*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Krista Miller – Summit In A Box”
Summit In A Box by Krista Miller offers a complete guide to creating and launching your own virtual summit, from planning to promotion and execution
Content Proof
1 Getting Started
- #1689- ‘Summit In A Box’.jpg
- 1-Welcome – Start Here!x.ts
- 7-Day_Challenge.pdf
- 90- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 91- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- Welcome_to_Summit_In_A_Box.pdf
2 Strategy + Planning
- 1-Online Summit Basics.ts
- 2- ‘Summit In A Box.jpg
- 2-Set Realistic Goals.ts
- 3-Goal Setting Calculator.ts
- 4-How long does it take to plan an online summit.ts
- 5-Timeline Calculator.ts
- 6-Choose Your Summit’s Niche & Topic.ts
- 7-Summit Expense Tracker.ts
- 93- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 94 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 95- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 96 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 97- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 98 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 99 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- Choose Your Summit’s Niche & Topic Slides.pdf
- Choose Your Summit’s Niche & Topic Transcript.pdf
- Choose Your Summit’s Niche & Topic Worksheet.pdf
- How long does it take to plan an online summitSlides.pdf
- How long does it take to plan an online summitTranscript.pdf
- Online Summit Basics Slides.pdf
- Set_Realistic_Goals.pdf
- Set_Realistic_Summit_Goals.pdf
- Summit Goal Calculator.xlsx
- Summit_Planning_Workbook.pdf
- Timeline Calculator Transcript.pdf
- Timeline Calculator.xlsx
3 Website + Tech
- 0- ‘Summit In A Box.jpg
- 01- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 1-Tech Choices & Recommendations.ts
- 02-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 2-Google Drive Folder Template.ts
- 03- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 3-What To Test Before Launch Day.ts
- 04- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 4-Install the Theme.ts
- 05- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 5-Presentation Publish & Expiration Plugin.ts
- 06-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 6-Schedule Page Template.ts
- 07- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 7-Meet The Speakers Template.ts
- 08- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 8-Presentation Page Template.ts
- 09-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 9-Schedule Page Template.ts
- 10- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 10-Meet The Speakers Template.ts
- 11-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 11-Presentation, Stay Tuned, and Expired Page Template.ts
- 12- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 12-Purchase Thank You Page Template.ts
- 13- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 13-Coming Soon Page Template (for WordPress.ts
- 14- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 14-Coming Soon Page Template (for Kajabi.ts
- 15-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 15-Managing Your Waitlist.ts
- 16- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 16-Waitlist Thank You Page Template (for Kajab.ts
- 17-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 18-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 19-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 20- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 21- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 22- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 23- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 24- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 25- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 26- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 27- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 28- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- Canned Responses.docx
- Coming Soon Email Confirmation Script.docx
- Coming_Soon_Template_Screenshot (1).png
- Coming_Soon_Template_Screenshot.png
- coming-soon.WordPress.2020-05-29.xml
- Copy (1).docx
- Copy Template (1).docx
- Copy Template.docx
- Copy Templates-20200608T141554Z-001.zip
- Copy Templates-20200608T141622Z-001.zip
- Copy.docx
- CTA Copy Templates-20200608T141558Z-001.zip
- CTA Copy Templates-20200608T142057Z-001.zip
