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Exploring the Essential Features of “John Grinder – Training Trainers”
NLP Global Trainers Training
with John Grinder, Carmen Bostic and Michael Carroll
 15 November – 1 December 2021
 08:00am – 02:00pm (Costa Rica)
Welcome to The NLP Global Trainers Training, a unique concept brought to you from the NLP Academy and the International Trainers Academy of NLP, where John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St Clair and Michael Carroll will deliver their world renowned Trainers Training via live stream across different venues all over the globe.
Each venue is facilitated by a selected ITA trainer. All the training is delivered uniquely by John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St Clair and Michael Carroll to live classes where the Satellite Trainer will facilitate all the practical exercises and the evaluations.
All the participants who take part in the evaluation will be certified as NLP Trainers by the International Trainers Academy of NLP (ITA) with certificates carrying the signatures of John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St Clair and Michael Carroll.
his highly specialised programme offers people from all over the world a unique opportunity to achieve qualification as an NLP Trainer in a local venue, thus reducing travel costs and time, whilst being part part of a global community of Grinder, Bostic, Carroll Trainers committed to bringing high standards of NLP to their own communities
The lead venue is in Costa Rica, at the Mountain Hotel Establo in the Monteverde region where John and Carmen will deliver their content via live stream and Michael Carroll will deliver his sessions live to the class.
This approach has been hugely successful for the last two years of Trainers Training in, so we decided to offer the opportunity of Trainers Training via live stream to people all over the world in local venues making Trainers Training with John, Carmen and Michael more accessible and in doing so providing the highest quality Trainers Training education to people seeking to establish a successful career as an NLP Trainer
NLP Global Trainers Training Venues and facilitators
Costa Rica – Michael Carroll live, John Grinder and Carmen Bostic via live stream
El Establo Mountain Hotel Accommodation Offers
Deluxe room – USD$135 per room, per night single or double with Breakfast and taxes included.
Junior Suite room – USD$155 per room, per night single or double with Breakfast and taxes included.
Suite – USD$175 per room, per night single or double with Breakfast and taxes included.
 Reservations & Transfers
Locations with ITA Trainers facilitating John, Carmen and Michael via live stream
London, UK – David Smith
Lisbon, Portugal – Ana Pisco and Kathy Pedro
Singapore – Simon Wong
Malaga, Spain – Andrew and Alexa Smith
Lausanne, Switzerland – Alessandro De Vita Zublena and Federica De Nardi
Winnipeg, Canada – Jacquie Nagy
Pune, India – Ridhima Dua (Module I only)
NLP Global Trainers Training Overview
- Dr John Grinder, co-creator of NLP and New Code NLP
- Carmen Bostic St Clair, co-creator of New Code NLP and
- Michael Carroll, co-developer of New Code NLP and Founder of The NLP Academy.
Course structure – 15 days of training over three consecutive modules
- Module I – Advanced Presentation and Public Speaking Skills (15- 19 November 2021)
- Module II – The Art and Science of Teaching NLP (21 -26 November 2021)
- Module III – Evaluation (28 November – 1 December 2021)
NLP in Your Home – Online option
The course is also available via live stream for home leaners. For people who take the course at home will be accredited as NLP online Trainers and qualified to offer an ITA accredited NLP Diploma for online students.
All people who take Trainers Training online have the option to upgrade to full NLP Trainer, accreditation, free of charge by attending the 4 day evaluation at scheduled future date
Evaluation and Accreditation
The course is evaluated to the ITA standard for Trainers. The requirements are tested for candidates to demonstrate, precise knowledge of NLP content ability to conduct transparent NLP demonstrations and deliver NLP sessions using the Grinder 8 step presentation format. All graduates from the course will be invited to join the prestigious ITA
Online candidates are evaluated on presentation and demonstration skills and on graduation can offer ITA NLP Online Diplomas. All online candidates can upgrade to the full Trainer accreditation, by attend the 4 day evaluation at the next Grinder / Bostic / Carroll Trainer course or by attending the alternative evaluations early in 2022, hosted by our satellite Trainers in Asia, Latin America, Europe and Canada.
Course Details
The programme is taught directly by NLP co-creator, John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St Clair and Michael Carroll who collectively have worked in the NLP field for 98 years. This makes the Grinder/Bostic/Carroll partnership the most experienced, dynamic and knowledgeable training team in the NLP world.
