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Exploring the Essential Features of “Magnetic Messaging – Special Bonuses by Bobby Rio & Rob Judge”
How To Turn Her On
And Get Her Out With Just
3 Simple Texts
Discover Exactly What Texts to Send:
Use These 3 Texts To Get Meetups That Turn Into Sex and Relationships…
You’re about to learn three simple text messages that transform your phone into a magnet.
I’ll show you how to use these magnetic messages to turn a woman… and get her out on a date with just three texts.
How to pump her full of curiosity, intrigue, and desire until she’s picking up her phone and thumbing in a message…. (whether she wanted to or not)
And as weird as this sounds, will show you how to use a form of “sexual inception” to plant “erotic” thoughts of you in her mind…
Igniting feelings of intense “chemistry” and connection, and has her trusting you… Thinking about you, craving you, and even fantasizing about you… desperately waiting for your next message…
Most importantly these texts quickly get meetups that turn into sex and relationships…
In fact you can even use these three texts to:
- Text your way out of the friend zone
- Jumpstart things back up with a girl that is “slipping away” (without coming across as desperate or needy)
- Get a girl you just met chasing you, fighting for your attention, working to win you over…
Even girls who had been sending “icy cold” one word responses will suddenly be eager to
spend time with you…
All Because You Will Be Using A Very Specific Sequence Of Magnetic Texts Called:
“The Key Lock Sequence”
When you use these three texts its like pushing a key into a lock, turning and awakening an exciting, fun, and sexual side of her that she has hidden from all the other guys in her phone…
And the BEST part is…
It works like clockwork…
On any girl you meet….
So You’ll Never Struggle With What To Write To A Girl Again….
Now before i get to that i want to expose a dangerous “myth of attraction” that’s stopping you from scoring more women right now…
The Dangerous Myth of Attraction
What’s Really Preventing You From Closing the Deal and Getting More Women Back to Your Bedroom…
So what is the dangerous myth of attraction preventing you from getting women out on dates, getting the kiss, closing the deal, and getting her back to your bedroom?
The dangerous myth is that: attraction is black or white
- That a woman either wants you or she doesn’t
- She’s attracted to you or she’s not
- She would sleep with you or she wouldn’t
Now that’s NOT how attraction works.
Listen careful to what I’m about to say:
Attraction is NOT Black or White
This means that a woman’s opinion of you can change by the year, month, week, day…. Even by the hour…
Now this comes with good news and bad news…
Let’s start with the good news…
The good news is that even if you didn’t make a stellar first impression you can still win her over and get her wanting you…
- Even if you’re not her “type” or she only sees you as a “friend”…
- Even if you’ve sent her a horribly embarrassing text…
- And even if she’s dating someone else and acts like you don’t even exist…
In a few minutes i’m going to teach you how three simple texts can change all that..
But first, I’ve got to give you some bad news…
Just because a girl has given you her number, told you to call her, or has even been out on a date with you… Does not automatically mean you will ever see her again….
When she handed you her number she did not sign a “social contract” agreeing to go out with you… It just means she was interested or attracted enough at the moment to give it to you…
Now, that interest and attraction is a good start…
Just don’t make the FATAL MISTAKE of thinking that once a woman gives you her number its game over: you win
Because The Game is actually just beginning….
The Window of Opportunity is Closing
In fact, there is a “window of opportunity” that begins closing the minute she gives you her number. Yes she was interested or attracted enough to give it to you…
But time is ticking like sand running through the hour glass..
Here’s Why….
Women expect things to “happen quick” when there is chemistry… They expect to get “swept away…”
So the longer it takes to get her out… the more she starts thinking there must NOT be anything there…
She’ll even begin to backward rationalize and start finding reasons your NOT worth meeting up with…
And she starts getting annoyed at even the slightest mistakes like:
- Sending texts that come on too strong or appear “needy”…
- Sending her lame, boring, “just another average guy” texts…
- Or trying to send her something “witty” that she just doesn’t “get”…
This is whens she seems to go from “HOT” to “COLD” very quickly, losing interest and “Fizzling Out“…
As the window is closing… all the time texting “back and forth” is MURDERING your chances…
In fact, you have a limited number of texts before this window CLOSES for GOOD (and you never get her out).
If you’re not sending her the right texts your just spinning your wheels…
And some other guy will get her out and STEAL HER���
Was that last part a little graphic?
