*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Linguistic Love Seeds – George Hutton”
What’s Included
This program contains three detailed written sessions.
Each written session is associated with a subliminal programming session.
Each subliminal programming session comes in three versions.
One hour each.
One for your higher mind.
Perfect for journaling or as a pre-game warmup before any social interactions.
One for the boundary between conscious and unconscious.
To take your daily experiences and bring them down into your subconscious mind while being bathed in positive statements about your love potential.
One for your deep mind.
To transform your love beliefs on a deep and profound level.
Written Sessions
Session One describes the structural process of love.
How love is meant to happen, based on an instinctive understanding of our history.
How to best recalibrate that natural process to best fit into our modern chaotic world of dating.
Session Two explains the love seed planting process in detail.
How to plant happy seeds in their mind within a few minutes of meeting them.
The step by step conversational process that will allow you to do this with the most effectiveness.
And how to give them the time needed to see if your seeds grow into sufficient desire.
Session Three is all about the love cultivation process.
Advanced communication strategies to take somebody with even a slight hint of desire and cultivate that into an irresistible longing for you.
Linguistic techniques, storytelling techniques and behavioral techniques that will make them pursue you as their dream lover.
Advanced qualification techniques to ensure that they are not only interested enough to actively pursue you, but they have all the personality characteristics you need in a romantic partner.
Subliminal Sessions
Love Engineer
Train in the belief that love is something you can engineer, at will, in anybody.
That you no longer have to wait and hope that it happens.
That love is something that is under your control.
Attraction Implantation
Build in the beliefs that, along with the conscious ideas from the training sessions, you can easily and effectively plant attraction in any mind you want.
Attraction that can turn into friendships or business relationships.
Attraction that can develop into the wonderful feelings of romantic love.
Relationship Wizard
Train your deep mind that ideal relationships can be created, once you understand the process.
That just like deliberately planting and enjoying a gorgeous garden filled with beautiful flowers, you can deliberately create and enjoy a wonderful relationship filled with beautiful emotional and sexual intimacy.
That with your new understandings and the new beliefs programmed into your mind, you will be a true relationship wizard.
Master Mix
All sessions mixed together.
Transform your subconscious mind into a relentless love generator.
Become a magnetic attractor of love energy.
Get this now and master the ancient art of love.
Get this now and deliberately create what all others long for.
Get this now and become a modern master of the modern dating market.
Get this now and be a wizard of the most coveted emotion of all time.
Get this now and give the gift of your love to the most qualified candidates you can find.
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