*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Love Systems – The Don and Savoy – Routines Manual Volume 1.1”
How can these guys, “Savoy” and “The Don” teach you to make fascinating, flowing and effortless conversation with beautiful women?
Hey, what’s up? Nick Savoy here. Online, I usually just go by Savoy. I’m actually pretty well known by that name in certain circles. I have to tell you that making conversation with beautiful women used to be a struggle for me. So much so, in fact, that I devoted 10 years of my life to learning every aspect of attracting and dating beautiful women.
Fast forward to today…. Now I run one of most successful and well known “Dating Science” companies in the world – Love Systems. I’ve also taught hundreds of live, in-field workshops, written the best-selling book Magic Bullets (If you want to read THE definitive book on meeting, attracting and dating beautiful women, check it out!), I’ve been interviewed on CBS Radio, Playboy TV, Fox News, in Brink Magazine and I’ve even been on Dr. Phil!
I founded Love Systems to provide you with the very best live coaching workshops and instructional products available – anywhere and at any price!
Over the years that I’ve been involved in Dating Science, I’ve met virtually all of the top guys in the community (I didn’t even know there was a community when I was starting out) – and I’ve become friends with many of them.
One night, I was hanging out with my friend Scott, also known as The Don (and a guy who dates one supermodel quality woman after another), and we were talking about what it really took to attract women. We decided that one of the biggest pieces – if not the biggest piece – to consistently attracting beautiful women is to become a MASTER OF CONVERSATION AND STORYTELLING. To really make conversation happen. To show who you are through your own unique brand of humor and through the stories you tell.
That’s right. It’s your ability to make conversation and be interesting and entertaining in any social situation that really sparks a woman’s interest and gives you the power to attract her and connect with her.
But what’s the secret to mastering the art of making conversation with attractive women?
After getting into this subject and passing a lot of ideas and theories back and forth for a while, The Don and I came to a conclusion. The single most important thing a guy needs to have, to consistently flow with conversation in any situation with beautiful women, is a ready-to-go arsenal of conversation openers, great stories, routines and games.
You might want to read that last paragraph again….
That’s right. Having conversation starters, stories, games and other material ready to go – before you need it – is THE KEY to making conversation with women. All the guys I know – and we’re talking about the best of the best with women here – have a HUGE assortment of great material that they use over and over again. They have tested, refined, tried-and-true material and routines that they KNOW gets the response they want in any situation they might find themselves in.
Because of my commitment to helping you become EXCELLENT at attracting the women you want – and because no product like it has ever been produced by anyone else – I told The Don that we HAD TO put together some kind of book of great routines and material for Love Systems.
Well, a few more beers later and, we had a real breakthrough! What if we created a compilation of the best material from the very best guys in the community? An entire manual of the best stuff, from the best guys all over the world!
Could we do it?
We did it! We created The Love Systems Routines Manual!
The Don and I created a compilation volume – The Love Systems Routines Manual – of the very best and most effective openers, conversation starters, stories and routines from all of the very best guys out there. We’re talking about the real superstars. The guys who get paid THOUSANDS to spend a few hours teaching this stuff in person. These are guys who have met, attracted and dated some of the most beautiful women in the world! Even if you don’t follow the “personalities” in this community, you’ll have heard of at least a few of these guys for sure. I’m talking about names like Savoy, The Don, Sinn, Brad P., Fader, Mr. M, Sheriff, Braddock, Captain Jack, IN10SE, Badboy and Tyler Durden!
How would you like to have access to all of their very best stuff – their arsenal of effective openers, conversation starters, stories and routines? Stuff that they’ve spent YEARS developing and refining!
Do you think that would help your game? Do you think the stuff in a manual like that would improve your ability to catch and hold a woman’s interest in a conversation?
The Don and I know it would! And if you’re even the slightest bit convinced it would help you too – keep reading…
Have you ever had these problems when talking to women?
- You see an attractive woman you want to talk to and you have no idea what to say to start up a conversation with her? The secret to ALWAYS knowing what to say when you see an attractive woman is – always have something to say when you see an attractive woman! It sounds simplistic, but, it’s really essential to have a bunch of good conversation openers in your head and ready to go BEFORE you need them.
