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Exploring the Essential Features of “Jennifer Partridge – Tapping into Emotional Mastery”
Now Available in Vietnam
Tapping into Emotional Mastery
Become a Mindvalley Member, and unlock access to Tapping into Emotional Mastery + Mindvalley’s full curriculum of 50+ transformational programs
Do you ever feel an invisible force blocking you from healing, growing, and moving forwards in your life?
This ‘force’ could be a feeling of anger, fear, distrust, or sadness that’s constantly triggered in you by certain people or situations…
It may be a recurring belief or addiction that leaves you feeling helpless, weak, or unworthy…
Or it could even be a traumatic memory looping endlessly in your head, no matter how hard you try to move on from it.
This destructive force manifests differently in everyone, but one thing about it is always the same:
It comes from an invisible well of emotions deep inside your energy body.
The question is, how attuned are you to your inner world of emotions and energy?
Are you aware of exactly how your emotions are shaping your reality? Which ones are silently holding you back? And how to work with your energy body to heal them?
Too many of us aren’t. Which is why among all the personal growth tools available today, one stands out as the key to emotional liberation and mastery.
That tool is known as tapping: a remarkable modality that blends modern psychology, Chinese medicine, and leading-edge neuroscience to allow you to dive deep into your energy body – and heal yourself from the inside out.
The Tapping Into Emotional Mastery program with Jennifer Partridge guides you through the simple steps for gaining your own tapping practice – and harnessing it for a lifetime of wellbeing, self-awareness, personal power, and emotional freedom.
Deep Emotional Healing In Just Minutes A Day
The beauty of tapping is in its simplicity. Because even though it combines complex concepts in psychology, neuroscience, and Chinese philosophy, all you need to do is tap on specific parts of your body while reciting a series of positive statements.
It’s a process that only takes a few minutes a day, and costs you nothing.
As you tap, you’re releasing deep blockages from your body’s Meridian lines: a natural ‘energetic roadmap’ in your body that’s linked to your nervous system; and that stores the entirety of your emotional memories and trauma.
This is how tapping puts you back in the driver’s seat of your emotions, and enables you to find and heal the wounds causing you involuntary traumatic responses in your daily life: like pain, guilt, fear, anxiety, disconnection, self-doubt, and more.
The result is a deep rewiring of your neural pathways, and a profound shift in how you feel, think, and function in the world.
Tapping is a powerful, safe, and easy-to-use tool that’s transforming countless lives, and gaining more and more acceptance in the mainstream medical community.
And with the Tapping Into Emotional Mastery program by acclaimed tapping expert Jennifer Partridge, you’re guided through every step of embodying it as a simple and rewarding daily practice.
Meet Your Meridian Lines
Meridian lines are the points in your body that you focus on as you practice tapping. The concept was first presented in ancient Chinese philosophy, and has since become increasingly accepted by modern science and medicine. A growing body of governments and insurance companies around the world have even started approving meridian line-based treatment for various ailments.
The Curriculum
Explore The Tapping Into Emotional Mastery Curriculum
Tapping Into Emotional Mastery is a 28-day online journey towards a lifetime of emotional and energetic wellness.
You’ll join Jennifer Partridge herself for just 15 – 20 minutes a day, as she guides you through easy-to-follow video lessons, tapping exercises, and Soul Shift Challenges that give you mastery of this transformational practice.
The program is divided into seven levels: each one an eye-opening experience that immerses you in a unique aspect of your emotional and energetic landscape, and shines light on the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that silently shape your life.
By the end of your journey, you’ll emerge with all the tools and perspectives you need to adopt a lifelong tapping practice for emotional healing, overcoming adversity, and showing up as the best, most empowered version of you – all in just a few short minutes a day.
Tapping Essentials
Your journey begins with a deep dive into the fundamentals of tapping. You’ll explore what tapping really is, how your emotions and energy body function, and how to build a strong foundation for a tapping practice that becomes a transformational and consistent part of your daily life.
Highlights include:
- Listening to your body’s wisdom: discover how to connect with your body, and interpret the signals it sends you as bread crumbs towards your innermost truths and deepest healings.
- Engaging with your emotions: learn how to embrace your emotions – even the painful and negative ones – and work through them to bring yourself back to peace and happiness.
- Rewiring your beliefs: understand the beliefs you’ve been programmed with throughout your life, and how to deactivate and replace the ones that don’t serve you, with ones that uplift you.
- Tapping into cosmic intelligence: explore how you can even use tapping to transcend your own body, and access a plane of cosmic intelligence – where the answers you seek await.
- And much more…
Honoring Your Safety & Security
Your next focus is on harnessing tapping to reclaim an assured sense of safety and security that encompasses your past, present, and future. This step is crucial to achieving unconditional peace of mind, no matter what’s happening (or has happened) in your life.
- Identifying your desires & boundaries: get total clarity on the reality you want to create for yourself, and how to honor that reality by setting and maintaining your personal boundaries.