I hope so
Because I’m speaking from experience…
Now, If you’re like I was then you have probably experienced one of Two Common Scenarios (Nod your head if you’ve experienced one of these)
The first I call:
“The Cinderella Effect”
You meet a girl at a bar or a party and she’s totally into you and seems like a total sweetheart the night you met…
Maybe you’d even start imagining a relationship with her. Planning future dates in your mind… Bragging about her to your friends (embarrassing huh?)…
But, when you try to contact her afterwards, she turns into something else…
Whether she turns mean, cold, disinterested, or just non responsive, she’s displaying the “Cinderella Effect.”
And It feels downright humiliating when she doesn’t respond…
…Pulling your phone out of your pocket every five minutes checking to see if you missed her message… You can almost imagine her laughing about your “text” with her friends (…or the guy she’s in bed with)
And then its like she disappears off the face of the earth. And you can’t figure out where you messed up or what went wrong?
And the weird thing is… This is actually almost better than the next scenario…
Because at least there you can take a hint and move on…
Scenario two I call:
“The Texting Goofball”
This is where you turn into a “one trick pony“ always trying “too hard” to make her laugh and entertain her…
You think you’re really getting somewhere… She seems to LOL at everything you write… Even sends YOU random texts asking how you are…
Then Days, Weeks, Months go by playing “Textual Grab-ass” with her… Until you finally realize you’re just her “Text Buddy”…
And she NEVER wants to actually meet up…
So the Big Question is…
How Do You Go From Getting A
Woman’s Phone Number To
Getting Her Out On A Date?
How do you go from getting a woman’s phone number to getting her out on a date?
How do you use your phone to turn her on, so that by the time she meets you she’s already eager to go back to your bedroom…
How do you do that…
- Without losing her interest to another guy…
- Without the attraction fizzling out after a few boring texts…
- And without accidentally texting your way into the friend zone… (and becoming her “text buddy” that’s never going to get anywhere near her bedroom)
And more importantly…
Once you’ve hung out with her…
How do you continue to amplify the attraction, leave her wanting more, and have her eagerly anticipating the next time she’ll wrap her legs around you…
All by sending a few simple texts from your cell phone?
To answer those questions I need to reveal a few simple truths about “Chemistry and Attraction” no one has told you before…
And show you how to “Jump Start” the spark that takes a woman who’s , lukewarm, indifferent or even losing interest… and suddenly has her eager to spend time with you…
Remember how I told you the Window of Opportunity is quickly closing?
The reason the window of opportunity is closing is because the emotion she felt towards you is fading… and you’re losing her attention.
Critical Point #1:
Emotions = Attention
Any time you create an emotional state in a woman… you momentarily have her attention.
And the Window opens back up…
It gets even better…
Emotions also act as an “Attraction Anchor”
And re-ignite the “original” attraction she felt… (even if it has already started to slip away…)
You ever have a song start playing on the radio and bring back a flood of emotions… and suddenly that song has every ounce of your attention?
Now If you’ve sent her an “emotional text”… then any time she pulls out her phone you can get the SAME EXACT REACTION…
When a woman decides that she wants to meet up for a date, text you naked pictures of herself, or just come over for some fun, casual sex….
I can pretty much guarantee it was not some “logical” decision she made based on careful thinking…
It was an emotional reaction she had to the text you sent…
Your goal is to spark an emotion, get her attention and turn that attention into a meet up as quickly as possible.
So what are the three texts that she’s practically powerless against?
In order to capture a woman attention, and create a “mental monopoly” where she can’t stop herself from meeting up with you…
She needs to receive three specific text messages…
Its Called:
“The Key Lock Sequence”
1. First, you send her an “emotional” text that stops her dead in her tracks and captures her attention and as her anticipating what comes next…
This text shows her that you’re different and exciting, and gets her seeing you as an attractive, fun, charismatic guy, and draws out her FLIRATIOUS SIDE setting the tone for all your future interactions…
2. Next, you need to bond with her in a way that has her imagining spending time with you in the future… And feeling an “emotional connection” that goes beyond a “casual” flirtation…
This text shows her that she’s NOT just some random number in your phone… it lets her know that you “get her” and has her associating these warm good feelings to you…
3. And finally, you plant the idea of sleeping with you in her mind, so that she begins to crave and imagine it…
This text shows her that you’re the type of guy who makes it happen… has her desperate to spend time with you… And easily transitions to a meet up.
