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Welcome to the “Leibel Sternbach – PR For Beginners Masterclass.” In this comprehensive course, you’ll embark on a journey to master the fundamentals of Public Relations (PR) and learn the skills needed to excel in the world of media and communications.
Exploring the Essential Features of “Leibel Sternbach – PR For Beginners Masterclass“
What You Get:
MODULE 1: HOW TO BECOME AN “EXPERT SOURCE” FOR REPORTERS Discover the best places to find reporters who are looking for experts to feature in their stories!
MODULE 2: THE TRICK TO BEING QUOTABLE AND GETTING FREE PR Do you know why some people get quoted in the news while others, with better credentials, get passed over? Hint: it isn’t luck! Discover the secret to being quotable.
MODULE 3: THE KILLER “PITCH” FORMULA There is a secret to crafting the PERFECT pitch that will make you IRRESISTIBLE to reporters, and increase the chances of getting featured in the news!
MODULE 4: PR, THE ENDLESS CONTENT MACHINE Discover how to turn your pitches into an endless content machine. (This is how I can produce so much content in so little time!)
MODULE 5: THE PR CLIENT ATTRACTION MACHINE If a tree falls and nobody hears it, did it even matter? Discover how to PROMOTE your media appearances so they attract motivated clients and close more business.
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