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Exploring the Essential Features of “Jose Paul Martin & Rajath George Alex – Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Masterclass”
What you’ll learn
- Understand Concepts of the Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
- Gain an Overview of the Most Important Cryptocurrencies
- How to Massively Gain From Trading Cryptocurrencies
- How to Profit Through Mining Cryptocurrencies
- Have a Strong Understanding of What Cryptocurrency Is and How Different Types of Cryptocurrency Work.
- Have Sufficient Understanding of This Revolutionizing and Disruptive Technology Called Blockchain and How to Participate in It
- Anyone having some very basic knowledge about investing & trading.
- Anyone having some basic knowledge about Bitcoin is good, but not necessary – as we’ll touch upon the essentials.
- Anyone can buy / sell, trade or invest in cryptocurrencies – though you might be required to be 18+ years and have a bank account.
- Anyone with working knowledge of a computer, notebook, laptop, tablet and/or smartphone with an internet connection.
Last year, I made a small investment in Cryptocurrencies. And the returns, well, to put it mildly, have been spectacular! It’s been the best trade I’ve ever made. How much? 3,300% in 12 months. That’s not a typo.
That’s enough to turn $1,000 into $33,000.
Or $100,000 into $3.3 million.
And what’s more, I still continue to earn around 100% each year on that investment!
Every day, I get a call or message from a friend, asking me to explain Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoins.
It’s no surprise, Cryptocurrencies are all over the news with breathtaking returns. But before I tell you more, keep this in mind – I believe this is just the beginning.
Exceeding 400% growth earlier this year, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have finally started to catch the attention of most of the world. The Blockchain is being called the greatest invention since the internet (or even sliced bread) with companies worldwide flocking to take part in this digital revolution.
See, most of my friends know me as a professional investor in private markets – markets which are not liquid, are private and only meant for High Net Worth Individuals or HNWIs.
However, in the last few years I’ve been noticing a mega trend developing, where juicy returns are no longer exclusive to the rich.
Here’s a list of gains Cryptocurrencies have been handing to those in the know…
- Ethereum (ETH) 109,254%
- IOTA (IOTA) 103,882%
- Antshares (NEO) 88,368%
- Stratis (STRAT) 40,226%
- Storj (SJCX) 5,524%
- QTUM (QTUM) 3,442%
- Augur (REP) 2,818%
- OmiseGo (OMG) 3,045%
And the list goes on. What’s more, is that these massive gains are changing peoples’ lives too. And that’s what I love to see.
And the second most asked question is… is it the right time to invest?
My answer… YES! Now is the time to make generational wealth, using this foundational technology called Blockchain.
And the best part is… all this is possible, even if you’re not an geek or hacker, even if you know nothing about blockchain or cryptocurrencies, even if you’re not a venture capitalist or trader and even if you don’t have lots of free time!
You can participate in the digital gold rush! But if you wait, even for just a few weeks, you’ll likely miss the easy gains!
Feel like waiting a year or two, to see how others are burnt because this is the Wild West… no problem, but you’ll miss out all the big gains – and that’s your loss.
If you wait too long, the biggest opportunity in a lifetime will be gone. (Enroll NOW!)
Think about this for a moment, it was from the Wild West that companies like Amazon were born. All the wealth we’ve seen generated in the last decade have risen from this Wild West period. Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google, you name it.
So why would I share all this insight with you? Why not keep it secret and enjoy the fruits and make a tonne of money?
Well, that’s a good question. One that I’m happy to answer.
I come from a middle class background. One thing my father taught me, is to work hard. But for some reason, despite all the hard work – I couldn’t really make much money. Then I started to study the ways of the rich, and realized they were playing a totally different game.
And the more I studied, the more I realized what was going on.
Slowly but surely, a tremendous shift was taking place – glacial speeds you could say, which is why you can’t see them overnight. People really can’t figure out what’s going on because the mainstream media will never report it until it’s too late.
And all I can say, is that this… is just the tip of the iceberg.
As a kid I used to collect stamps and coins. What is interesting is that these stamps had a value – more than the value printed on it some times. And the coins, well they served as a reminder. A reminder of what happens over time in history.
I honestly hated history, but decided to study the history of currencies and how they corrected the course of empires and civilizations.
Right now, money is going through a fundamental change. I’ll explain this in detail through the course and you’ll realize why this is so important to understand and how you can profit from it.
And of course when there’s money to be made, there are going to be scam artists for sure. And it’s true with Cryptocurrencies today, some of these shouldn’t even see the light of day. People have raised millions of dollars, only to spend the money vacationing in Spain!
People are getting scammed out of their hard earned money. I know how hard it is to work for money, to earn it with integrity. So I decided to help them make sense of this transformational shift we’re going through – and give them an edge.
That’s why I decided to do this. I want to make sure that everyone in this world, has a chance to profit from this change. That’s why I’m sharing this.
We’re at the dawn of the next massive transfer of wealth. I want you to be a part of it. And the best part is, you don’t need a lot of money to start using this insight.
I’ll share with you how I generated over 3,000% returns in less than 12 months, and how I transformed just $300 into $10,000 and still continue to earn a 100% return on my investment.
But I’m not stopping there.
Today, I’m going to tell you about my trading and investing strategies… for FREE. And you might think I’m nuts giving away these strategies. I actually sell them for over $800. And here I am giving them away for FREE as a part of this course!
You’ll also get a downloadable PDF “The Rise of Blockchain & Cryptocurrency” — a beginners guide in plain English as a bonus.
Think about this, there are over 1,000 cryptocurrencies being issued and more are being added each day. The cryptocurrency space is currently over $170 billion and growing, with billions being exchanged each day.
