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Exploring the Essential Features of “Lana Sova – Rapid Email Mastery Course“
Become a 6-Figure Email Copywriter In As Little As 6 Weeks
Get Access to the Exact Step-by-Step Process I Used to Master Email Marketing and Copywriting to make $6K/month in 3 Months as A Brand New Copywriter.
Here’s Everything You’re Getting With Your Access:
✅ How To Write Simple Emails Clients Want To Pay Thousands For. 2 hr Workshop Split Into 9 short training bites.
✅ BONUS #1. 3 Super Fast and Easy Ways to Land Clients That Cannot Wait to Pay $2K-$5K monthly to write simple emails
✅ BONUS #2. Free 4-week Personalized Feedback on Your Copy from a 6-figure Copywriter. Catapult your learning progress 10X with a copy chief reviewing your emails
✅BONUS #3. My Super Simple Step-By-Step Process of Beating Email Controls For Clients
✅Develop More skills, Get More Money. 7 Money-making email styles every copywriter should know about
✅The #1 Skill Every Successful Copywriter Has. Without it, you’ll forever be stuck in a feast-and-famine loop
✅ 4 Short Training Videos On How To Maximise Email Profits For Your Clients, So they Keep Paying You Months After Months
✅ How To Eliminate The Biggest Success Thief. 6 Figure Copywriters NEVER Struggle with This.
When You Get Access To Rapid Email Mastery:
- You will speed up your progress 10X, giving you an unfair advantage against your competition
- You will stand out from the crowd as a skilled email copywriter and marketer in a saturated market even if you’re 100% brand new copywriter
- You will gain undefeated confidence in your copywriting skills
- Quickly increase your copywriting and marketing skills to land higher-paying clients
- Build a strong and profitable prospecting portfolio even if you’ve never written any email copy before
- Access Guidance From a Successful 6-Figure Copywriter to Inject Confidence in Your Ability to Became a Full-Time Copywriter
- Get the exact step-by-step process of mastering writing emails fast so you can become work just up to 6 hrs a day and have time to enjoy your brand new life
- Apply for potential gigs with confidence your copy is better than any other applicant.
Here’s Everything You’re Going To Get With the Rapid Email Mastery
Module #1: Anatomy of Successful Emails
When you go through this module, you will discover:
- Simple Way to Write Winning Subject Line Formula. Discover How to Generate Subject Lines That Have High Open Rates. (Mastering this will give you a leg up above your competition AND make your client want to throw their money at you)
- How to Start An Email. Use These 6 Simple Ways To Grab Your Reader Attention Instantly.
- What Goes In the Email Body? How to craft a compelling and juicy body of the email, so your readers are eager to keep reading your emails
- Must-Have Elements of a Strong Email Copy. Discover these 5 must-have components to craft a compelling, engaging, and highly profitable email each time
- My Top 4 Ways to Craft An Action-Inducing Call-to-Action. Use this to generate highly converting emails so your clients are happy and keep paying you more money
- Why You Need to Use a P.S With Caution. Discover How This Little Nuance Can Either Make or Break Your Email…. and ultimately boost the revenue or completely destroy it.
- How Many Links Should You Use an Email? The Answer is much simpler than you realize
- Ways To Create Your $100MM Idea Swipe File. At last! I’m sharing all my hidden ways of never running out of ideas as an email copywriter
- The Difference Between Swiping & Stealing. Not knowing this can ruin your career before it even starts
Module #2: Your Moneymaking Email Arsenal
When you go through this module, you will discover:
- 7 Different Types of Emails To Use To Boost Your Client’s Bottom Line…and as a result, fatten your bank account
- What’s Goal Oriented Emails and how to use these to create the like, know and trust with your audience so they keep buying your client’s product
- How to Sell Without Selling. Forget the “car salesmen” trickster way of arm-twisting clients into buying products. Here’s an easier AND more authentic way of selling in emails.
- Simple Way To Tell a Compelling and Action-Inspiring Story Every Time. Hint: When you use this tactic, most of the storytelling is already done for you.
- How to Craft Curiosity Emails. Need the emails to make it rain for your client? Watch this!
- The Easiest and Fastest Email To Write. In a time crunch and need an email ASAP? Use this 10 min email type
- How To Create a Prospecting Portfolio….even if you have never written a piece of copy before!
Module #3: The Secret Power of Editing
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Why All The Money Is in Editing. And How to Edit Emails the Right way.
- The Truth About Getting Feedback On Your Emails from Mentors and Copy Chiefs. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly
- The Secret Editing Tricks Of A-List Email Copywriter. Here’s Your Chance to Stand behind my should and watch me Edit Emails To Craft Winning Emails Every Time
- The Biggest Sin Every Novice Copywriters Makes When They Write Emails. Hint: It has NOTHING to do with technique. But everything to do with human emotions.
- How to edit emails the righw way
Module #4: Maximize Your Email Success With This
In this module, you’ll discover:
- What is a Good Open Rate vs Bad. Know how to analyze your email performance
- How To Track the Performance of Your Emails. This one little extra step can help you stand out above your competition and keep your client happy.
- What To Do If the Client Doesn’t Share The Data. Use This Gentle Way To Convince Your Clients To Give You Access To Email Data
- Why Collecting Email Performance Data Is the Number One Way To Stand Head and Shoulders Above The Competition…so you never have to worry about losing clients
Module #5: Destroy Writers Block
- How To Never Run Out Of Ideas As An Email Copywriter. Forget staring at the blank page. With these tactics, you will always have ideas to use for emails.
- The Secret Method Most 6-List Copywriters Use To Never Struggle with Writers Block
- Three Simple Ways To Collect Ideas For Any Client in Any Niche
- How to Ethically Steal Other People’s Ideas
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/