but experienced a lot of it myself when I started too. Trying to be someone I wasn’t because my belief was I had to be a SERIOUS coach in order to have a REAL practice…
It all becomes a headache as the questions build up and you start to wonder how (or IF) you can make it happen.
What if you fail?
What if your friends and family were right?
What if you need to just go back and find a “real” job?
If I’m being honest, this was exactly how I felt when I stepped into the world of coaching too.
Overwhelmed and grinding my ass off doing things that I didn’t want to do just because that’s what everyone told me I should be doing.
I wanted to coach people, not worry about niches or email sequences or whatever the new buzzword is at the moment.
And I know that’s why you’re here too.
See, we’re a community of people trying to shine a light on others so that they can shine twice as brightly in a world that often tries to snuff them out.
You’ve made an epic and brave decision to be someone who cheers people on instead of stepping on them in the pursuit of success.
Before I get to anything else, I need you to know that all the things you are worrying about and being told to do… may NOT actually be the best ways for YOU to build your business (deep exhale my friend).
Like my dear friend and Will Smith’s nutritionist Mona Sharma says, “Just because it’s good for you, doesn’t mean it’s good for YOU” – and I think the same applies in building a coaching practice…
Because being authentically YOU is exactly what your business needs to be successful. Being you is exactly how you will become the professional coach you know you can be.
And worrying about what everyone else thinks of your business just complicates everything.
However, I can show you exactly how simple business can be so you can spend less time worrying about how it’s going to happen behind the scenes and actually spend more time doing what you love and what you are best at… COACHING.
I had to learn this all the hard way, so now I want to make it a little bit easier for you.
Before you spend any more of your precious time reading all of this, lets make sure this will actually help. This program will work for you if:
- The words business plan, funnels, or niche make you want to throw up. (don’t worry, we totally feel the same about all of those words)
- The thought of going live on social media causes you to freeze with anxiety (you know the deep churning feeling in the pit of your stomach), even though you have a message you NEED to share and would love to feel confident in sharing it.
- Even though you aren’t driven by making millions, you still want to earn enough to become a full-time coach (and making a lot of money is totally fine with you too – as long as it comes from being of service…)
- You just can’t bear the thought of joining yet another webinar or coaching program only to be taught sleazy sales strategies that feel completely out of alignment with who you are.
- You wish you had a way to overcome your fears and frustration without having to tell yourself to “JUST DO IT” Shia Labeouf style
- You don’t want to look back a year from now feeling ashamed that another year has gone by and you haven’t been able to serve as many people as you wanted or make the impact you know you have the power to make.
So if you have ever been told you HAD to do a certain thing a certain way (especially when that means NOT being who you truly are) in order to build your coaching practice and you are as sick of it as I am of bacon not being its own food group – then check out what a few of my rockstar students have to say below:
“I was someone who was making like $2000 per month prior to joining the CPBI to now having multiple five-figure months! Now I have this new bar of the income I want to make that I would never even think about before.”
I signed my first $10k client package. I recreated a group offering and went from selling seats for $500 to selling seats for $3500… I was absolutely broke, but I immediately knew that I had made the right decision. I signed a $2500 client from something that I learned right off the bat from listening to the material.”
“I got so much more than I was looking for. I learned how to bring more of my personality out into the world. You can’t help but come out of it being a much better coach. I feel so confident with sales now. After the first 2 weeks I had 3 new clients and now have 6 new clients. It’s worth 10x what I paid for it.”
Oh, quick side note in case this is our first time meeting… Who am I to teach you about building a coaching business? (and actually having FUN in the process)?
Hi I’m Jason Goldberg (or “JG” if you wanna be on the same level of “homie-status” as my local barista).
I’m the rapping baconarian (that’s a vegetarian who cannot live without bacon!) who wrote an international best-selling book called “Prison Break” – though I’ve never been to jail – and worked with NASA and the space shuttle program – though I haven’t been to space… yet 😉
But that’s not what’s important for now.