The course design is the same as when Michael, John and Carmen work together in person, so you will enjoy a Grinder, Bostic, Carroll production as close as possible to the traditional courses that they teach together.
The NLP Academy Trainers Training is an international experience with attendees from all over the world. The course is taught in English with a simultaneous translation to Portuguese and Spanish.
Upon graduating Trainers Training, you will be eligible to join the International Trainers Academy of NLP (ITA), the prestigious certifying organisation where as a member you can issue John Grinder signed NLP certificates to your students.
Module I
Advanced Presentation and Public Speaking Skills
“Love Public Speaking”
 15 – 19 November 2021
08:00am – 02:00pm (Costa Rica)
This first module is about learning how to design and deliver presentations for optimal audience engagement. Public speaking and presentation skills are an essential part of Trainer’s skill set to offer content charismatically creating a context where it’s easy to learn the material.
An excellent public speaker and presenter is fearless on stage, they own the space, they know how to maximise the use of their tonality to enhance their message, they use their body language to engage the audience, they are gifted story tellers, and they structure their material in a sequence so it is naturally absorbed by the audience making it easy for people to remember the material. You will learn all of this and more during the six day module on the Advanced Presentation and Public Speaking Skills course.
What you will learn
× Trainer State and Self Awareness for Charismatic Public Speaking
The optimal Trainer State for engaging any audience with confidence
How to to have absolute certainty on stage and break any fears connected with public speaking
Developing a high level of self-awareness as a presenter so you are tuned into all feedback
Triple description as a mechanism for self feedback for continual self improvement as a presenter
× Rapport – to increase audience responsiveness and reduce resistance
How to develop rapid group rapport with large and small audiences for you as a presenter to have total attention of the group
Identifying informal group leaders and utilising the natural influence they have with other members of the group
Pacing and leading the conscious and unconscious mind of audience members building individual and group responsiveness
How to answer difficult questions with rapport enhancing your credibility
How to quickly read an audience so you can maximise the effect of your message
Understanding how groups, sub-groups and individuals relate to each other to accentuate group rapport and create a harmonious learning environment
× Facilitation and Process of Learning
How to build dynamic and engaging sessions to maximise the interest in your presentation
Creating sessions that harness the conscious and unconscious mind of learners creating a lasting ‘whole mind’ learning experience
Framing presentations to set the scene for conscious expectations
Delivering tailored sessions for unconscious learning and long term behavioural change
Orchestrating sessions designed for different learning styles so all audience members feel included
× Utilisation, maximising the interaction with the audience
How to transform interruptions into effective teaching points minimising the effect of the interruption and keeping your presentation on track
Recognising and answering the question behind the question, satisfying the deeper learning requirements of the questioner
Elegantly handling hecklers/troublemakers and get them on your side giving you a greater and more natural authority with the overall group
Using misdirection as means of distracting the conscious mind and taking the learners into unexpected and positive territories going beyond expectations
Designing charismatic presentations using multiple descriptions and connecting with the audience at a sensory level creating enhanced recollection.
× The effective use of physiology & tonality to create charisma
Utilising different postures for different steps in the presentation sequence making it easy for the learner to experience the distinct types of content in your presentation
The distinctive tonalities anchored to visual, auditory and kinaesthetic language to create heightened charisma in your style and versatile learning experience in the group
Tonal anchors to connect the unconscious minds of group members to the desired states inherent in your presentation
The hidden structure of charisma and the ultimate verbal rapport tool
× Course style & design and learning formats
Deductive style training sessions when you want the attendees to walk away with explicit learnings, usually expressed linguistically
Inductive style learning when you want the participant to experience the learnings experientially, usually expressed in behaviour
The Grinder 8 Step format for presenting and training, a format that mirrors natural experiencelearning contexts, making it easier for participants to assimilate the content
Formatting the unconscious mind for learning, creating a framework for long term recall and integration
× Metaphor
The use of metaphor to set up teaching points for what is to come
Isomorphic metaphor, precise metaphor construction, to create direct mappings
Multi embedded metaphor, embedding different states in metaphor for layering learnings
Nested and open loops in metaphor, how to nest stories within stories to create audience intrigue and unconscious engagement
Spatial anchoring with metaphor to chain states, link stories and build an internal map of the content that is to be delivered
Module II
The Art and Science of Teaching NLP
 21 – 26 November 2021
08:00am – 02:00pm (Costa Rica)
Module II is centered on teaching Neuro Linguistic Programming at various levels and to different sectors. As an NLP Trainer you are likely to offer a range of courses as part of your business, for example introductory courses, NLP Practitioner courses, business courses and specialist application courses. In this module, you will learn about training style and design, how to sequence material and structure content to maximise learning.
