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Your instructor
Julien Klepatch
Julien Klepatch
Hi! Hi! My name is Julien, and Iโm the instructor at EatTheBlocks Pro.
I am a senior blockchain software engineer. I was previously employed in Finance before switching to software development six year ago.
Since the beginning of my career, I have been developing Dapps for Solidity and ICOs smart contracts for various Ethereum and ICOs projects. This includes Lendingblock, an institutional cryptocurrency lending exchange.
EatTheBlocks, which is a YouTube channel for Ethereum developers, is what I run. I also have a Blockchain course published for Manning.
I contribute to the Drizzle code and spoke at TruffleCon 2019 about Drizzle.
I also have extensive experience with Nodejs, Javascript & React, having worked as a full-stack software engineer for the last 6 years. Github & LinkedIn
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