Why Some Guys Have Women Wrapped Around Their Fingers…
Yep. The reason some guys are able to pull out their cell phones and have girls practically jumping at the chance to come over for some late night fun… (Even when months have gone by without seeing her…)
While the rest of us can’t break through her “Defensive Shield”, and even when she responds to our messages she gives us nothing to work with and seems to be politely blowing us off…
Its because these guys have figured out it is not your ability to spend days texting her interesting things or convincing her you’re a good guy who really likes her…
It’s your ability to monopolize her attention, anchor a strong “emotional connection”, and send out texts that act like magnets drawing her closer toward you…
And because time is always a factor, you must do all of this in just three texts…
See like most guys, I used to make the mistake of thinking the more texts I send… the more of her attention I’ll get…
Hoping to stay on her mind I’d continually texts her things like:
Never Send These Texts
- “how’s you day going”
- “What u up 2?”
- “Hope you got home safe”
- “hey”
Not one of these texts creates any sort of emotion… In fact, these texts annoy the shit of out her…
Did you ever have a fly buzzing around your ear… not really doing anything… just distracting you?
That’s what the average text is like to her.
Keeping her attention is NOT about bombarding her phone with messages. It’s also not about never texting her (or following the 3 Day Rule and waiting a specified amount of time before texting her again)
Your window of opportunity is closing and nothing will kill your chances faster than going M.I.A. on her…
Gripping her attention is not about sending her a lot of texts…. And its not about following stupid rules…
It’s about sending her the
Here’s what is so great about the “Key Lock Sequence” You can use it to:
- Quickly get a date with a girl you just met
- Turn things around on a girl who’s losing interest
- Even spark things back up with a girl who “got away”
Because it can be adjusted for just about any situation… it allows you to put girls on:
“Texting Auto-Pilot”…
This means never having to stand there like an idiot with your phone in your hand with no clue what to write….
You just sit back and let the sequence do the work…
Why does it work so well? Its pretty simple really…
Remember how you learned attraction isn’t black or white… and that a woman’s opinion of you can change by the month, week, day, even by the hour…
The Key Lock Sequence uses this to your advantage by sparking positive emotions in her… and “anchoring” them to you.
Displaying this “attractive communication” causes her to make a snap shot judgment that you’re a fun, cool guy… And allows you to capitalize on this “attention” as quickly as possible.
And get her out while the Pump is Primed…
Before that window closes again and you’re shit out of luck…
The Proven Solution That Makes Texting Women Easy
Rob Judge and I have created a step by step system that shows you how to use this exact sequence to put texting women on auto-pilot, get more women out on dates, close the deal, and get her back to your bedroom.
You see if you want to be the kind of guy that is dating a continuous supply of beautiful women then you have master the subtle art of using your cell phone to magnetically draw women toward you (AND NOT SCARE THEM AWAY)
We call this program Magnetic Messaging and here’s how it works…
Magnetic Messaging:
Unleashing the Key Lock Sequence
Magnetic Messaging is a step- by-step system that will show you show to craft “Magnetic” Text Messages to quickly engage, connect with, and turn on a woman…
Texts that stand out and shatter to pieces all the other messages she gets from otherguys… Gets her mind racing with excitement… wondering what you’re going to message her next… And allows you to quickly and easily pull the trigger and get her out with you, close the deal, and get her back to your bedroom…
The program is jam packed with step by step instructions and word-for-word examples of exactly what to send… (It’s like having private uncensored access Rob’s Iphone to read through every text exchange and learn exactly why it worked)
In the past year Rob has slept with dozens of women…. and you’ll discover the exact texts he sent (and her responses) that led to countless nights of sex…
When you grab your copy of Magnetic Messaging: Unleashing the Key Lock Sequence you’ll discover:
- How to craft your language so that it stops a woman cold, sparks an emotion, and makes her interested in what you have to say…
- How to cram your text full of your personality to get her laughing or giggling (and associating those good feelings to you)
- You’ll discover the perfect “Radar Texts”: The initial texts you’ll send just to get on her radar and have her thinking about you… (Yep, you’re NOT even looking for a response)… but you’ll be surprised how often she can’t stop herself from replying…)
- You’ll discover the “Partners in Crime Texts” to have her feeling an intense connection to you (And makes sure you stay on her mind when you’re not around)….
