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Exploring the Essential Features of “Kate Beeders – Rapid Cash and Success System”
Attention: Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Healers, Practitioners, Speakers and Authors who want a more successful business that will give you the FINANCIAL FREEDOM you’ve been looking for…
Are you ready to finally get rid of the blocks in your way and start quickly having the business success you desire?
Imagine – an easier way to have all of the SUCCESS you want in your business in a way that feels very natural to you. I’ll teach you my PROVEN, 5-step system for ALWAYS being ready to receive the results you truly deserve while moving away from being “stuck” where you are.
In fact, I’ve gotten SO good at it and love it so much, that in the last 18 months, I’ve been given amazing opportunities that helped blast my career into a SUPERSTAR level.
One of those opportunities was an invitation to speak at an event with thousands of listeners…where all of the other presenters have been in my field for years and years! And I managed to do this by myself…without being pushy or salesy….staying true to what is important to me and living a life I’m PASSIONATE about while still having a LIFE OF BALANCE!
- The last 18 months have been an amazing journey! Let me share the abbreviated version of my story. It started with the first time I experienced EFT and I quickly got control over a life-long ice cream craving. Would you believe that giving up ice cream would lead to leaving a successful career in corporate America, where I was one of the top producers in my industry, selling millions and millions of dollars of products every year?
- I started my own practice which is filled with lots of wonderful clients. Since then, I became a host to my own radio show, have guests on my show that read like a list of “who’s who”, and frequently am asked to guest on others’ shows. I’ve been holding workshops and am now speaking at events with thousands and thousands of peopleattending.
- And to top it off, I was recently acknowledged in a New York Times’ bestselling author’s book for my coaching skills. People whose work I really admire are contacting me to work on projects with them. In case you haven’t been paying attention, these opportunities are QUICKLY and EASILY coming to me. And, this journey keeps getting more fabulous and fantastic every day.
Yes, all my successes – more clients, more money, more opportunities AND more confidence all come back to my Rapid Cash & Success System which I’ll be sharing with you.
It’s the easiest, fastest, least expensive way to reach your BIG dreams!
In fact, my unique program will help you:
- Clarify what your goals are and what you really want from your career. You’ll learn to be able to say “YES” to what matters most, and “no” to the rest! (This sounds so simple, but so many people get stuck here and end up getting overwhelmed because they take too much on.)
- Make a BIG difference in peoples’ lives while earning more money.
- Attract more clients! You’ll be more focused and confident when you speak to people. Also, this new found confidence will show up with your existing clients and you’ll notice more referrals and repeat clients coming your way!
- Develop a positive and healthy attitude towards money. Once you do, it’s easier to discuss money with prospective clients and start getting paid the amount you deserve!
- Say “yes” to new opportunities that come your way. You’ll receive the windfall of more people signing up to your newsletter and more clients.
But there is a catch. That as simple as these things sound, it’s not that easy to get the kind of results you want. If it was, everyone would be rich and thin (in the USA, more than 68% of the population is overweight!). Also, as many of you know, you’ve tried to do many of these things before, but with little results to show for it. Then to add insult to injury, after all of the time, energy and work you put into it, you’re still not achieving the success you want! If you don’t know how to release the blocks holding you back or what to do after you do release them, you can EASILY waste hundreds of hours with nothing to show for it.
So, the goal setting is crucial to your success. But it’s only the beginning.
You ALSO need to:
- Release the fears that are holding you back (yes, if you don’t release those fears, it’s very difficult to take the next step)
- Eliminate old sabotaging behaviors that cause you to take one step forward and two steps back (I call it the “gain a client/lose a client” syndrome)
You see, it’s not your fault you still struggle to get those SUCCESSES. No one has EVER put this entire system together. Typically, you’ll get maybe a piece of the system (and most likely it’s from someone who doesn’t have my track record of success or previous business experience) but you won’t see the WHOLE thing. For instance:
- Will you learn to get rid of those negative beliefs you have about money or rich people (many of these beliefs you weren’t even aware you had)? If you think badly of rich people, that will forever keep you back from joining their club!
- Will you learn to release your old self-image that you’re not worthy of this…one you’ve been carrying around since you were a child…that makes you believe you can’t have what you want?
