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Exploring the Essential Features of “Kim Saunders – Hands-On Clinical Lab: Assessment and Treatment of Arterial, Venous and Neuropathic Ulcers”
Lower extremity wounds are difficult to diagnose and heal if the correct etiology is not diagnosed. Thus the clinician needs bedside non-invasive diagnostic tools that can be used to screen perfusion and determine sensory neuropathy. Also, learn ways to off-load a diabetic neuropathic ulcer, even in rural areas.
This clinical lab will outline best practice guidelines for arterial, venous, and neuropathic ulcers. It will also provide hands-on clinical labs to practice leg assessments, wound treatments, ankle-brachial index, monofilament testing, and off-loading neuropathic ulcer techniques.
Kim Saunders, MSN/ED, RN, CWON®, CFCN
WOC Consulting, LLC
Kim Saunders, MSN/ED, RN, CWON®, CFCN, has extensive experiences as a wound, ostomy, and continence nurse across a variety of settings, including acute care, hospice, home health and skilled nursing facilities. As a respected expert in her field, Kim evolved her practice to be able to more fully share her insights as co-owner of WOC Consulting, LLC. In this role, she consults with healthcare systems on a variety of challenges that develop related to wound, ostomy, and incontinence-associated dermatitis. Some of the special projects her knowledge has been sought for include: guiding standardization of wound care formularies and pressure-relieving device selections, as well as a myriad of other processes to standardize and improve upon existing skin and wound care delivery. Her wound care experience goes beyond trouble-shooting the most challenging of patient wounds. It also includes expertise regarding the increasingly important ability to incorporate cost-effective care and reimbursement considerations at the bedside.
Kim is an active member of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Societyâ„¢ and the Advanced Wound Care Society. She has traveled the country extensively to deliver practice-changing wound care trainings to experienced healthcare professionals. Kim is also the author of the Wound Care Pocket Guide: Clinical Reference, Second Edition (PESI, 2017).
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Kim Saunders is the owner of WOC Consulting. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Kim Saunders is a member of the Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse Society.
Define Lower Extremity Arterial Disease (LEAD) Guidelines
- Pathophysiology of LEAD
- Best Practice Guidelines: Assessment
- Pathophysiology
- Diagnostic Assessment: Invasive & Non-Invasive
- Arterial Duplex & Angiogram
- TCOM & Bedside ABI
- Clinical Exam
- Best Practice Guidelines: Treatment
- Risk Stratification
- Perfusion Strategies
- Oxygen Strategies
- Maintenance recommendations: Non-reconstructable
- Perform Sensory Deficit Testing
- Simulate Neuropathic Off-loading techniques
Define Lower Extremity Venous Disease (LEVD) Guidelines
- Pathophysiology of LEVD
- Best Practice Guidelines: Assessment
- Pathophysiology
- Lymphedema, Lipedema, Venous Insufficiency Edema
- Clinical Exam
- Lymphangitis, Stasis Dermatitis, Hemosiderin Staining
- Atrophie Blanche, Lipodermatosclerosis, Vasculitis
- Best Practice Guidelines: Treatment
- Perfusion Determination
- Matching Compression to Perfusion
- Venous Insufficiency Leg & Ulcer Assessment
- Determine Plan of Care
Lower Extremity Neuropathic Disease (LEND) Guidelines
- Pathophysiology of LEND
- Best Practice Guidelines: Assessment
- Labs, Nutrition
- Skin, Edema, Malformations, Neurosensory
- Tissue Perfusion: Diagnostics & Referrals
- Classification Systems
- Best Practice Guidelines: Treatment
- Off-loading Options: TCC, Half Shoe, Healing Sandals
- Diagnosing Infection & Treatment
- Wound Care & Adjunctive Therapies
- Emerging Technology
- Surgery
- Perform Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)
- Neuropathic Foot Ulcer Assessment & Plan of Care
- Arterial Disease Leg & Ulcer Assessment
- Determine Plan of Care
- Analyze treatment goals when vascular ulcers are non-reconstructable
- Evaluate the arterial flow in any setting using the bedside ABI
- Evaluate the arterial diagnostic work-up for recommended referrals
- Analyze treatment goals when vascular ulcers are non-reconstructable
- Distinguish between lymphedema, lipedema, and venous insufficiency edema
- Differentiate assessment/treatment for stasis dermatitis, atrophie blanche, Lipodermatosclerosis
- Match level of compression to ankle-brachial index
- Justify wound treatment to perfusion
- Contrast diabetic ulcer classification systems to predict time to heal & referrals recommended
- Contrast neuropathic foot off-loading options
Target Audience
Nurses, Physical Therapists/Physical Therapist Assistants, Physician Assistants and other Healthcare Professionals
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