- genesis.3.2.1.zip
- Managing_your_waitlist.pdf
- Meet_The_Speakers_Template_Screenshot (1).png
- Meet_The_Speakers_Template_Screenshot.png
- Meet-The-Speakers-Example (1).png
- Meet-The-Speakers-Example.png
- meet-the-speakers. WordPress.2020-05-29.xml
- Presentation Expired Example.png
- Presentation_Coming_Soon_Template.png
- Presentation_Expired_Template.png
- Presentation_Page_Template (1).png
- Presentation_Page_Template.png
- presentation-coming-soon.WordPress.2020-05-29.xml
- presentation-expired. WordPress.2020-05-29.xml
- presentation-template.WordPress.2020-05-29.xml
- purchase-thank-you.WordPress.2020-05-29.xml
- Schedule Page Example (1).png
- Schedule Page Example.png
- Schedule_Page_Screenshot (1).png
- Schedule_Page_Screenshot (2).png
- Schedule_Page_Screenshot.png
- schedule.WordPress, 2020-05-29.xml
- screencapture-simplyprofitabledesigner-stay-tuned-2020-01-20-10_56_19.png
- screencapture-simplyprofitabledesigner-welcome-to-the-lounge-2020-02-21-10_47_30.png
- siab-presentation-publish-expire.zip
- siab-template-coming-soon.zip
- siab-template-expired.zip
- siab-template-meet-the-speakers.zip
- siab-template-presentation-combo.zip
- siab-template-presentation.zip
- siab-template-purchase-thank-you.zip
- siab-template-schedule.zip
- siab-template-stay-tuned.zip
- siab-waitlist-thank-you_2.zip
- siab-waitlist-thank-you.zip
- SPDS Coming Soon Page Example (1).png
- SPDS Coming Soon Page Example.png
- Summit Folder Template-20200608T140442Z-001.zip
- Summit_Website_Checklist.pdf
- summit-in-a-box.zip
- Tech_Choices_Recommendations_2.pdf
- Tech_Choices_Recommendations.pdf
- Test_Before_Launch_Day.pdf
- thank-you-page-template (1).png
- thank-you-page-template.png
- Ultimate_Summit_Buyers_Guide.pdf
- Waitlist_Thank_You_Screenshot (1).png
- Waitlist_Thank_You_Screenshot (2).png
- Waitlist_Thank_You_Screenshot.png
- waitlist-thank-you. WordPress.2020-05-29.xml
- What_To_Test_Before_Launch_Day_2.pdf
- What_To_Test_Before_Launch_Day.pdf
4 Registration
- 0-Summit In A Box.jpg
- 1-Registration Page Overview.ts
- 2-Registration Page Copy.ts
- 3-Registration Page Website Template (for WordPressx.ts
- 4-Registration Page Website Template (for Kajabi.ts
- 5-Add A ConvertKit Pop-Up To Your Registration Page.ts
- 6-Registration Email Sequence.ts
- 07. Registration Email Sequence-20200608T1433312-001.zip
- 9- ‘Summit In A Box.jpg
- 19_Keys_To_A_High-Converting_Summit_Registration_Page.pdf
- 31- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 32-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 33-Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 34- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 35-Summit In A Box.pdf
- 36-Summit In A Box.pdÃ
- 37- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 38-Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 39-Summit In A Box.pdf
- 40-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 2020 SPD Registration Page.mp4
- Kristas-Registration-Page-2020 (1).png
- Kristas-Registration-Page-2020.png
- Kristas-Summit-Registration-Page (1).jpg
- Registration Page Copy-20200608T143243Z-001.zip
- Registration Page Overview Slides.pdf
- Registration Page Overview Transcript.pdf
- Registration_Page_Note.pdf
- Registration_Page_Template_Screenshot_1_.png
- Registration_Page_Template_Screenshot.png
- Registration-20200608T143321Z-001.zip
- registration-page.WordPress.2020-05-29.xml
- siab-template-registration.zip
- Video Script-20200608T143245Z-001.zip
5 Speakers
- 1-‘Summit In A Box.jpg
- 1-Speaker Tracking Spreadsheet.ts
- 1. Skeleton Outline.docx
- 2-3-Round Pitch Process.ts
- 2. Detailed Template.docx
- 3-Creating A Diverse + Inclusive Speaker Lineup – with Nichole Beiner.ts
- 3-round Pitch_Process.pdf
- 3. Example.docx
- 4-Speaker Information Page Overview.ts
- 5-Speaker Information Page Website Template (for WordPress.ts
- 6-Make The Most Of Your Speaker Community.ts
- 7-Speaker Community Setup Tutorial.ts
- 8-Speaker Community Scripts + Scheduler.ts
- 9-Speaker Onboarding Process.ts
- 10-Speaker Contract Templatex.ts
- 11-Scheduling Speaker Slots using Acuity.ts
- 12-Gathering Speaker Basic Information.ts
- 13-Basic Information Collection Setup Tutorial – Conten.ts
- 14-Basic Information Collection Setup Tutorial – Airt.ts
- 15-Presentation Collection Process Overview.ts
- 16-Presentation Material Collection Setup Tutorial – Content S.ts.