What’s important right now is you and how I’ll be helping you get where you need to go.
First thing that you need to know is that when I talk about fun and play, I’m not talking about covering all of your partner’s office equipment in jello “The Office” style.
What I am talking about is being able to experience the world (and business-building) with a childlike sense of wonder and adventure.
When you are able to integrate this high-spirited way of life into the way you run your business, what you begin to notice is just like it was when you were a kid, life starts to feel JOY-FULL again.
Trust me, finding clients, creating content, and building a coaching practice is 10x more fun when you’re coming from a place of service and creativity (“SELLING BY SERVING” as I call it), doing what you love, devoid of any feelings of neediness or scarcity.
It helps prospective clients to really trust you and your motives, makes them happy, makes you happy and, bonus, all of your biz activities ACTUALLY work way better when the seriousness and stress disappears.
You know what else starts to happen when you give yourself permission to have FUN again?
You stop giving a f**k about what everyone else is thinking.
Which means the fear of judgement disappears too and being authentically you feels even better now that all of those fears are gone! It also makes you a powerful model and example for the people you want to serve that they TOO can show up authentically in every area of their own lives (MAJOR client attractor right there!)
It is SO absolutely liberating and something I wish more coaches would experience. Simply because you become a wayyy better coach when you can focus on coaching instead of what everyone else is thinking.
And this is the freedom I want to share with you.
That’s why I built my flagship Competition-Proof Business Immersion program in the first place. To help coaches like you unlock the confidence you need to start bringing YOU into your business and do it in a way that is playful and makes the whole process wayyyy simpler and more sustainable.
Can’t you just imagine what the next year will hold for you when you finally have the confidence and clarity to tell the world who you serve and how you do it (no more explaining what a “life coach”, or “mindset coach” is to people who don’t get it).
How much better all of your interactions will feel because you are showing up where you need to and how you need to.
How much easier each day will be as you breeze through your tasks, all resistance gone, knowing that each simple step is helping you create impact.
So what exactly is going to take you from where you are now to where you want to be?
It’s been nearly a decade since I began my journey as a coach, and it feels like an understatement to say that I’ve learned a lot.
To get from the first year of “struggle city” to now being able to have the level of impact that I truly desire has required deep transformation.
That inner transformation and outer action led to me having opportunities to land a TEDx talk, speak on stages all over the world, be featured as an author and teacher on the Mindvalley platform, be seen on all the major TV networks as a guest expert, worked directly with 1000+ coaches (while my videos and trainings online have been seen by over a million eyeballs) and through all of these experiences I developed a comprehensive (but simple) framework that I know will be massively beneficial for you AND way more in alignment than lots of stuff you’ve probably seen or even purchased in the past.
These 5 pillars encompass everything you need to know to sign your first or next client and create way more ease and sustainability in your business. And those pillars are…
PILLAR 0: Tune Up
In Pillar 0, we start with the most important part of your entire business – that beautiful machine between your ears – your MINDSET!
This is where you step into Self-Leadership and learn that you are your business so all of those parts you’ve been holding back, all of the parts that have been screaming to be let out – now is their time to shine baby! Here you will learn my Resistance Blaster Framework for anything that holds you back now or in the future, as well as how to stay motivated no matter what, how to take your brain off of “thought-o-pilot”, and how to take all of this stuff WAY less seriously (and BONUS, there are TONS of tools and concepts here that you can use with your clients too!)
PILLAR 1: Turning Pro
In Pillar 1 we get really clear on the foundations of your business.
We show you exactly where you need to put your daily focus on your business to achieve the best results for you and your clients. We also create YOUR signature framework which clearly communicates how you create amazing results for your clients (which gives you and your prospects tons of clarity and confidence in the work you do, making those sales conversations way easier to handle). Speaking of sales and enrollment, Pillar 1 teaches you to make those conversations super natural using my Selling by Serving method – our clients regularly say that they now find sales FUN (I know, crazy right?) after this pillar. Bye-bye sleazy car salesman feeling!