NLP Training is both an art and science, the artistry comes in the flair and flexibility a trainer exhibits in their metaphors, creative sessions and elegance in conducting demonstrations. The science is in the formatting of each session and precision in presenting factual content to set up exercise delivery. The art/science combination establishes a context for sophisticated transfer of content.
This module will give you the complete NLP Trainer package to enable you to deliver in depth sessions covering the full range of learning styles in the class, with the material being assimilated unconsciously and understood consciously.
What you will learn
× After this module you will be able to design and deliver NLP courses using a variety of formats depending on the audience
Designing and delivering an NLP presentation to an audience
Conducting an NLP demonstration and teach the audience through your demonstration
Presenting under a series of challenging contexts the evaluator chooses
Completing an extensive closed book written exam on core NLP patterning
× Structure styles & course design
The structural style developed by John Grinder to teach NLP when it was created – the Grinder 8 Step format for training
Discovery style working inductively for the students to build their own learning map
The art of chunking and sequencing making it easy for learners to learn
Looping in training to connect the different content elements
Structuring NLP Practitioner content for maximum integration and long term application of the material
The logical levels of training design
× Verbal interactions to leverage the learning experience
Enhanced metaphor interaction, nesting loops, embedding commands, interactive metaphor, anchoring teaching points
Explicit verbal package and old style meta model for precision questioning
Physiological Meta Model (non verbal Meta Model), anchoring language patterns to elicit specific verbal responses
Using the learner’s current story interactively to embed the training content
Intention frame, outcome frame, as if frame to establish a learning direction
Explicate hidden intentions through paraphrase, mis-paraphrase and misdirection
× Stage anchoring and tonal anchoring for state elicitation
Using the space for anchoring states and teaching points
Chaining states to create a movement to an outcome in the audience
Sliding tonal anchors to enhance the quality of static or chained states
Anchoring states and responses through gesture
× The skill behind artful NLP Demonstrations
Positioning the demo as the key element in the training session
Demo subject selection, how to pick the best person for the pattern being taught, the types of people not to pick
Recognising the difference in compliance and suggestibility, and why not to use overly compliant or suggestible subjects
Creating powerful post demo contexts of discovery to elicit learnings from the audience
Splitting your attention to calibrate the audience and demo subject
Conducting demos with multiple demonstration subjects so the class can observe the responses in different people
× Exercise design and exercise set up to create practical learning experiences
Dovetailing the exercise to match the teaching points inherent in the demonstration
How to design exercises to create natural circuits in the learner for the skill being taught, building unconscious competence
Chunking exercises for maximum effect
Feedback and clean up after the exercise
Utilising all aspects of feedback, especially feedback where the students were challenged
× The distinctions between ‘content’ and ‘process’
Content and process, a primary ethical distinction in NLP
The importance of keeping with the original NLP practice of process orientated models in NLP training
How to convert ‘content’ orientated patterns to ‘process’ patterns to stay with NLP practice
How to develop your own ‘process’ patterns and models
Module III – Evaluation
 28 November – 01 December 2021
08:00am – 02:00pm (Costa Rica)
In this phase you will demonstrate your competency to the evaluation team with various activities to ensure you are ready to be an NLP Trainer. The evaluation process is rigorous; you will use all the skills you learnt in Module I and II throughout the evaluation as well as your NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner skills.
- Â You will design and deliver a 35 minute NLP presentation
- Â You will conduct an NLP demonstration
- Â You will tasked to present under challenging circumstances
- Â You will also complete a closed book test on Classic NLP patterning
The NLP Trainers Training and rigid evaluation is designed to create the best NLP Trainers in the world.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/