- Will you learn how to deal with stress easily? When you’ve got a lot going on at one time, as entrepreneurs tend to have, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and not to know where to begin. If you’re always overwhelmed, how will you complete your projects?
- Will you learn an awesome and powerful technique that will help you release any unforeseen block that might come your way?
- Will you learn how to be comfortable marketing yourself? In a way, that feels authentic and attracts ideal, prospective clients to you?
- Will you learn how to say “yes” to new opportunities that in the past would leave you not wanting to get out of your comfort zone?
It’s VITAL you get all the pieces of the puzzle, because if you don’t chances are you’re not going to get the BIG SUCCESS you want.
That’s why I’m ready to share my secrets now. You’re going to get my ENTIRE system on how to have more success in your business.
THE Rapid Cash & Success System:
5 Quick & Easy Steps to Release the Blocks Holding You Back So You Can Attract More Clients, More Opportunities, More Money & More Confidence
1. How to Set Your Goals so they’re TRULY Obtainable.
What do I mean by Obtainable? It’s a goal that INSPIRES you to reach, brings out the Positive emotions you’ll feel once you have it, and (most importantly) – you’ll actually OBTAIN these goals!
This is the foundation to bring your business to the next level. Clear out the blocks holding you back and everything starts falling into place. If you don’t get rid of the blocks, the best business advice in the world won’t help you:
In this module you’ll learn:
- 3 questions you MUST ask yourself when creating your goals. (Don’t do this and you can really wasting your time when you’re setting your GOALS)
- How to create your goals so you will truly reach them versus writing or saying lots of affirmations that will never come true (Hint- This is the KEY to my success.)
- My 3 simple secrets to enjoying the journey while on the path to reach your goal.What’s the point of having success, if you’re miserable trying to get there?
- My simple formula for creating the perfect vision statement to move you forward.This will help you really “own” what you’re creating.
- And more!
2. My STEP-BY-STEP formula to Stress Reduction.
If you aren’t taking good care of yourself, you won’t have the focus or clarity to accomplish what you want. This is a CRUCIAL piece to get it right.
In fact, this is what you can expect if you DON’T release the stress that is holding you back:
- Less income (or less than you’d like)
- Lots of half started and unfinished projects never getting completed
- Less confidence
- Repelling prospective opportunities with your exhausted, stressed out energy
- Less opportunities
- Current clients stop working with you because you’re cranky and not focused
- Less clients
- Less sleep, neck and back pains, teeth grinding, more illnesses and doctor’s visits
- Less income
Best yet, you don’t have to be a fitness nut or health guru to lead a calmer life. I’ll teach you my very specific technique that will have you feeling more balanced and focused in no time, without taking a lot of time out of your already busy life.
And the beauty of being calm and focused, is that you’re in control. You can decide how you want to act and what you want to say…..anything goes. As long as you follow the structure and exact steps I use with my technique that consistently will keep you clear headed, you’ll do great!
(And let me tell you, it’s REALLY fun to be in control instead of letting outside circumstances control you!)
In this module you’ll learn:
- My follow-the-dots 5-step blueprint for releasing the stresses that come up in your life
- How to apply my technique so you can quickly deal with life as it happens. (In other words, be focused on the client and not on the car emergency!)
- My EXACT strategies for when to apply this technique so you’re able to move past the unforeseen obstacles that pop up in your day (with my system, you’ll always be in control of your stress level)
- 3 Simple secrets for dealing with “to do” lists so you don’t get bogged down on the minor stuff and have more time for more clients
- The TOP 3 words/phrases you’ll learn to use so you’ll have time to earn more money and not waste a lot of time on things that don’t matter (you’d be surprised how many people don’t use these words)
- How to draw more clients and opportunities to you so you can easily make more money
- And more!
3. You’re feeling focused, the creativity is flowing, and now it’s time to ATTRACT MONEY.
It doesn’t matter how FABULOUS an expert you are if you have negative thoughts around money. You STILL won’t consistently make more money if you don’t view money and what it can bring positively, because your negative energy and fears will push it away.
You need to have a prosperity consciousness to attract the abundance you want. If you come from a place of lack, then that’s what you’ll continue to attract.