PILLAR 2: Your Teachings
In Pillar 2 (my personal fav by the way!), we’re going to uncover your message and teach you exactly how to share that confidently with others.
No more hesitating when someone asks you what you do. You will be prepared to blow their mind. We’ll take you through our BAMO process to help you discover your show-stopping origin story that will explode your social engagement. We’ll also give you access to my BEST (and super simple and practical) frameworks so that you have a never-ending supply of content that is hyper-relevant to your peeps and is guaranteed to keep engagement high and lead to more calls with prospects about how you can change their lives. Imagine the awesome power you’ll wield as a captivating story-teller that entrances your audience.
PILLAR 3: Your Tribe
In Pillar 3, we’re going to learn how to build and nurture a community of people who love what you do and are ready to work with you.
This one is all about creating REAL intimacy – not some kind of tricks to get people to like or buy from you. You will master creating Radical Reach and Exponential Engagement. We are talking about the path you take people from being complete strangers who passively consume your content to being super engaged members of your tribe who are excited to be there. You’ll gain the confidence to do live streams that people not only watch but interact with you and have all of the strategies to make sure that your audience soon becomes your raving loyal fans by utilizing the coaching skills you already have. You’ll also learn about how to create what I call “Magical Convo Creator” posts (that get people to raise their hand to work with you without you actually selling anything in the post) and how to deeply connect with people over private messenger conversations to build rapport and actually be of service before you even get on the phone. This might seem scary right now but once you see how I teach it from a truly heart-centered place, you’ll be wondering why you were ever worried.
PILLAR 4: Technology
Finally, in Pillar 4, we’re going to make sense of all the nerdy stuff and take care of all your tech headaches once and for all.
We’ll learn how to automate social media posting, systematize your calendar bookings, repurpose content, create an online course or group program, and so much more! It’ll take a little work but it is SO much simpler than the crazy tech names make it seem.
PLUS, when you join us inside the program, you’ll also get access to these amazing BONUS MODULES, worth more than the cost of the program alone!
The Playful Proposal Process
JG’s signature method for making the “sales” part WAY more fun and effective! Say goodbye to sales or money resistance!
How to Always Get Responses from Your Prospects
If you’ve ever had an enrollment conversation with someone and they ghost you, this will bring them back into your world 95% of the time!
Using Killer Content to Fill Your Online or Offline Workshops and Programs
Your content is not just there to make you look smart (although that’s a fun by-product!). We’ll show you how to get your content to actually do its job: create new clients for you!
How to Come Up with Endless Content Ideas
We’ve all faced that dreaded writer’s block. Using our unique content-creation frameworks, you’ll never again be stuck wondering what to post or how to engage your audience!
How to Repurpose a Pillar Piece of Content
We’ll show you how to make your content go further so you’re not constantly having to create new content from scratch!
And Much More!
Seriously (but in a totally playful way, of course!), we’ve covered everything you would ever need to start and grow a prosperous coaching practice!
“All I can say is thank you and I love you! I’ve signed 6 new clients in the past 45 days ($23k booked) and it feels go good! I’ve never felt more relaxed and certain that I can do this and I’m nowhere near done utilizing all the strategies we’ve discussed. JG is a marvelous teacher and he knows what he’s talking about!”
– Danielle R., Life Coach
“This stuff works!!! I had 3 enrollment conversations yesterday and now have 3 new clients! I now have 5 new clients since joining the program – and I’m so excited. I really leaned into JG’s teachings about Enrollment Conversations – and after having some beautiful and powerful coaching conversations with potential clients, the rest felt very authentic and certainly more effortless than it ever has. Sooooo beyond over the moon grateful to Jason Goldberg and all of you awesome possums on this journey with me. Loving this tribe and the whole CPBI ride!”
– Cindy W., Life Coach / Speaker
”In the first month that I used the systems that JG teaches to build a Competition-Proof Business, I more than TRIPLED my income! I am on FIRE and having a ton of FUN in the process!”
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