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Exploring the Essential Features of “KopyWriting Course – Neville Medhora”
This Kopywriting Kourse will help you write better (aka higher sales from your pages) really really fast…like by tonight!
A few years ago it was a Wednesday night and I couldn’t fall asleep.
It was because I was reading materials that opened my eyes so wide, it felt like that scene in the Matrix where I could SEE for the first time.
I was reading materials about a subject commonly known as “copywriting” to most of the world.
And the reason I was up so damn late was because I was re-thinking every single thing I’ve ever tried to sell my whole life.
From the time I was in middle school selling burned CD’s, till that very day whem I owned several small businesses, incluiding a rave company that drop-shipped light-up and glow stuff.
Speaking of that little rave company, I thought it would be the PERFECT testing grounds to try out my newly found copywriting skillz. Why?
Well because that business had an email list of 7,500 customers who’d opted into the email list…..yes I was making barely $40 per email blast I sent out to all those people.
And here’s the thing:
I put a massive amount of effort into taking photos, writing descriptions, and designing these emails!
…..and all it got me in return was NEGATIVE $40 per email.
SO what would happen when someone would get one of these emails? Here’s the stats:
- List size: 7,500
- Open Rate: 35 – 40%
- Sales: 2 (at most)
- Profit per 7,500 emails sent: $40
- Cost of Email service per month: $80
- Net Profit: -$40 🙁
So with the advice of some marketing friends, I embarked on a journey to change this around.
If I couldn’t make money from 7,500 PREVIOUSLY PAYING customers, I really was in trouble.
So I searched and searched and eventually found what’s known as “Copywriting.”
After studying copywriting, I finally realized something about the marketing world and all the different mediums of communicating with people:
Google AdSense = What makes a good ad? Good copy.
Facebook Ads = What makes a high converting Facebook ad? Good copy and psychology.
Email marketing = What makes a high converting email list? Damn good copy.
Content marketing = What makes people link to your articles? Damn great content which is usually a combination of great copy and very helpful info.
Video marketing = What makes people pay attention to your videos? Damn great video which is based off a solid script and laid out in a psychologically convincing way.
What I’m blatantly trying to show you here is that ALL GREAT MARKETING COMES DOWN TO THE COPY BEHIND IT:
- Text
- Audio
- Video
These all are different forms of communication that are trying to accomplish the exact same goal:
Get information from one brain to another!
If you’re trying to write a sales page, you are trying to get information into someone’s brain that convinces them to buy. If you’re writing an email to thousands of people on an email list, you are trying to get information into their brain.
Either to sell them on a concept, or sell them on a product. If you’re making a video for your website, you’re trying to get information into someone’s brain.
Basically all these forms of communication boil down to how well we can get a piece of information stuck into someone’s brain.
And guess what? There’s good and bad ways of doing this.
When I first learned about copywriting I was staying up till 6 in the morning studying different techniques and tactics. I was both happy AND sad I had just learned about it.
Happy because now I felt like I’d be successful in life since I could sell stuff 10x better. Sad because I had only just now learned this.
I remember in high school me and a friend did an experiment where we power washed driveways for people. We borrowed a power washer and set out door-to-door. The way we approached people when they answered the door was this brilliant line:
“Uhhh, do you want us to power wash your driveway?”
Uggh….so stupid we were.
You see, back then I had NO idea how the hell to sell. AND HOW WOULD I? It’s not something they teach in school. And even if you learn the the School of Hard Knocks, you still might go through life selling the wrong way. In case you’re wondering, I would’ve sold the power washing in a totally different way:
I would’ve first written out a script before going out and talking to people. The script would be written in such a way that it would hit each psychological trigger that makes someone buy.
I would first get their attention: “Oh hey, how’s it going. I noticed your driveway is like….crazily dirty.”
I would then get their interest by giving them interesting information: “I noticed you have kids. Do they play out on the driveway? They do? Do you know they’re getting this toxic oil all over them when they play? We can get all that off.”
I would then make them desire the service: “I also noticed it looks like you’re trying to sell your home. If you were to power wash this driveway, your home would look a whole helluva lot more well-kept. Here’s a before and after picture of a house down the street we power washed, take a look at the difference!”
I would then get them to take action: “If you want your driveway power washed, it’ll be $40 for now. Your whole house would cost only $120 since we’ll already be setup. You can let us know if you’d like us to add that service whenever.”
YOU SEE THAT??? That was a MUCH more effective sales pitch. The cool thing was, behind writing that is just a small formula I use. I can come up with this kind of sales pitch for ANYTHING off the top of my head since I know some copywriting techniques.
Who is the KopywritingKourse for?
- Startups who are building a product, but haven’t found the words to sell it that get people excited.
- People who are learning marketing. Anyone who wants to un-learn traditional marketing taught by agencies. This marketing it more about impressing colleagues and winning awards…..the KopywritingKourse focuses only on what SELLS. Often it’s ugly and simple, but sells damn well.
- Anyone new who joins your company that hasn’t had any sales training background. This single course can completely shatter their notions of how to sell stuff, and how to communicate to customers AND within the office.
Having people good at copy will improve your company all around. Whether it’s just you or 500 people, having GREAT COMMUNICATORS in your company can take it to the next level.
“We spent a lot of money on copywriters. Some of our copywriters have been paid over $1-million a year by us. And I LOVE paying them that much, because that means they’re doing a hell of job.”
—Marty Edelston – Pioneer of the direct mail industry
“My belief is that copy is the oxygen that makes your sales letters work and makes your companighs work. And I can’t tell you how many hundreds, if not thousands, of people that I’ve come into contact with that have the exact opposite attitude of you. They try to be cheap with their copywriters. They don’t understand the value of it.”
