*** Proof of Product ***

Exploring the Essential Features of “Laura Belgray – Launch Hero“
From the maker of Inbox Hero®, it’s….
Launch Hero!
Email Copywriting Course
for launch sequences
that kick ass (and make bank)
“Holy mackerel, the opens and clicks are so so much better than in any of my previous launches!” – Mye De Leon
Want to create that
“Shut up and take my money” moment?
From just your emails?
Yeah you do. Launch Hero shows you how.
Instead of:
– Sending salesy “swipes” that don’t sound like you (and get mostly unsubscribes)…
– Sending one or two emails, which get one or two sales, because you couldn’t deal with writing more (or were too scared to send more)…
– Launching to a deadly, crushing “huh?” and wondering what your emails were missing…
– Putting off launching or selling anything to your list, ever—who, by the way, want stuff from you!…
Why not learn to write emails that:
- Seed interest
- Whip up desire
- Overcome objections
- Get people so excited, they race to buy the second you open the cart
- Hook the most resistant, “nope, not gonna buy” readers
- Sell more than you ever thought possible…
…leaving your initial “big hairy goal” in the dust?
That’s what you’ll do in Launch Hero.
CAUTION: Even if you weren’t planning to launch or sell anything, you might get so inspired, you spontaneously write a launch!
In fact…This email-sequence method might be the “how am I ever going to scale” solution you were praying for.
What it is, in a nutshell:
Mostly PDF-based, It’s the all-launch-sequence version of Inbox Hero®—here to save you from your launch headaches, guide you through your own lucrative “lazy launch,” and give you a simple map from pre-launch, to cart open, to that final, irresistible “last chance”…
To “holy crap, look at the sales coming in, THIS WORKS!”
Launch Hero guides you on:
– The structure, order, and timing of your emails.
– How to create an irresistible story about your product and, more importantly, your reader;
– How to make your sales sequence feel like a can’t-put-down beach novel or netflix series, so even the ones who don’t plan to buy follow along all the way to the very last cart close email. (SPOILER: They buy in the end!)
The main dish: Three of my all-time top-performing email launch sequences, laid out end to end, filleted open like a beautiful Dover sole, and marked up with insider notes…
…So you can steal all the key storytelling and persuasion techniques!
Plus, the priceless “Bare Bones Lucrative Launch Framework” that’s so doable, it’ll inspire you to launch something even if you thought you never would or could…
And more!
All rolled into 300+ gorgeous, printer-friendly pages…
But whether it’s in a binder or on a screen, this baby’s gonna help you print money.
Take a deep dive into these hot launch sequences:
My premiere “Lazy Launch” sequence for Inbox Hero®:
all the emails, from start to finish, that went into my *true* 6-figure “lazy launch.” (Including a breakdown of the surprise MVP email that spiked sales during the normally dead mid-cart period).
My M*ney Bootcamp affiliate sequence
which—despite not being naturally “aligned” with my brand—beat all the competition and made me the number one affiliate…against partners with ginormous, scary lists!
My famous B-School partner sequence
the version that truly crushed the leaderboard (right beneath 5 all-time giant partners like Amy Porterfield, Gabby Bernstein, etc.) and put 150k in my pocket.
Even if you were smart enough to save all these emails from your inbox and keep them in a “swipe” folder (many Shrimpers do), you won’t have them in this annotated form, with the craft broken down so you can replicate it yourself.
Here’s more on what’s inside…
The Launch Hero Copywriting Course (A gorgeously readable, devour-in-one-sitting series of PDFs)
Over 300 pages of point-by-point, detailed email breakdowns (PDF format, read it on your screen or print it, bind it, laminate it, keep it on your desk for always and give it to your grandchildren. (Who will teleport to you to ask, “What was email, Memaw/ Grandpappy?”)
The Launch Hero™ Bare-Bones, At-A-Glance Lucrative Launch Sequence Framework (For An Affiliate Launch, Or Your Own):
A boiled-down, “here’s what to say in your emails” template series for the whole launch—from pre-launch to open-cart to “bye bye, last chance”—that you can fill in with your own words.
💥🙏This godsend is already proven to massively drive up your clicks and opens. And so doable, it might ease you into launching before you even know you’re doing it!
VIDEO TRAINING: Behind-The-Scenes Secrets To A *True* 6-Figure “Lazy Launch”
This hot little 90-min recorded training is yours to keep so you can go back to it again and again.
The Launch Hero Ultimate Launch Sequence Checklist
Your at-a-glance godsend. So you cover all the emotional bases of a sales-goal-busting launch.
“I predict, LAUNCH HERO will be worth thousands in the bank and hours back into my days as I prep for my next copywriting product release”
– Licia Morelli, Copywriter (and Retired Psychic)
Happy Shrimpers
Wow, Launch Hero is the – over 20K in sales!
I used Launch Hero on my Black Friday email sequence and holy mackerel the amount of opens and clicks are so so much better than any of my previous launches! Over 20K in sales!
(I used the Bare Bones Framework, last minute. I wanted to see if I’d get results by just knowing what type of emails I should send. And boom I did.)
– Mye De Leon, Hand Lettering Expert and Course Creator
My best launch ever!
