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Exploring the Essential Features of “Kadu Pires and Larissa Thayane – Rio Rhythmics Latin Dance Academy – Samba de Gafieira Instructional DVD Series”
A combination 3 levels DVDs into one.
Samba de gafieira DVD set: Samba de gafieira beginner, intermediate and advanced DVDs.
The beginner level DVDs offer all most important foundation movements to give you a strong foundation, prepare you to learn intermediate sequences and to get you on the dance floor in no time.
Intermediate level DVDs will focus on giving you variations to combinations and sequences using all foundation movements. Kadu and Larissa will also introduce you to a more complex footwork, leg and body lead techniques and timing variations.
Samba de gafieira advanced level DVDs offer exciting and complex combinations using “contratempo, diagonal, facao” movements, turn of the girls, complex footwork variations for guys and girls and much more.
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