- 4 Types of “Inside Jokes” that show you “get” each other and drastically increase her desire to see you…
- How to get her to share personal info about herself ensuring that you get the date… (once a woman starts sharing this info she’s like a fish caught on a hook… and can’t wiggle away…)
- How craft your “Meetup Message” in a subtle way that gets her imagining what it would be like to sleep with you. These messages are so Jedi that she can’t NOT think about having sex with you…
And that’s just a tiny taste… As you get into the more advanced stuff you’ll learn:
- The shocking power of the “Key Lock Sequence” to put texting on auto-pilot…
- How to use “Shredder Texts” to destroy objections, flakiness, or bad behavior… (These are like “text jiu jitsu”)
- You’ll discover the power of “Go Big Texts” to reel a girl back in that seemed to have slipped away…
- How to use the: “Couple Compliment” Text to build a sense of connection.. And have her imagining a future with you (If you are going to send her a compliment… this is the ONLY way to do it.
- The shocking power of the “No Big Deal” Text. (This is where you learn to use “subtext” to have her thinking your a cool, socially intelligent guy…)
- How to send texts that create “bottled up” sexual tension and have her squirming in her seat at work… (Do this right and she’ll be picking out her sexiest outfit for your next date…)
Sick of getting caught off guard and not knowing how to respond?
Don’t worry we got you covered…
You’ll get Examples, Templates, and “Prescribed Texts” for all of the following situations:
1.How to respond to the “who is this?” text
2.The only way to answer the “what do you look like?” text
3.How to handle when she doesn’t respond
4.Plus 3 ways to combat the “I’m sick, I’m tired, or “I have work” excuse
5.How soon and what to text her before the day of the date
6.How to reignite and old number (Think too much time has gone by to text a girl? Send her this….)
7.“Flake Buster” Texts that ensure she won’t flake the day of the date.
8.How to use a few simple texts to get her chasing you
9.The right way to be funny over texts
10.How to shift gears and transition into more flirty dialogue (while making it seem like it was her idea)
11.How soon to text a girl after your first date
12.How soon to text a girl once you sleep with her
13.How to drop sexual words into your messages to make her horny
14.How to heat things up over the phone and start sexting
15.How to get a girl to send you naked pictures of herself
16.The Threesome Text: How to talk your girl into a threesome with a few simple text messages
How to use “phone game” to solidify and electrify the moments you spend together… Get her horny to see you, have her falling in love with you… You’ll decide whether you want to make her your girlfriend or just keep things casual and hook up whenever you want.
After going through this program just once you’ll be using your phone to have an “Unfair Advantage” over other guys… And become her first choice out of all the guys trying to land her…
The Origin of The Key Lock Sequence …
Now I also I wish I could take credit for the “Key Lock Sequence”. But I can’t. Truth be told… For a long time, I carried a dirty little secret…
Even though I was a Jedi-Master at drawing out a woman’s fun, flirtatious, and sexyside in person…. (And teaching other guys how to get the same results…) I was clueless when it came to transmitting that same “attractive communication” over text…
In fact texting was my Achilles Heel…
If I told you how many hot, horny women I LOST because of sub- bar texting skills it would make a grown man cry… I still cringe thinking about it….
Luckily I’m not an idiot…. And I was smart enough to get help. (I hope you are too)
Enter Rob Judge…
Rob’s tiny apartment has been a revolving door of New York City’s hottestwomen… See Rob is able to consistently achieve a near impossible feat…
He is able to consistently turn phone numbers into dates from women who have hundreds of other guys breathing down their necks… Guys that are richer, better looking, and more “connected” in the city then him…
Yet night after night these women are waking up naked in his apartment… And I had to know his secret
So I took the train into NY and met him at a grungy, little dive bar, on the top of the old Bentley Hotel…. And then over the course of a few hours (And a dozen or so Coronas) Rob explained to me exactly where I was messing up…
And then he laid out the entire Key Lock Sequence…
Pulling out his cell phone and showing me example after exampleof this stuff in action… Twenty minutes of scrolling through his text message archive on his iPhone and I was sold…
When I used the exact sequence to get a girl who had been avoiding me for months back to my place…. I became a disciple…
So I started to share some of these secrets with a few of my students… and watched as they used this exact material to:
- Get responses from girls that had been blowing them off
- Set up dates with girls they hadn’t talked to in months
- Bring out the “sexual side” of girls who had previously seem frigid or cold..