- 17-Presentation Material Collection Tutorial – Airtabx.ts
- 18-Presentation Material Collection Proces.ts
- 42- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 43- ‘Summit In A Box’pdf
- 44-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 45-Summit In A Box.pdf
- 46- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 47- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 48- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 49- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 50- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 51-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 52- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 53- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 54- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 55-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 56- Summit In A Box.pdf
- 57-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 58- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 59-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 60’Summit In A Box.pdf
- 61- ‘Summit In A Box’pdf
- 62-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 63 ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 64- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 65-Summit In A Box.pdf
- 66- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 67- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- After A Speaker Submits Their Presentation.docx
- Canned Response After Speaker Agrees Confirmation.docx
- Canned Response_Presentation Reminder.docx
- Canned Response Presentation Request Sent.docx
- Canned Response Send Speaker Agreement.docx
- Content Snare Follow-Up Scripts (1).docx
- Content Snare Follow-Up Scripts.docx
- Creating A Diverse + Inclusive Speaker Lineup – with Nichole Beiner Transcript.pdf
- Email Follow-Up Scripts (1).docx
- Email Follow-Up Scripts (2).docx
- Email Follow-Up Scripts.docx
- Find_Your_Summit_Speakers_Workbook_SIAB_Links_.pdf
- Form Questions (1).docx
- Form Questions.docx
- Gathering Speaker Basic Information Slides.pdf
- Gathering Speaker Basic Information Transcript.pdf
- Kristas-Speaker-Info-Page (1).png
- Kristas-Speaker-Info-Page.png
- Make The Most Of Your Speaker Community Slides.pdf
- Make The Most Of Your Speaker Community Transcript.pdf
- My_3-round_pitch_process.pdf
- Part 1_ After a Speaker Agrees to Participate.docx
- Part 2_ After a Speaker Submits Basic Information.docx
- Post Swipe Copy.docx
- Presentation Guidelines 2020.pdf
- Presentation_collection_process.pdf
- Presentation_Guidelines_Template_Folder.zip
- Simply Profitable Designer Speaker Community Welcome Video 2020.mp4
- Speaker Agreement Template.docx
- Speaker Community Post Date Calculator.xlsx
- Speaker Facebook Group Description Swipe Copy.docx
- Speaker Information Page Copy-20200608T145400Z-001.zip
- Speaker Information Page Overview Slides.pdf
- Speaker Tracking Spreadsheet Transcript.pdf
- Speaker_Community_Banner_Templates.zip
- Speaker_Information_Page_Overview_Transcript.pdf
- Speaker_Information_Page_Template_Screenshot.png
- speaker-information. WordPress.2020-05-29.xml
- Welcome Video Outline.docx
6 All-Access Pass
- ‘Summit In A Box.jpg
- 00 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 01-Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 1-All-Access Pass Basics.ts
- 1. Copy Templates-20200608T152638Z-001.zip
- 2-Choosing What To Include.ts
- 2. Video Script Templates-20200608T152650Z-001.zip
- 3-Value + Price Calculator.ts
- 4-Sales Strategy Overview.ts
- 5-Content Structure Overview.ts
- 6-Content Templates.ts
- 7-After An All Access Pass Purchase.ts
- 7-All-Access Pass Sales Page Overview.ts
- 8-All-Access Pass Sales Page Copy.ts
- 9-All-Access Pass Sales Page Website Template (for WordPress.ts
- 10-All-Access Pass Sales Page Website Template (for Kajabi.ts
- 11-All-Access Pass Tech Setup Overview.ts
- 12-Tech Tutorial #1- WooCommerce Setup.ts
- 13-Tech Tutorial #2- Learn Dash Setup.ts
- 14-Tech Tutorial #3- ConvertKit Integrationx.ts
- 15-Tech Tutorial #4- Course + Product Setup.ts
- 16-Tech Tutorial #5-Create Your Add-To-Cart Link.ts
- 17-Tech Tutorial #6- Create A Resources Page For Easy Access.ts
- 18-Tech Tutorial #7- Add Button To My Account Page.ts
- 19-Tech Tutorial #8- Add Content To LearnDash.ts
- 20-Code Snippet #1-Auto-Complete Orders.ts
- 21-Code Snippet #2- Redirect After Purchase.ts
- 22-Code Snippet #3- Redirect Shop Pagex.ts
- 23-Code Snippet #4- Remove Extra Checkout Fields.ts
- 24-Tech Tutorial #1- Product Setup.ts
- 25-Tech Tutorial #2- Offer Setup + Automations.ts
- 69- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 70-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 71-Summit In A Box.pdf
- 72-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 73-‘Summit In A Box’pdf