- Soothing your inner child: release the entanglements imposed on you during your childhood, and learn how to continue growing by forgiving both yourself and others.
- The wonder of ancestral healing: rewrite your history and your future by exploring your generational wounds, and healing the emotional and mental traumas they may have scarred you with.
- Owning your reality: transcend victim consciousness, and step into creator consciousness as you shed your survival mechanisms and embrace a new sense of personal power.
- And much more…
The Beauty Of Simplicity
After safety and security, you move on to simplifying and decluttering every dimension of your inner world: so you can say goodbye to overwhelm, stress, and anxiety – and make way for joy, clarity, and a constant connection to gratitude.
Highlights include:
- From overwhelmed to overjoyed: identify the daily choices in your life that are causing you overwhelm and negative emotional patterns, and trade them for ones that bring joy and peace.
- Why less can be more: allow more energy, personal power, happiness, and focus into your life by releasing the tasks and choices causing you unnecessary stress and burden.
- Creating perfect priorities: design a life perfectly aligned with your higher visions and purpose, by reviewing and reimagining your chosen priorities.
- Nurturing a grateful heart: learn tapping exercises that instantly align you with the uplifting vibration of gratitude – which in turn amplifies your manifestation power and internal freedom.
- And much more…
Building Deep Trust
Learning to trust yourself, your impulses and intuition, and even the universe is a vital step towards emotional mastery. You’ll discover how to do that in this level, and in the process gain liberation from crippling fear and self-doubt.
Highlights include:
- Trusting your discomfort: struggle, anxiety, and fear can be your best teachers – once you know how to work with these impulses and shift them into personal power and clarity.
- Trusting yourself: learn how to release yourself from cravings for external approval and validation, and instead develop a deep, profound, unconditional trust in your own strength and ability.
- Trusting space & time: just as seeds take time and care to grow into trees, so too do many of the healings, breakthroughs, and gifts you’ll bring into your life. Here you’ll discover how to trust and give space to that process.
- Trusting the unknown: discover how and when it’s best to release your desire for control, and allow the universe or a Higher Power to support and take care of you.
- And much more…
Embracing True Freedom
In your next step, you’ll explore why true freedom is an inner game, rather than a status given to you by anyone or anything beyond yourself. Then, you’ll learn how to create unconditional freedom for yourself by awakening your full creation power, and taking inspired action.
Highlights include:
- Taking action towards freedom: discover how a simple action like a phone call, a conversation, or a decision to try something new can bring you closer to a life of freedom.
- Making your leap of faith: gain the personal power to push aside your fear of uncertainty and the unknown, and take a leap towards freedom and the direction of your dreams.
- Freedom from your insecurities: as you grow and evolve, you may sometimes start doubting or questioning yourself. You’ll discover how to push through these insecurities, and soar from a space of comfort.
- Allowing your heart to lead you: your brain is a powerful tool for creating success and security, but here you’ll discover how to also let your heart guide you towards your dreams and truths.
- And much more…
The Power Of Love
The penultimate level of your journey is a heart-expanding exploration of love – and how to evolve your understanding of love, so you can find a limitless supply of it in yourself, in others, and in everything around you.
Highlights include:
- Finding love in everything: find out how to find love in all dimensions of your life, including the challenging parts – and then channel love back into them for the ultimate experience of freedom and healing.
- The life-changing love letter: learn how to transmute pain into love by writing a mindfully worded letter to a person who caused you pain in the past.
- Opening yourself to love: find out where you’ve been unconsciously blocking or resisting the flow of love in your life and your relationships – and open the floodgates.
- Relaxing into love: discover how you can harness the calming vibration of relaxation to hold space for love, and allow yourself to receive more of it.
- And much more…
Soul Celebration
Your final level is a celebration of how far you’ve come. You’ll reflect on your growth, connect with your biggest breakthroughs, and lock in a lifelong relationship with your energy body and your emotions through a regular and rewarding tapping practice.
Highlights include:
- Setting your inner compass: go within, release all external influences and suggestions, and learn to trust your soul, as it guides you towards your most fruitful choices and destinations.
- Forging deeper connections: learn how to trust, develop, and create deeper connections with the people who matter to you – and gain them as allies on your healing path.
- Building cosmic confidence: upon setting your intentions for your near and distant future, discover how to share them with the universe, and gain a cosmic ally on your journey.
- Remembering your brilliance: before you set off on your new life of emotional mastery, take a moment to connect with your brilliance, and know that it’s always available to you, at your fingertips.
