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Exploring the Essential Features of “Jeff Gerke – Write Your Best Fiction and Get It Published”
What you’ll learn
- Capture the ultimate story idea
- Expand it into a story plan
- Choose, create, and fully develop the main characters
- Craft a brilliant inner journey for the hero
- Examine that inner journey to find the story’s theme
- Find the perfect three act structure to externalize the inner journey
- Select the perfect villain, setting, era, and backdrop to illustrate the theme
- Master the craft: show vs. tell, point of view, dialogue, and description
- Revise the rough draft into something that’s ready for prime time
- Understand the publishing process–the steps, the functions, and the power
- Construct a brilliant fiction proposal that will wow agents and editors
Come with your dreams of the stories that must be written
It’s your dream to write fiction and to write it to the best of your ability.
Perhaps you’ve started and stopped a hundred times and can’t seem to see these through to the finish. Possibly you have great ideas for characters but can’t seem to find their story. Or maybe you’ve got the story, but your characters feel flat to you. Maybe you have completed manuscripts on your hard drive but haven’t been able to break into publishing yet.
I’m here to help you achieve your dream.
For more than twenty years, I’ve been traveling the nation and the world teaching writers just like you how to put together excellent works of fiction, whether they be novels, short stories, or even screenplays.
And my five fiction craftsmanship books for Writer’s Digest have been successfully used by writers all over the world and in any genre you can imagine.
Fiction Academy is an eight-hour, 34-video download of my best teaching on writing fiction. We start with the kernel of an idea, flesh it out into characters and story structure, write the thing with skillful craftsmanship, and pave the way to publication.
With my encouraging manner and humorous style, this series will leave you feeling equipped and motivated to not only write your stories but to do so at a higher level than you’ve ever before achieved.
Your dreams of fiction success lie inside Fiction Academy. Start your journey today.
Who this course is for:
- Ideal for novelists at every phase of the writing and publishing journey
- Aspiring authors who want to understand the full process of writing and publishing
- Experienced fiction writers wanting to take their writing to the next level
- Seasoned veteran novelists wanting to learn from a world-class Writer’s Digest instructor
- Not for the faint-hearted–writing long fiction will eat your lunch if you’re not determined
Course content
First Day of Class
- Welcome Video
- Introduction
Fiction Academy Prep Skills: Planning Your Novel
- Capture Your Story Idea and Begin To Turn It Into a Book
- Exercise: Develop Your Idea
- Choose and Create Your Main Characters (Part 1)
- Choose and Create Your Main Characters (Part 2)
- Choose and Create Your Main Characters (Part 3)
- Exercises: Create a Character
- Craft a Master Inner Journey of Transformation for Your Hero (Part 1)
- Craft a Master Inner Journey of Transformation for Your Hero (Part 2)
- Craft a Master Inner Journey of Transformation for Your Hero (Part 3)
- Exercise: The Inner Journey
- The Stew for Your Plot–Part 1
- The Stew for Your Plot–Part 2
- Exercises: Pick the Ingredients for Your Stew
- The Heart of Your Story: Mastering Three Act Structure (Prat 1)
- The Heart of Your Story: Mastering Three Act Structure (Prat 2)
- Exercise: Find Your Three-Act Structure
Fiction Academy: Master Level Classes
- Don’t Narrate–Illustrate! Finally Understanding Show vs. Tell (Part 4)
- Don’t Narrate–Illustrate! Finally Understanding Show vs. Tell (Part 1)
- Don’t Narrate–Illustrate! Finally Understanding Show vs. Tell (Part 2)
- Don’t Narrate–Illustrate! Finally Understanding Show vs. Tell (Part 3)
- Exercises: Show vs. Tell
- That’s One Point of View–Mastering POV (Part 1)
- That’s One Point of View–Mastering POV (Part 2)
- Exercise: Point of View
- He Said/She Said–Verisimilitude in Dialogue (Part 1)
- He Said/She Said–Verisimilitude in Dialogue (Part 2)
- Exercises: Dialogue
- Picture This–Description That Paints Your Story (Part 1)
- Picture This–Description That Paints Your Story (Part 2)
- Picture This–Description That Paints Your Story (Part 3)
- Exercises: Description
Fiction Academy: Postgraduate Work
- Finish and Revise the Book (Part 1)
- Finish and Revise the Book (Part 2)
- Exercises: Finishing and Revising
- Understanding the Publishing Process (Part 1)
- Understanding the Publishing Process (Part 2)
- Understanding the Publishing Process (Part 3)
- Exercise: Understanding the Publishing Process
- Create a Killer Fiction Proposal (Part 1)
- Create a Killer Fiction Proposal (Part 2)
- Create a Killer Fiction Proposal (Part 3)
- Exercise: Creating a Killer Fiction Proposal
- Indie, Hybrids, and E-Books–The Publishing Revolution We Find Ourselves In
Jeff Gerke: Writer’s Digest author and world-class fiction instructor
When you’re truly ready to make your fiction publishable, it’s time to call Jeff Gerke. Jeff trains novelists how to better do what it is they’re trying to do. He trains through his books for Writers Digest: The Irresistible Novel, Plot Versus Character, The First 50 Pages, Write Your Novel in a Month, and The Art & Craft of Writing Christian Fiction.
Jeff trains through the many writers’ conferences he teaches at all over the country every year. He trained his authors when he ran Marcher Lord Press, the premier publisher of Christian speculative fiction, which he sold after an award-winning 5-year run. And he trains through the freelance editing he does for his clients.
Jeff is known for his brilliantly clear teaching style, his humor, his canny book doctoring skills, and his encouraging manner, all of which leave writers feeling empowered and like they really can do this thing after all.
He lives in Colorado Springs with his wife and three children.
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