—Joe Polish – Marketing genius and found of Piranha Marketing
Not only will you be learning frameworks and concepts, but I’ll also be teaching you formulas you can use:
If you need more help grabbing people’s attention:
An Easy Headline Formula:
[End result customer wants] + [Specific time period] + [Address the objections]
With a formula like this you can easily come up with something like:
[Get higher email signups] + [with only 5 minutes of work] + [even if you have low site traffic]
There’s tons of easy advice like this, but more importantly I quickly explain to you the deeper concepts behind the psychology of copywriting.
So inside the KopywritingKourse I’m going to achieve these results for you by teaching you:
- Mindset techniques.
- Actual techniques for putting words on paper.
- Tactics famous copywriters use.
- Training to snap you out of your current ways of writing kopy.
- Exact formulas to follow and frameworks to follow.
- Specific kopy training for different situations:
- How to sell through email.
- How to sell through email autoresponders.
- How to sell for ecommerce stores.
- How to sell digital products.
Here’s a breakdown of the actual modules you’ll be getting:
PART 1: Getting in the right “selling” mindset
- A poignant demonstration that shows how changing the copy changes the outcome. This is great for showing people who don’t know the power of copywriting how it works.
- The top mindset trick I show individuals and companies to change the way they write forever. This lesson alone has changed the way people approach EVERY piece of copy they write.
- This shows how to speak with a list of people and keep them stickin’ around instead of bailing on a boring-ass email. Most companies are guilty of this.
- Some people turn into clown-sounding jackasses by trying to “edgy” like their favorite copywriters. This shows how to be super damn interesting to your readers…..without sounding like a stupid clown.
- My favorite go-to formula when it comes to copywriting. Showing this formula to people is insanely helpful, and I’ll knock the lesson home by demonstrating to you how easy it is to use. If you’ve ever sat down to write some text and got stuck, use this and you’ll never be stuck again.
- Sometimes people have no damn idea who they’re speaking to! When you explain something to a friend, you can always explain it well because you know your friend well. We’ll go through how to find your “voice” to the particular group of people you’re talking to. Because if you try to please everyone, you’ll please no one. This lesson is highly important before you write to a group of people.
PART 2: Learning the technical stuff and putting words on paper
- Throw out the crap you learned from your 8th grade English teacher. We’re gonna get you all caught up on proper style elements that actually SELL. Some of this stuff is very counter-intuitive to people who come from a very strict English literature background. But real copywriters don’t care how fancy our words sound…..we care about they $$SELL$$.
- This is where we get you to grab people’s attention without being a scammy asshole. We talk about subject lines here, and multiple ways to come up with them. If people don’t first OPEN your email, they’ll never READ it. So we show you the tricks of the trade inside.
- People often ask how long they’re copy should be, and will frequently hear that “long copy is better”. This is mostly correct, but only in the right situations. In fact a lot of times, shorter copy is better for conversion rates. I’ll show you exactly how to determine if your copy needs to be short or long, depending on the situation.
- Let’s write a real letter together!! In real time we’ll write a letter together. People have said this was their favorite lesson because they get to see the progress in real-time, err’s and um’s and all. I’m always surprised how confidence this video gives people when they see it being done in front of their eyes.
- In this video Andrew Warner of Mixergy puts me on the spot and gets me to take real examples of boring copy from his audience, and re-do it to make it awesome (and higher converting). We do this on the spot using everything we learned in the KopywritingKourse up to this point.
- We take another real-life example of a piece of copy (in this case an email that goes out to reporters). We take the before piece which gets virtually zero responses, and make it into a piece that pulled 2/3rds of the reporters emailed to. All we did was change the copy around using what we learned in the KopywritingKourse.
- If you do work (or ever plan on doing work) for a large company, a lot of times they won’t let you be very brash or funny in your copy. Well, you don’t always have to! I show you how to navigate that tricky zone by writing great copy that doesn’t require so much “edge” if the company doesn’t want it.
Need to finish a piece of copy in less than an hour? Follow these quick start guides:
- BONUS 1: The Kopywriting Checklist is a small PDF guide you can use if you’ve got to finish a piece of copy FAST! Just follow along and fill in some blanks, and you’ll have a psychologically-designed piece of copy in a few minutes.
- BONUS 2: This is an interview I did with Andrew Warner of Mixergy that on its own. In one hour you can watch the whole thing and start writing your copy along with it. If you’re ever in a pinch to get an assignment done, watch this and follow along. It’ll be like a Mini Kopywriting Krash Kourse.
- BONUS 3: There’s a discussion going on inside the KopywritingKourse, and you get to ask whatever you want! If you have a specific question, post it and it’ll get answered by yours truly and other members of the Kopywriting Kommunity.
I am constantly adding new videos to the KopywritingKourse to answer all your questions:
- EXTRA BONUS: The Headline Helper Section that goes into more details on making good subject lines and headlines.
- EXTRA BONUS: The AIDA Extended Section will dive deeper into this powerful formula, and how you can apply it to different businesses.
- EXTRA BONUS: Kopywriting For eCommerce Section shows how to use copy to better rank in the search results, and also how to ACTUALLY sell better on eCommerce sites without using copy. These lessons took me a long time to test and learn.
- EXTRA BONUS: The Breaking Down A Sales Page section will show you how to chunk up the writing of your sales page into small pieces….making it super easy.
- EXTRA BONUS: The Cold Sales Email section takes REAL cold sales emails from different corporations and breaks them down to sell better. Simply changing the typical cold sales email people use can result in 3x more business damn near right away, so these are really powerful lessons.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/