- 74- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 75-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 76-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 77- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 78- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 79- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 80-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 81-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 82-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 83-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 84-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 85-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 86- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 87-Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 88- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 89-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 90’Summit In A Box.pdf
- 91-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 92-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 93-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 94-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 95-‘Summit In A Box’pdf
- 96- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 97- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 98-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 99-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 2020-fast-action.png
- AAP Is Ready Email Template-20200608T1526272-001.zip
- AAP_Mockup_Templates.zip
- AAP_Sales_Page_Overview.pdf
- AAP_Structure.pdf
- AAP_Tech_Setup_Overview.pdf
- After An All Access Pass PurchaseAfter_purchase_process.pdf
- After An All Access Pass PurchaseTranscript.pdf
- All-Access Pass Basics Slides.pdf
- All-Access Pass Basics Transcript.pdf
- All-Access Pass Basics Workbook.pdf
- All-Access Pass Content Swipe Copy-20200608T152541Z-001.zip
- All-Access Pass Content Swipe Copy-20200608T152608Z-001.zip
- All-Access Pass Purchase Email Swipe Copy-20200608T152537Z-001.zip
- All-Access Pass Purchase Email Swipe Copy-20200608T152612Z-001.zip
- All-Access Pass Tech Setup Overview Transcript.pdf
- All-Access Pass Value Calculator.xlsx
- All-Access_Pass_Sales_Page_Overview_Transcript.pdf
- All-Access_Pass_Sales_Page_Template (1).png
- All-Access_Pass_Sales_Page_Template (2).png
- All-Access_Pass_Sales_Page_Template (3).png
- All-Access_Pass_Sales_Page_Template.png
- all-access-pass.WordPress.2020-05-29 (1).xml
- all-access-pass.WordPress.2020-05-29.xml
- Choosing What To Include Transcript.pdf
- Choosing What To IncludeSlides.pdf
- Choosing What To IncludeWorkbook.pdf
- Content_Structure_Overview.pdf
- S26-Tech Tutorial #2- Offer Setup + Automations.ts
- Sales Strategy Overview Slides.pdf
- Sales Strategy Overview Transcript.pdf
- Sales Strategy Overview Workbook.pdf
- screencapture-simplyprofitabledesigner-2019-09-08-11_16_27 (1).png
- screencapture-simplyprofitabledesigner-2019-09-08-11_16_27.png
- siab-template-aap-sales-page.zip
- Upsell-20200608T152529Z-001.zip
7 Affiliates
- 1-Affiliate Program Overview.ts
- 1. Skeleton Outline.docx
- 2- ‘Summit In A Box.jpg
- 2-Creating Affiliate Swipe Copy.ts
- 2. Detailed Template.docx
- 03-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 3-Affiliate Information Page Overview.ts
- 3. Example.docx
- 04-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 4-Affiliate Information Page Website Template (for WordPress.ts
- 05- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 5-Affiliate Information Page Website Template (for Kajabix.ts
- 06- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 07-‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 08- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 09- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 10-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- Affiliate Information Page Copy-20200608T153359Z-001.zip
- Affiliate Information Page Overview Transcript_2.pdf
- Affiliate Program Overview Transcript.pdf
- Affiliate_Info_Page_Template_Screenshot (1).png
- Affiliate_Info_Page_Template_Screenshot.png
- Affiliate_Information_Page.pdf
- Affiliate_Program_Overview.pdf
- affiliate-information.WordPress.2020-05-29.xml
- Kristas-Affiliate-Info-Page (1).png
- Kristas-Affiliate-Info-Page.png
- siab-template-affiliate-information.zip
- Transcript.pdf
8 Sponsorship
- 1- ‘Summit In A Box’.jpg
- 1-Should you have sponsors.ts
- 2-How To Obtain Sponsorships by Quiana Murray.ts
- 12- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 13- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 14- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 15- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- How_To_Obtain_Sponsorships_by_Quiana_Murray_Transcript.pdf
- Should_you_have_sponsors.pdf
- Sponsorship_training.pdf
- Summit_Sponsorship_Guide_Fillable.pdf
9 Engagement
- ‘Summit In A Box.jpg
- 1-Engagement Overview.ts
- 2-Boost Engagement With Video.ts
- 3-Creating A Presentation Quiz.ts
- 4-ncrease Engagement With Prizes.ts
- 5-Attendee Community Setup Tutorial.ts
- 17- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 18-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 19- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 20- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 21-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 22- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 23- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 24- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 25-Summit In A Box.pdf
