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Exploring the Essential Features of “Lisa Cron – Wired for Story: How to Become a Story Genius”
- 17 Video lessons in HD
- 5h 6m of class content
- Exclusive bonus content
1. Class Introduction
2. The Biggest Writing Myth Holding You Back
3. What Is A Story?
4. All Stories Begin In Medias Res
5. The “What If?”
6. The “What If?” Exercise
7. The Who
8. The Why
9. The Why Exercise
10. The Worldview
11. The Turning Points
12. The Plot Problem
13. The Plot Problem Exercise
14. The Opening Scene
15. The Ultimate “Aha” Moment
16. “Aha Moment” Exercise
17. Story Editing As You Write Forward
We’re All Wired For Story; Learn How To Find Yours!
Do you feel like you have a book inside of you but don’t know how to bring it to life?
Lisa Cron has helped thousands of aspiring writers master the unparalleled power of story so they can write a novel or memoir capable of riveting readers!
In this class, you’ll learn:
- What your readers’ brain is hardwired to crave in every story they read – and it’s not what you think.
- Why writing a successful novel is not about having the innate “talent” that only a lucky few are born with, but something you can learn!
- How to write a first draft that reads like a fifth draft, and cut down rewriting in the process.
- How to become a more confident writer, and make whatever you’re writing now deeper, richer, more compelling, and able to do what all stories are meant to do: change how the reader sees the world, themselves, and what they do in the world.
This class is not filled with random, general writing exercises – rather each exercise builds on the one before it, giving you the tools to create a riveting story from the inside out.
Your goal: to build a novel (or memoir or screenplay) by first creating the material from which the story, and the plot, will organically begin to appear.
Writing a novel doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With this class, Lisa busts the writing myths that have held you back, and gives you a clear, concise, concrete step-by-step method to find your story and share it with the world!
Lisa Cron is a story coach and the author of Wired for Story: The Writer’s Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers From the Very First Sentence and Story Genius: How To Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages that Go Nowhere), both published by Ten Speed Press.
Lisa has worked in publishing at W.W. Norton, as an agent at the Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency, as a producer on shows for Showtime and CourtTV, and as a story consultant for Warner Brothers and the William Morris Agency.
Since 2006, she’s been an instructor in the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program and is on the faculty of the School of Visual Arts MFA program in visual narrative in New York City. Together with author, book coach and Author Accelerator CEO Jennie Nash she runs the online Story Genius Workshop.
Lisa works with writers, nonprofits, educators and organizations, helping them master the unparalleled power of story, so they can move people to action – whether that action is turning the pages of a compelling novel, or taking to the streets to change the world for the better. Or both!
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