- And much more…
Day by Day Schedule
Week 1
Day 1
The 3 Basic Principles of Tapping
Day 2
Discover the Wisdom of Your Body
Day 3
How to Listen to Your Emotions
Day 4
Rewire Your Brain for Powerful New Beliefs
Day 5
Tapping into Cosmic Intelligence
Day 6
Setting the Right Desires and Boundaries
Day 7
Overcoming Fear-Based Responses
Week 2
Day 8
How to Release Entanglements From the Past
Day 9
Explore Ancestral Healing
Day 10
How to Command Reality
Day 11
Moving from Overwhelmed to Overjoyed
Day 12
Tap into a Greater Synergy with the Universe
Day 13
How to Live Soul Simple Life
Day 14
Creating Perfect Priorities
Week 3
Day 15
Build Beautiful Boundaries to Honor Your Soul
Day 16
How to Lift Your Frequency and Attract Abundance
Day 17
What Your Discomfort is Teaching You
Day 18
Learn to Trust Your Inner Power
Day 19
Trusting Space & Time
Day 20
Discover a Higher Power Guiding Your Life
Day 21
Developing Inner Expansion
Week 4
Day 22
Developing Outer Expansion
Day 23
Develop a Deeper Level of Forgiveness
Day 24
How to Experience the Gift of Life in Every Moment
Day 25
How to Let Love In
Day 26
Create Soulful Connections in Your Relationships
Day 27
Becoming Cosmic & Confident as You Teach Others
Day 28
Celebrate the Miracle of Your Life
Daily Soul Tap Recording For Making Tapping An Effortless Habit
Available in your Omvana app, this guided tapping session recording is designed to help you integrate tapping into your daily life: easily, enjoyably, and sustainably.
Even long after you’ve completed the program, this session allows you to join Jennifer each day for a tapping session that uplifts and rejuvenates you in just a few short minutes.
About Jennifer Partridge, Creator Of Tapping Into Emotional Mastery
Jennifer Partridge is a world-renowned tapping expert, author, speaker, and facilitator of human potential.
Coming from a background of deep emotional trauma and childhood abuse, Jennifer first started exploring tapping as a way to heal her own wounds. The outcome was so profound that she made it her life’s purpose to empower others through tapping and the gift of emotional mastery it brings.
Today, Jennifer is a prolific authority on emotional healing. She speaks on stages around the world, writes books, and collaborates with luminaries like Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Michael Beckwith, Don Miguel Ruiz, and many more.
The Tapping Into Mastery program presents an opportunity for anyone to learn Jennifer’s unique approach to tapping, and step into a new life of emotional freedom and mastery.
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Mindvalley Membership
Become a Mindvalley Member and get Mindvalley’s entire learning platform at your fingertips. But that’s not all: you also get the clarity and tools to design a curriculum that’s hyper-personalized to you and your unique goals in all areas of life. This puts you in the driver’s seat of your own self-evolution. And gives you the freedom to define what greatness means to you.
Your life-changing transformation begins with Mindvalley Membership
As a Mindvalley Member, you get access to Tapping Into Emotional Mastery – plus extraordinary transformation for every dimension of your life.
In addition to gaining a rewarding tapping practice, level up your career, wealth, health, relationships, and more with Mindvalley’s full curriculum of best-in-class programs:
Each one powered by the world’s best teachers.
Leading-edge learning tools and technology.
Mindvalley Membership gives you everything you need to awaken your greatness. And become a better you every day.
The impact of your all-around transformation
Extraordinary things happen when you start leveling up every area of your life with Mindvalley Membership:
You instantly develop the habits of super performers
When you read a book or study a course, you’re often left with a ‘temporary high’ that evaporates over time. Mindvalley transforms you permanently through leading-edge behavioral change tools that install uplifting habits, beliefs, and emotional patterns in you: so peak performance, glowing health, unshakable peace, and boundless joy become your default.
You achieve superhuman productivity of mind, body & soul
Whatever you’re looking to achieve or become, Mindvalley supports you from all angles. Go far beyond basic productivity hacks, and master cutting-edge mindset tools, flow states, deeper levels of consciousness, and even spiritual tools that revolutionize how you feel, think, show up, solve challenges, and get things done.
You grow and thrive in every dimension of life that matters
How many people are rich and successful, but sick? Or fit and full of life, but broke? With Mindvalley, you don’t need to sacrifice one area of life for another. Because you get best-in-class tools and guidance to ignite your brilliance every dimension. So you can be a superhero at work. Look like one too. Be one to your kids, family, and even the world. And truly have it all.
You make impactful connections that elevate your life
You’ll join our global community of Changemakers: 95,000+ strong and growing every day. But these aren’t your average people: they’re high-impact entrepreneurs, brilliant artists, visionary thinkers, and deeply inspiring individuals committed to elevating themselves and the planet. And you’ll connect and grow with them every day through Membership-only events, face-to-face meetups, live workshops, and much more. In your city and around the world.
Become a Mindvalley member now, and begin your transformational journey
What you get:
- Full access to this program and all of the bonuses
- Full access to Mindvalley’s entire curriculum of best-in-class programs for transforming every dimension of your life.
- Weekly Mindvalley Live sessions featuring today’s biggest trainers, bestselling authors, and celebrities.
- Full access to Mindvalley Meditations, featuring a vast selection of guided and ambient meditation audios for deep inner transformation.
- Access to Mindvalley’s private social network, where you can connect, share wisdom, and grow with fellow members. You can also find Mindvalley meet-ups in your city and around the world.Tapping into
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