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Exploring the Essential Features of “Jay Fiset – Mastermind to Millions”
Join The “Launch Your Mastermind Bootcamp”
Launching, Filling And Running A Mastermind Is The Fastest, Easiest, And Most Joyful Way To Attract More Clients, Earn More Money And Grow Your Business So That You Escape The Time For Money Trap And Add $100,000+ To Your Income NOW! … This Program Will Show You How!
Special Message From Jay Fiset…
Dear Expert And Entrepreneur…
Do you feel like you’re working too hard in your business yet not making enough MONEY?
Are you tired of chasing after new clients, trading time for money, and struggling to create the financial abundance and freedom you desire?
Well you’re not alone…
I used to be in the same boat and despite being passionate about my message, I STRUGGLED to make the money I really wanted and I got DISCOURAGED.
It was FRUSTRATING having a message to share and knowing that I could truly help people, but then being STUCK working too hard and not making enough.
You see, most experts, messengers and coaches STRUGGLE to get their message out there, to attract the clients they want, and to make any real money.
Did you know that most “COACHES” and experts make less than 28,000 per year?
That’s because they are stuck in the time for money trap, have NO SYSTEM for attracting new clients and aren’t clear on how to truly grow their business.
Many people also end up believing the “I just need 3 more clients” LIE and this keeps them stuck, struggling, and always chasing after people.
Now, don’t get me wrong, getting three more clients will be great BUT it won’t really solve your problem because you’ll still be chasing people and trading time for money…
MANY years ago I got tired of trading time for money and always struggling to find new clients so I made the commitment to find a better way.
After diving in and investing tons of time, energy and money to find a better way I realized that by trading VALUE for money and working one-on-MANY, instead of one-on-one, I could ESCAPE the time for money trap and exponentially grow my business AND my income, while still making a HUGE impact.
I took a LONG TIME… but I finally figured it out.
I started launching and running MASTERMINDS and working one-on-MANY instead of one-on-one and when I did it successfully I worked my way up to MILLIONS of dollars per year in my business.
Now I want to help you do the same, so that you can earn more money, help more people and have a whole lot more free time.
Because I know what it’s like to struggle.…I know what it’s like to have a message that you are passionate about, and want to serve people with, but be STUCK when it comes to finding new clients who will pay, and I know what it’s like to be working really hard and not getting the results you want.
I figured out a faster, easier, better way and I want to share that with you now so that success can come faster, easier, and more joyfully for you too!
The Fastest, Easiest, Most Joyful Way To Attract More Clients, Earn More Money And Grow Your Business Is… To Launch And Run A MASTERMIND!
When you are trading time for money the amount of income you can earn is limited, and so is your ability to have a lifestyle of freedom. When you launch and run a successful and profitable mastermind you escape the time-for-money trap and are able to make a whole lot more money AND have a whole lot more free time.
That’s what is possible when you run a mastermind…
You start trading VALUE for money instead of TIME and you’re then able to easily and quickly add 6-figures to your business like I do consistently.
I’ve been doing this for over 25 years now and consistently add 6 figures to my business over and over again by launching masterminds.
I’ve made alot of mistakes along the way and have learned what works and what doesn’t.
You see, there are a ton of “masterminds” out there and most of them fizzle out or die after just a few months. You’ve probably seen this before.
That is because there are 6 fundamental pillars that are absolutely necessary to run a successful and profitable mastermind in your business long term.
If you are missing even just one of these 6 fundamental pillars your mastermind is doomed to fail and come crashing down.
Fortunately I’ve already made all the mistakes for you and discovered these 6 pillars that you must master in order to run a successful mastermind and easily add $100,000 or more to your business over and over again.
These 6 pillars are the foundation of my “Launch Your Mastermind Bootcamp” program where you get my personal support for 90 days and you learn EVERYTHING you need to know to launch a mastermind group now and escape the time for money trap in your business.
When you join me in the Launch Your Mastermind Bootcamp you get my support for 90 days to learn and implement everything that is necessary for successful masterminds so that you can quickly and easily get yours off the ground, filled with clients, and generating cash.
We have some people who have filled a mastermind and started making alot more money even after just the first training.
It can happen FAST and that’s exactly what I want for you when you say “YES” to joining the program.
IMAGINE what it will be like to have a simple system for easily attracting high quality clients and a strategy that converts like crazy?
What will it be like when you don’t even have to try any more and clients come to you naturally instead of you having to go out chasing them?
Imagine what it will be like to have a group of 5 or 10 or 25 people who all love and adore you, appreciate your for the massive value you bring into their lives and PAY YOU over and over again for your support.
Imagine what it will be like when your time commitment in your business is cut in HALF but the money you earn DOUBLES or more. What will that extra freedom feel like?
Well it’s all possible and when you launch and run successful masterminds you escape the time for money trap, exponentially increase your income and can create a life of true freedom and abundance.
Sound good to you?
When you join the program you’re going to get 7 LIVE training calls with me where I will be guiding you and supporting you to implement all of the training from the 6 modules. (Our program kicks off the week of May 1st and all these calls are recorded, in case you miss one)
These calls will also be an opportunity for Questions and Answers so that you overcome all of your challenges and can move quickly with the implementation of the program and start getting more clients and earning more money NOW.
Here’s more about the in depth training you’ll get when you register…
Module #1: Perfect Positioning
In module #1 you will discover the importance of POSITIONING and master the 3 vital elements that make communicating about and selling your mastermind EASY.
