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Exploring the Essential Features of “Lisa Cron – The Anatomy of a Scene”
- 7 Video lessons in HD
- 1h 31m of class content
1. Class Introduction
2. What Is A Scene
3. What Is A Story
4. The Layers In Each Scene
5. Ten Questions To Ask Of Every Scene
6. Scene Template
7. Example: The Graduate
Create Scenes That Work Together To Build A Compelling Story
Although your novel is made up of individual scenes, in truth those scenes are not individual at all, but part of an escalating internal and external cause-and-effect trajectory. Each scene is made up of myriad layers, and performs multiple tasks: they move subplots forward, give the reader insight into the protagonist, develop secondary characters, ratchet up what’s at stake, foreshadow what’s to come, and trigger changes that will ripple throughout the novel.
Wow, that’s a lot! How do you keep track of it? And how do you get it onto the page so that all those layers merge to create what reads as a seamless whole? That’s exactly what we’ll unravel, giving you a clear, concise and concrete method of making sure that every scene you write not only serves the story you’re telling, but rivets the reader.
Never again will you face that frustrating struggle, wondering if the scene you’re contemplating is relevant or not. You’ll learn how to identify and create each layer in every scene, bringing your story to life and creating the irresistible sense of reality that hijacks the reader’s brain.
In this session you’ll learn:
- What makes a scene work, and what every scene must do in order to be relevant and riveting.
- Maddeningly common mistakes writers make when writing scenes and how to deftly avoid them.
- How to keep track of every layer in your story – scene-by-scene — from beginning to end.
- Why you should never write scenes out of order.
Lisa Cron is a story coach and the author of Wired for Story: The Writer’s Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers From the Very First Sentence and Story Genius: How To Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages that Go Nowhere), both published by Ten Speed Press.
Lisa has worked in publishing at W.W. Norton, as an agent at the Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency, as a producer on shows for Showtime and CourtTV, and as a story consultant for Warner Brothers and the William Morris Agency.
Since 2006, she’s been an instructor in the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program and is on the faculty of the School of Visual Arts MFA program in visual narrative in New York City. Together with author, book coach and Author Accelerator CEO Jennie Nash she runs the online Story Genius Workshop.
Lisa works with writers, nonprofits, educators and organizations, helping them master the unparalleled power of story, so they can move people to action – whether that action is turning the pages of a compelling novel, or taking to the streets to change the world for the better.
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