That’s why I devote an ENTIRE module to help you release core beliefs you have (and many you probably aren’t even aware you have) around money
You’ll learn my SPECIFIC strategies to change your thoughts about money while increasing your income!
Whether you’re making a lot or a little money now, I’ll show you how you can go to the next income level -AND TO FEEL COMFORTABLE WHILE INCREASING YOUR RATES.
In this module you’ll learn:
- How those old sayings about money have affected your income level. (Does any of this sound familiar? Money doesn’t grow on trees….Money is the root of all evil)
- My specific step-by-step strategies to developing positive beliefs around moneyreleasing those limiting beliefs that you’ve been carrying around for years and might not even be aware you have them at all
- But what if you’ve had those beliefs all of your life? Don’t worry, you’ll learn my step-by-step strategies to release those beliefs no matter how long you’ve had them or who told them to you.
- 3 Simple secrets to valuing and respecting money. If you’ve ever done vision boards you know how hard it is to attract what you want. My simple secrets are KEY to developing a positive relationship with money.
- The REAL reason why most people’s affirmations fail….and what YOU can do to succeed.
- And more!
4. The most heavily-guarded secrets on EXACTLY how heart-centered entrepreneurs are able to market their business SUCCESSFULLY
Most people don’t know this. Gee, even a lot of experienced entrepreneurs miss the boat and leave thousands of dollars of missed revenue opportunities on the table. If you learn nothing ELSE from this program, this ALONE will more than pay for your investment (and then some).
This module is where the rubber hits the road. You’ll discover EXACTLY what to do to MAXIMIZE CONVERSION from your networking opportunities. (You may even shock yourself with the results!).
In this module you’ll learn:
- The superstar mindset you need to have before you spend one more minute trying to market your wonderful business. This ONE shift will change the way you do EVERYTHING in a FANTASTIC way (you’ll discover how easy it is to communicate to others about your business and have them ASKING if they can work with YOU.)
- Exactly what you need to do (and when) to see your client schedule or product sales increase and get your work out into the world….where you know it should be!
- You’ll also get the answer to my most popular question – how do I market myself and my business without sounding “salesy”? (The answer ISN’T what you think – prepare to be amazed!)
- My step-by-step formula for becoming comfortable talking about yourself in a way that’s natural and authentic to you
5. YOU ROCK!!! Becoming a SUPERSTAR! This is the BIGGIE. This strategy is worth MILLIONS OF DOLLARS and will help you in every area of your life.
This is the make-it or break-it point. Excuse this old expression…but this is what separates the men from the boys. If you don’t believe you deserve your success, you will consistently sabotage yourself and never reach your dreams. Just think of a “yo yo” dieter….they lose weight….almost at their perfect size….and oops…there they go again…gaining all of that lost weight back. They don’t believe they deserve to be at a healthy, thin weight…and if you don’t believe you deserve this success and the money and clients/customers that come along with it, you’ll do the same thing…being a player in the “gain a client…lose a client” game. You don’t want to play this game anymore!
In this module you’ll learn:
- How to see yourself in the mirror as a beautiful, strong, confident person. How you see yourself is how everyone else will you see you. You create your own reality. Do you want to see yourself as a winner? Are you ready to see yourself who is able to stand tall, make eye contact, smile and feel like you own the world. Quick…go look in the mirror – what do you see?
- My step-by-step formula to increasing your confidence. Once you come from a place of power, you’ll attract so many clients and opportunities. Haven’t you noticed that people are attracted to success. Your new found charisma will start turning you into a money magnet.
- Exactly what you need to enter the Winner’s Circle. I can’t stress this point enough. This is where so many entrepreneurs fail. Success scares them. They have a good month and then a bad month. You’ll learn exactly how to step into that winner’s circle, making the money you want and and be able to stay there!
- And more!
So now you may be wondering, “Kate, how EXACTLY are you going to teach me to…”
- Create my vision statement of exactly what I want
- Attract more ideal clients/customers
- Make more money
- Deal with my “to do” list efficiently
- Develop a loving relationship with money
- Learn to market my business in an authentic way
- Increase my confidence in myself and my ability
- …while having a life that’s balanced
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