How To Position Yourself: You will gain clarity on your expertise and position yourself as the expert and go-to person for the value that you provide.
How To Position Your Group: You will get clear on your messaging of who the group is for, the problem that you solve in the marketplace, and the mechanics of what you will be delivering.
Choosing Your Business Model: You will build the foundation and structure of your program so that you know exactly what you are providing to your clients and at what price point so that you have clarity, certainty and conviction in what you offer.
Module #2: Becoming A Powerful Leader
Most masterminds fail because the leader is not the strong powerful person that they must be in order to work one-on-many and control the dynamics of the group. In module #2 you will get all of the tools to become the most powerful version of yourself and a strong confident leader that others want to follow.
In this module you will complete an honest and comprehensive assessment of who you are in relationships to who you want to attract and lead so that you can adjust in order to create the results that you want.
You will discover how to become the most powerful and authentic version of yourself so that you easily attract all of the right clients to you and never have to go chasing after anyone again.
You will learn the tools so showing up fully and building deep meaningful relationships so that clients sign up once, and then want to stay with you forever and sign up for every program you offer.
Module #3: Filling Your Mastermind
In module #3 you will discover the simple strategy for easily filling your mastermind with your ideal clients even if you don’t understand technology or currently have a big list
You will discover how to build upon modules #1 and #2 and position yourself and your mastermind in a way that it almost builds itself.
You will also learn the simple strategy and how to specifically target the people you want in your mastermind and avoid the people that you don’t so that you only spend time talking to the RIGHT people.
You will get the step by step system for building high touch, high value relationships where people quickly get to know you, like you and trust you so that they feel comfortable making the decision to work with you and paying you for your mastermind.
Module #4: Creating High Level Commitment
One of the biggest challenges when running masterminds and even working with one-on-one clients is getting them to “STICK” and keep their commitments long term. In module #4 you’ll discover exactly how to create an extremely high retention rate that keeps your clients enrolled and RE-enrolling at every opportunity.
You will learn the most important strategy for truly gaining leverage through your masterminds so that you provide a ton of value to your members, retain them in the group, and have more freedom without having to chase new clients all the time
You will discover and implement to 9 commitment creating processes that when integrated into your marketing, filter and delivering processes create a high level of commitment and engagement from your group
You will also begin implementing strategies in your business that create life-long clients who get amazing results and become not just raving fans who refer a ton of clients, but great friends with deep meaningful relationships.
Module #5: Building Powerful Facilitator Skills
Module #5 is a GAME CHANGER because this ONE SKILL is the MOST IMPORTANT when it comes to providing massive value to your members, supporting them in getting great results that keep them coming back for more, and turning them into life long clients that refer all their friends.
When you join the program and do this module you will learn how to control a room, how to create the most powerful environment for your objectives and how to create the most value for your members.
You will discover the “art of the ask” – how to ask the right question at the right time that leads your member to creating the most powerful experience for themselves as possible which will make them love you even more.
You will also get a step by step frame work for facilitating powerful hotseats that blow your clients minds, a system for drawing out the real goals, issues and areas of support from each member, and how to create an environment of support where each member supports one another. When your group becomes like a family, you’ll have life-long clients forever.
Module #6: Creating Compelling Content
Every mastermind must have compelling content in order to provide valuable information to the member but not too much and not too little. It is essential to provide the right amount and to create the environment that members derive value from each other.
In this module you will learn how to create a powerful and memorable experience in 30-40 minute power segments that empowers your participants to implement what is being taught and get results.
You will discover how to find and create content that is of high value to your members and how to put it into a framework that is easy to teach and easy to be understood and acted upon by your members.
You will also learn how to deliver your content in the larger context of your program so that members get exactly what they want when they want it and you can support them at the highest level.
And this is just the BEGINNING of what you’ll get when you join the program.
The “Launch Your Mastermind Bootcamp” is different than every other training program out there because it is very interactive and hands on with a focus on IMPLEMENTATION and RESULTS.
This is not simply information… it is coaching and support so that you can quickly and easily launch your mastermind, fill it with ideal clients, and make a ton of money.
If you’re ready for a higher level of ease and freedom and joy in your life, join me for the Launch Your Mastermind Bootcamp.
Get All This When You Take Action Today And Join The
“Launch Your Mastermind Bootcamp”
6 Training Modules – Fundamental Pillars of Successful Masterminds
When you register today you’ll get access to the 6 training modules of the fundamental pillars of successful masterminds. Most masterminds fail because they do not have ALL 6 of these pillars. When you go through this program you’ll gain a deep understanding of each pillar and the tolls to implement it so that your masterminds quickly become a lasting success.
What Others Are Saying…
“Initially I was opposed to the idea of masterminds because I enjoyed working with clients one-on-one and thought I could provide more value individually. Then I was introduced to Jay Fiset and and helped me see the opportunity for leverage in my business and the frameworks that would actually provide even more value to my clients. Using what he taught I was able to very quickly start 3 small mastermind groups where I now earn $5,400 per month working only 3 nights per month. Thank you so much Jay for helping me see the power and value of mastermind groups… for me AND for my clients.” – Rae-Ann Wood-Shatz
“Within 30 days of starting I had formed one mastermind group online and have another high-end in-person mastermind already forming. Conservatively over the next year itβs going to add almost $200,000 to my bottom line. Thank you Jay!”
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