*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Larry Connors – Option Income Stream System 2004”
Here’s The Only System That…
Has had 100% winning trades in the OEX for nearly two years of simulated options trading from 11/1/2002 to 4/30/2004.
Offers profit opportunities nearly every day in stocks.
Has had only one losing trade in the QQQ options between 11/1/2002 and 4/30/2004 in simulated trading.
Is a simple and easy to use options trading system with no complicated spread or “delta neutral” strategies.
Allows you to trade options systematically, instead of relying upon newsletters or someone’s guesses about the market.
Has the goal of providing you with a steady monthly income stream.
Read on for full details…
Dear Trader:
Most people who trade options lose money…sometimes lots of money. Why? Because most times they are guessing…or they are taking the advice of a newsletter advisor who is guessing!
Now, you can stop the guessing by trading the Options Income Stream System, an easy-to-use method that, as far as we are aware, is one of the few statistically backed options trading systems in existence.
And you can use the Options Income Stream System from the comfort and privacy of your own home or office, without having to watch and analyze the markets all day long. All it takes is 5 to 15 minutes a day to follow the system’s simple rules to find each day’s signals and enter your order.
Once you’re in, the system will tell you when to exit. There’s no interpretation, no complicated spreads, no delta neutral strategies and no awkward “legging in and out.”
What is the Options Income Stream System?
The Options Income Stream System is a simple to understand method which precisely identifies when an option is overbought. Here’s what you will see each day:
The system alerts you to sell either a call or a put in the final minutes of trading.
From there, the option premium many times collapses as an explosive reversal of the overbought or oversold condition occurs.
Once that collapse occurs (usually within a few days), the system tells you to buy the option back, often at a substantially lower price.
Here’s an example of a trade from the Options Income Stream System
The Options Income Stream System alerts to enter a position at the close 10/03/03 in the October OEX 500 puts.
The option premium collapses.
Six trading days later, you close the position with a 75% gain.
Potential opportunities such as these exist almost daily in stock and index options (combined).
There is no guarantee that signals will continue to perform this way in the future, even though historically there has been a high percentage of winning trades.
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