I don’t want to brag but I used Launch Hero on my launch of Linked Accelerator 2.0 last month. I had my best launch ever with a handful of “Laura Belgray-style” emails.
It was a combination of Inbox Hero then Launch Hero.
Laura taught me to tell stories and be myself in my emails. I’ve been engaging my list with life lessons, marketing tips and LinkedIn #FAIL stories. A lot of people reply to my emails and tell me they can’t wait for my next one.
My Linked Accelerator course needed a reboot so I started seeding hints in my emails. After a few weeks of teasing, I started an early-bird list and kept seeding. I like to ask questions at the end of my emails and I received some great feedback from my list. I opened the cart for a week and started sharing my client’s LinkedIn success stories in the daily emails. I didn’t do a dramatic cart close because that’s not my style.
Thank you so much for Inbox Hero and Launch Hero. I’m working on my next launch now.
– Ted Prodromou, America’s Leading Linkedin Coach
Launch Hero paid for itself immediately…
11 times over!
(From a list of just 200 ppl!)
I had literally nothing planned on my marketing rollout but I read 3 pages of Launch Hero and got inspired to create my own mini launch. (I’m a by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of guy.) I didn’t even do all the steps. Scanned straight to the ‘open cart’ and ‘close cart’ emails in Launch Hero and knocked out 5 of them.
I need to stress this – I skipped THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE LAUNCH PROCESS. No pre-launch. I just crammed it all into 5 emails. (Seeing the magic of Laura’s emails filleted open got me too excited.)
And yet…
Bare bones: I bought Launch Hero, did maybe 3% of what Laura told me to do, and I still made bank. And now I’m seriously considering changing my job title to “Launch Hero”. Cause that’s how I feel after sending those 5 emails.
Also I’m imagining what’ll happen when I say all the things I’m supposed to say, when I’m supposed to say them. (I solemnly swear to read the entire Bare Bones Launch Framework first.) Can’t wait to send you that little update 🙂
UPDATE (AS PROMISED): Launch Hero didn’t just help me write a super profitable launch. I became a strategic partner (and brain trust) for my clients, too. Launch Hero refined how I think and defend my copy. It gave me an edge over other copywriters and even my clients in their own business to write what I knew beyond any doubt would work. It truly feels like a superpower to write copy that doesn’t just read well and entertain, but works on SO MANY LEVELS. I know the whole point is to write lucrative launch sequences but truly, Launch Hero is so soooo much more. The principles translate to web copy, one-off emails, bios, and even texts with prospects.
So, a year on and I’m still so grateful to have LH (and Your Holy Shrimpness) by my side. Worth every dollar.
– Edward Bell, Copywriter – Words By Hermes
Unlike any other course, resource, or magic mushroom out there, this deep-dish pizza of email launch learning is going to infuse your brain with these storytelling and selling skills…
I’ll show you how to:
- Seed interest
- Whip up desire
- Create urgent “I need that NOW” emotion
- Weave entertaining stories together with compelling sales copy
- Bust stubborn objections (like “I don’t have time/ money/ what it takes”)
- Get ’em off the fence
- Keep people hooked on your emails even if they don’t think they’re interested in the product (that can change!)
- Use your early buyers as “word of mouth” evangelists to bring more and more eager beavers to the party
- Create a combo platter of trust and burning FOMO to make buying a no-brainer!
You’ll get the answers to:
- How direct should I be in my subject lines?
- How many emails should I send?
- How long should my emails be?
- How much detail should I put into each email?
- How do I keep my whole list from getting pissed and unsubscribing?
- How do I keep these entertaining and story-based but still persuasive?
- How do I show a convincing connection between the product and my own brand, if it seems iffy?
- What mistakes have you (Laura B.) made that you’d tell me to avoid?
Devour my best email writing secrets to:
- Write “must-open” subject lines – even when subscribers are determined to ignore the promotion
- Ditch the copy-paste, samey, salesy swipes everyone else is using (we can tell!) and stand out—even when everyone’s selling at once
- Seed interest and whip up hot desire for the product—so they barely even look at the price before entering the credit card
- Get subscribers to shout you out everywhere and dish up drool-worthy reviews…without pulling teeth
- Write you and your reader into a journey together, so they stay by your side all the way to the buy button
- Hit your reader’s emotional sweet spot by incorporating their own replies
- Leverage the “first glance” trick for higher open rates (that even most top marketers don’t know)
- Capture the attention of even the most ruthless, impatient skimmers
- Smash objections—from “Too expensive” to “This won’t work for me” to “This stuff is all BS!”
- Segue gracefully from a personal story to a pitch that sells
- Weave in powerful social proof that conjures credibility and foments the FOMO
- Reveal personal details that create both relatability and authority
Why you should pair this with Inbox Hero®
Inbox Hero® (with its companion training, Story Hero) breaks down everyday “newsletter” or broadcast emails. Over a thousand Shrimpers have used it to jack up their open rates, get more engagement, and build rapport—the “know, like, and trust” factor that creates sales.
Launch Hero, a much-requested spinoff, is Inbox Hero® for launch sequences. Email by email, story by story, line by line, technique by technique, it breaks down the flow and inner workings of a story-based “arc” of emails that SELLS.
Not planning to launch anything? This may still be your ace in the hole for making a living from your emails.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/