*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Joshua Elder – 30 Days To Get Sales”
Learn How I Generated Over 2000+ New Customers With YouTube Ads This Year…
and how you can model my same exact frame work to get an unlimited amount of leads and customers with YouTube.
What We’re Doing
1. You’re learning my exact same process I’ve used to generate over 2,000+ brand new customers in my business using youtube ads.
What I do know is the vast and overwhelming majority of people who take classes about business and sales don’t get any results at all. Kind of like the way most people who buy home exercise equipment don’t look like the people in the commercials. (I’m guilty on that front myself.)
Also, this is a CLASS intended to help BUSINESS OWNERS learn how to use the Internet to get more customers. It is NOT a “business opportunity”.
And finally, all business entails RISK. During the class, I’ll be teaching how to use advertising to attract customers. Advertising campaigns almost NEVER work at first. They usually require tweaking and adjustment. A great deal of our focus will be on doing this with minimal risk …but the risk will still be present none the less.
Most people reading page already know me and are well aware of these realities.
But for someone expecting a “hail mary” or something …this is unquestioningly NOT it.
This will require WORK, COMMITMENT, and most importantly, PERSEVERANCE. All this “internet marketing” stuff is harder than it looks. So get ready to put in the work and stick it out. Those who are not committed (or aren’t comfortable with the idea of advertising etc), are advised you to pass on this.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/