- Have you ever had to resort to “What’s your name?” “Where are you from?” “What do you do?” – EVEN THOUGH YOU KNEW BETTER – because your mind just completely blanked out at that moment? What you really needed was a “locked and loaded” arsenal of material that you could easily roll into right off of your opening. You needed material that you KNEW was good, that you had ready to go and that you knew would get the result you wanted with that particular woman or group of women.
- Have you ever gotten stuck on the conversation opener? We all have at some point or another. You know what I mean. When you start talking to a group of women and it goes so well that they can’t stop talking about whatever topic you started the conversation with. And if someone came into the group 10 minutes later you’d all still be talking about the topic you opened with. This is the DEATH of attraction AND your social value. You’ve lost control of the group. And this is ENTIRELY avoidable…
How much of a difference would having over 200 pages of the best conversation starters, openers, routines, stories and games make in improving your ability to talk with women?
- Would you like to have a 200 page volume of material and ideas from the masters in the community? Ideas that would literally flood your mind with possibilities and inspiration for starting and continuing conversations with women? One of the guys we showed an early version of this product to actually said he had to put it down because his mind was racing so fast with all the ideas for material he was flooded with!
- Would you like to have an entire catalog of routines – from the best of the best in the community – that have been proven, refined and field tested in the toughest Bars and Clubs and on the most beautiful women in the world? That’s right. I’m asking if you’d like to peer into the personal world of some of the guys who are the very best with women anywhere and hear the material they have personally run, over and over again, in some of the most unforgiving places anywhere. This is material that is PROVEN to work!
If this sounds good, keep going! There’s a lot more….
Last year, a bunch of us here at Love Systems set out to put all of our best stuff into one manual. We originally wanted to put all this stuff together just for the Love Systems bootcamp instructors – so the guys who were going out weekend after weekend, in the field, in some of the toughest venues anywhere would have access to the very best openers and routines to use and share with the students.
The Don and I actually decided to use this manual as the FOUNDATION for the Love Systems Routines Manual. I’ll admit, I took a lot of flak from the instructors! I mean, I WAS going to be giving away their best stuff! But, The Don and I decided this thing was SO USEFUL that it would make a great base for the Routines Manual.
So, there you go, we started with the Love Systems “Official” instructor catalog of routines. The catalog that contains all the best routines used and taught by our Live Program instructors. The guys who are out EVERY weekend teaching guys to attract women live, in person and in real time.
And it only gets better from there….
Think about this: even if you have the opportunity to follow around a guy who is truly world class with meeting and attracting women, you’d be so overwhelmed with what to be paying attention to – his body language, voice tone, inflection, eye contact, touching, etc. – that you’d have a hard time listening to and remembering his actual words. Not only that, the distracting and loud environment you’d probably be in would make it hard to even hear what he was saying. But what if you could actually have a transcript of his EXACT words – complete with notes on delivery and follow-through?
That’s what our new Routines Manual is!
It’s 200 pages of the very best material used by our Lovesystems instructors and masters from all over the world. Guys like Savoy, The Don, Sinn, Brad P., Fader, Mr. M, Sheriff, Braddock, Captain Jack, IN10SE, Badboy, Tyler Durden and more have contributed their very best stuff to this amazing volume!
Are you ready to take your game to the next level?
Right now, I’m making a very special offer. You can get the Lovesystems Routines Manual for just $99!
That’s right! For less than a hundred bucks you can have access to all the routines and material from the superstars in the community. Guys like Savoy, The Don, Sinn, Brad P., Fader, Mr. M, Sheriff, Braddock, Captain Jack, IN10SE, Badboy, Tyler Durden and more!
If having a huge – nearly 200 page – collection of openers, routines and material from guys who are considered the undisputed best of the best in the community sounds like it would take your game to a new level, go ahead and order the routines manual by clicking the link below.
Don’t forget! As with all of our Lovesystems products, we are 100% totally committed to your complete satisfaction. If – for any reason – you aren’t completely, totally, 110% satisfied with the routines manual, just send us an email and we’ll refund your money. No questions asked!
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