- 26- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- Attendee Facebook Group Description Swipe Copy.docx
- Attendee_Community_Banner_Templates.zip
- Bingo Card Space Ideas.docx
- Bingo_Card_Template_Folder.zip
- Boost Engagement With_Video.pdf
- Boost-Engagement-With-Video.pdf
- Create_Your_Summit_s_Quiz_Workbook.pdf
- Daily Discussion Prompts Templates.zip
- Daily Discussion Prompts.docx
- Increase_Engagement_With_Prizes.pdf
- Increasing_Attendee_Engagement_2.pdf
- Increasing_Attendee_Engagement.pdf
- My 2020 Bingo Card.pdf
- Prize Entries.xlsx
- Quiz Result Template.docx
- Simply Profitable Designer Attendee Community Welcome Video 2020.mp4
- Using_A_Quiz_To_Increase_Engagement_2.pdf
- Using_a_Quiz_to_Increase_Engagement.pdf
- Welcome Post.docx
- Welcome Video Outline.docx
10 Promotion
- 1-Promotion Strategy Overview.ts
- 2-Marketing Plan.ts
- 3-Email Templates.ts
- 4-Social Media Templates.ts
- 5-Facebook Ads Strategy Overview.ts
- 6-Behind The Scenes of My 2020 Ad Planx.ts
- 7-Budget + Break-Even Calculator.ts
- 8-Instagram Story Graphic Templates – Photoshopx.ts
- 27- ‘Summit In A Box.jpg
- 28- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 29- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 30’Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 31- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 32- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 33- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 34-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 35- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 36- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 37- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 38’Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 39- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 40- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 41- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 42- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 43- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 44- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 45- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 46- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- All-Access Pass Ad Copy-20200608T155435Z-001.zip
- Budget + Break-Even Calculator.xlsx
- Facebook_Ad_Templates_-_PSD.zip
- Facebook_Ads_Strategy_Overview_2.pdf
- Facebook_ads_strategy_overview.pdf
- Instagram Feed + Facebook Graphic Templates Examples.zip
- Instagram Story Graphic Templates – Canva Examples.zip
- Instagram_Feed.zip
- Instagram_Stories.zip
- Instagram_Story_Series.zip
- Instagram_Story_Shareable.zip
- Launch_Day_Checklist.pdf
- Online_Summit_Marketing_Plan.pdf
- Pinterest_Templates.zip
- Promotional Email Templates-20200608T155403Z-001.zip
- Registration Ad Copy-20200608T155418Z-001.zip
- Twitter Graphic Templates – Canva Examples.zip
- Twitter_Templates.zip
11 Live Event
- 1-Daily Processes.ts
- 1. Skeleton Outline.docx
- 2. Detailed Template.docx
- 3. Example.docx
- 47- ‘Summit In A Box.jpg
- 48- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 49 ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 50- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 51 ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 52 ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 53 ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 54- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- Biggest Takeaway Posts.docx
- Closing Call Outline.docx
- Kickoff Call Outline.docx
- Kickoff Call- Templates.zip
- Live_Summit_Daily_Processes.pdf
- Post-Presentation Chat Box Script.docx
- Pre-Presentation Chat Box Script.docx
- Promotion_Strategy_Overview_2.pdf
- Promotion_strategy_overview.pdf
- Simply Profitable Designer Summit Closing Call 2020.mp4
- Simply Profitable Designer Summit Kickoff Call 2020.mp4
12 Wrap-Up
- 1-Post-Summit Email Sequencex.ts
- 2-Attendee Feedback Surveyx.ts
- 3-Speaker Wrap-Up Overview.ts
- 4-Speaker Feedback Survey.ts
- 5-Analyze Your Results.ts
- 55- ‘Summit In A Box.jpg
- 56- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 57- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 58- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 59 ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 60’Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 61- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 62- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 63- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- Attendee Feedback Survey Questions.docx
- Canned Response_Affiliate Wrap-Up.docx
- Canned Response_ Speaker Wrap-Up.docx
- Community Templates.zip
- Community Wrap-Up Posts.docx
- conducting_a_speaker_feedback_survey.pdf
- Conducting_an_attendee_feedback_survey.pdf
- Conducting-Speaker-Feedback-Survey.pdf
- Post_Summit_Reflection.pdf
- Post-Summit Emails-20200608T160417Z-001.zip
- Speaker Feedback Survey Questions.docx