And here’s the interesting thing, this is just the beginning. You see currency markets or forex markets as we call them are over $5 TRILLION – so we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg in terms of cryptos and there’s so much more upside to be had.
How do you participate in this space, or should you even do so and how do you do it safely? That’s what I hope to answer in this course.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who is just starting out in the Blockchain & Cryptocurrency space and wants to get started by understanding the concepts and lingo, so they can buy, sell, invest or trade in Cryptocurrencies & Tokens.
- Anyone who is interested in investing long-term or trading short-term in Cryptocurrencies, maximizing profits and minimizing losses, as well adding diversification to their portfolio.
- Anyone who is ready to speculate, buy, sell, trade or invest in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin or Ripple.
- The ideal student for this course is someone who wants to quickly understand and expand their knowledge of what cryptocurrencies are and how they work, as well as how to use, buy, sell and trade cryptocurrencies in a safe and effective manner.
- This course is NOT for people that want to learn more about complex technology regarding the Blockchain. Although, it is suitable for those who want a birds-eye view about how Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies are impacting the world of business.
- This course does NOT include any code sampling elements, as such it is not meant as a course for developers who wish to learn how to program Blockchain & Cryptocurrency applications. Although, we have a resident instructor who is a Blockchain Developer on standby to answer any technical questions you may have.
Course content
Course Overview
- Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Beyond Course Overview
- The Concepts: Understand the Basics of Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies
- The Concepts – Course Outline
- Introduction: Who Am I? And Why Am I Even Qualified to Teach This?
- My Story: How and Why I Was Introduced to Blockchain, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency
- The Story & Evaluation of Money: Why This Is Important Cryptocurrency Survival
- Money: Problem Or Solution?
- What Is Blockchain: And How Does This Technology Disrupt Our Financial Systems?
- What Is Cryptocurrency: Or “Cryptos” for Short?
- What Is Bitcoin: And Why Is It Becoming So Important?
- Who Is Behind Bitcoin: Who Is Backing Bitcoin and Can I Trust This Technology?
- What Are Wallets: How and Where Do I Store My Bitcoin Once I’ve Bought Them?
- What Are Exchanges: And Where Can I Buy Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin, Ethereum?
- Bitcoin – Ok, Now What? Here’s What You Can Do With I Once You’ve Bought Some
- What Is Mining: More Importantly, How Can You Profit From Cryptocurrency Mining?
- What Are Forks: When You Come to a Fork in This Road. Take It – Here’s Why…
- What Are ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings): And How Is It Different/Similar to IPOs?
- Beyond Blockchain & Cryptocurrency – A Peak Into The Future
How to Invest: Feel Comfortable Going Out & Buying Any Cryptocurrency
- Do NOT Buy Your Next Cryptocurrency Until You See This!
- Overall Acceptable (Recommended) Account Risk:
- How Much Cryptocurrencies Should You Buy?
- How To Identify Upcoming Opportunities Using This Software
- How To Buy Cryptocurrencies In Just 3 Steps?
- Download One of the Following 2 Factor Authentication Apps
- 5 Step Roadmap To Buying ANY Cryptocurrency
- Which Cryptocurrency Trading Account Should I Open?
- How To Buy Bitcoin (Cryptocurrencies) In India
- Recommended Broker / Trading Platforms
- Recommended Broker / Trading Platforms in India
- How To Buy Bitcoin (Cryptocurrencies) In Middle East
- How To Setup Your Digital (Crypto) Wallet – In Less Than 3 Minutes!
- How To Securely Backup Your Digital (Crypto) Wallet – MUST WATCH!
How To Trade: Become A Cryptocurrency Trader
- Should You Trade Or Invest Cryptocurrencies?
- Tracking Cryptocurrencies & Charting Tools – Part I
- Tracking Cryptocurrencies & Charting Tools – Part II
- Recommended Website Platforms / Apps For Tracking & Charting Cryptocurrencies
- How To Create Your Cryptocurrency Watchlist
- How To Start Trading Altcoins & Cryptocurrency Pairs
- Why You Should Get Started Trading Cryptos On This Exchange
- Trading Psychology!
How To Mine: Learn How To Mine Cryptocurrencies, Without Owning The Hardware
- Here’s How I Earn Around 15% Y-o-Y From Mining, Without Touching Any Hardware!
How To Lend: Learn How To Be Like A Bank By Lending Your Cryptos & Collect Money
Become Your Own Bank & Create Your Own Income Stream by Lending to Others
- Go The Extra Mile…
Weekly & Monthly Updates
- Monthly Update For April / May 2018
Jose Paul Martin: Co-Founder & Instructor @ ZENCAPITA Notes / zencapita.com
An investor, trader and advisor for over a decade, I’ve created programs to teach you how to make money, multiply money and manage money. If any of these goals interest you, then you’ll gain tremendously from what I teach in the courses.
Jose Paul Martin is a private equity investor & advisor with over 15 years of experience in investing and is currently focused Information Technology & Healthcare. He was a founding team member in two wildly successful startups – one with over 4,000 employees and the other with over $1.2 billion in assets under management. He currently runs Eqoris Advisors – a boutique corporate & strategic advisory firm.
Rajath George Alex: Graduate Researcher @ NYU Courant | Blockchain Engineer
Rajath is a Graduate Student currently pursuing his Masters in Computer Science at New York University (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences).
He’s also a Software Engineer with 2.5 years of experience in the Fintech Industry and a Writer for the Tech Publication ‘HackerNoon’.
Primary research interests include Blockchains, Cryptocurrencies, Cryptoeconomics, Distributed Systems, Applied Cryptography, Network Security and Consensus Algorithms.
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