- Speaker Wrap-Up Process.docx
- Speaker-Wrap-Up-Overview.pdf
- Summit Results Analyzer.xlsx
13 Post-Summit Profits
- 1-Make The Most Of Your New Audience.ts
- 2-What To Do With Your All-Access Pass.ts
- 3-Evergreen Summit Options.ts
- 64- ‘Summit In A Box.jpg
- 65- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 66- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 67 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- Evergreen_Summit_Options.pdf
- Make_The_Most_Of_Your_Audience.pdf
- Make_The_Most_Of_Your_New_Audience.pdf
- What_to_do_with_your_aap.pdf
- What_to_do_with_your_All-Access_Pass.pdf
14 Share Your Success
- 68- ‘Summit In A Box’.jpg
- 69- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 70 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 71- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 72 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
15 Tech Tutorials
- 1-Using The InDesign Templates.ts
- 2-Using The Photoshop Templates.ts
- 3-Using the Canva Templatesx.ts
- 4-Beaver Builder Template Overview.ts
- 5-Kajabi Template Overview.ts
- 6-Install + Use The Code Snippets Plugin.ts
- 7-Vimeo- Upload Videos, Add Style Presets, and Get Embed Code.ts
- 8-Install + Use AffiliateWP for WordPress Affiliate Tracking.ts
- 9-Using Deadline Funnel For Price Increases.ts
- 10-Using Interact To Create A Presentation Quiz.ts
- 11-Creating a Chatbox with Chatroll.ts
- 12-Using Google Calendar For Your Summit.ts
- 73- ‘Summit In A Box.jpg
- 74 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 75- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 76- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 77- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 78- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 79- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 80 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 81- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 82 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 83- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 84- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 85 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
Summit Host Process Map
- #1652- ‘Summit In A Box’.jpg
- #1653- ‘Summit In A Box’.jpg
- 1-Summit Host Process Map.ts
- 2-Get the Asana Template.ts
- 3-Get the Trello Template.ts
- 4-Suggested Timeline.ts
- 5-Summit Planning Accelerator.ts
- 6-Basics.ts
- 7-Website + Tech.ts
- 8-Speakers.ts
- 9-Affiliates.ts
- 10-Product Offer.ts
- 11-Engagement.ts
- 12-My Videos.ts
- 13-Testing.ts
- 14-Promotion.ts
- 15-During The Summit.ts
- 16-After The Summit.ts
- 16-Watch As I Use The Summit Host Process Map To Plan My Next Summit Launch.ts
- 17-Processes To Create + Outsource.ts
- 18-5 Steps To Hosting Your First Online Summit.ts
- 54- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 55- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 56- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 57- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 58- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 59 ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 60- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 61- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 62- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 63 ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 64- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 65- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 66 ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 67- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 68- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 69- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 70- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 71-‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 72- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- Summit Planning Accelerator (1).xlsx
- TEMPLATE_Summit_Host_Process_Map.csv
- Timeline Calculator.xlsx
Summit In A Box Website Installation
- #1673-‘Summit In A Box’.jpg
- 1-Summit In A Box Website Installation.ts
- 2-Step 1- Installation.ts
- 3-Step 2- Website + Plugin Settings.ts
- 4-Step 3- Theme Settings.ts
- 5-Step 4- Page Customizations.ts
- 6-Create an Add to Cart + Redirect Link.ts
- 7-Orders Stuck ‘Processing.ts
- 74 – ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 75 – ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 76- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 77- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 78 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 79- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 80 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 81- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 82 – ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 83- ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 84 – ‘Summit In A Box’.pdf
- 85- ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- 86 – ‘Summit In A Box.pdf
- Website Installation-20200608T132835Z-001.zip
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