During that same period Rob continued to refine, test, and perfect these techniques… (When you meet as many girls as he does you get a lot of practice)
The next thing we know both our inboxes are full of guys begging us to share the “secret sauce.” (Rob has even had guys pay him over $2000 to fly to NY and learn this stuff in person)
Finally I convinced him to package up what both of us have learned about using this magnetic form of text messaging to “Kick Start” a woman’s desire for you… into a simple, step by step program we call…
And those are just a few of the dozens of emails we’ve already received from incredibly satisfied guys who have used this simple system.
Here’s what you can expect…
When you apply these tools, you’re going to spark that elusive “Vibe”… which means more fun dates, more passionate kisses, more sex, and an all around more exciting life…
How much is it worth to you to turn a phone number into a hot naked woman lying next to you on your bed?
To have a girl who was slipping away… do a complete 180 and suddenly be starved for your affection???
The unfortunate truth is most men meet a woman, and then spin their wheels for months (Never getting close to her bedroom) Until she becomes just a fading memory…
How would it feel watching another girl slip through your fingers…. And knowing you had a chance to prevent it…
And what if you could have done it by just making a fewslight changes to the words you send from your cell phone? Hundreds of guys have already used these exact “words” to experience a dramatic and almost immediate change in the way women respond to their messages…
And because I want you to experience these results (when you put these secrets to use) I’m going to let you have the full program at a price you’re not going to believe.
Now Rob regular has guys pay him over $2000 to come to New York and learn this stuff in person….
I struggled with this problem for a long time. And I can honestly tell you that until you fix this it isn’t worth learning anything else. YES. It’s that important.
So, you can either go out and blow $50, $75, even $100 on dates that go nowhere, bars and clubs that obviously aren’t getting you anywhere… or another “toy” to keep your mind off the fact that you’re not happy with your sex life….
Or you can decide to change that all right now… for less than the cost of a round of drinks in a bar.
We’ve Also Thrown in Some Killer Bonuses…
Big Bonus
“The Infatuation Formula”
The Infatuation formula is like a specific “emotional cocktail” you can give a woman to make her fall in love with you… (even if right now she’s just a friend)
You’ll become the guy that she MUST CHASE… (You can even use it to create your own little “fan club” of women waiting for their chance with you.)
In the Infatuation formula you’ll learn:
- How to get women “emotionally addicted” to be around you… (She’ll start making excuses to come and see you)
- 5 ways to make yourself more “Enchanting” to any woman you’re dating…
- The Butterfly Effect: How to make sure she gets butterflies every time she sees you.
The Infatuation Formula is some of the most advanced stuff we’ve ever released… The value of this video program is $79 but you get it free when you order Magnetic Messaging today…
Big Bonus
The Rejection Proof
With this special video program you’ll discover exactly how to become impossible for a woman to reject:
- Eliminate Your Fear of Rejection using simple mind techniques that we discovered that empower you to take more chances with women and never let fear stop you from scoring the woman you want.
- Stop Worrying About What She’ll Think because you’ll use a “pre-framing” technique that completely shuts down your worry or insecurity about how you appear to a woman
- Appear Cool, Calm, and Confident In Front of Any Woman with this one simple technique that makes you appear naturally charming and charismatic (even if you’re nervous on the inside)
This bonus program has the potential to completely eliminate any fear of hesitation you have around women, and you get it completely free when you order today.
Big Bonus
The 99 Best Texts of All Time
How would you like the perfect text for any situation you come across?
In The 99 Best Texts of All Time you’ll discover:
- The Absolute Best Texts to Send the Day After You First Meet Her (that put a smile on her face and has thinking of you for the rest of the day)
- “Jaw Dropping” Effective Texts For Getting Her to Respond (even if she’s been MIA)
- “Sneaky” Texts for Getting Sexual (And Making it Seem Like SHE started it)
- Don’t know what to text her on her birthday? Send her Rob’s patented “Best Birthday Text.”
- Got too drunk… Or messed up some how last time you saw her? Send her the “Instant Recovery Text”
- Just want to put a smile on her face and get her thinking about you? Send her one of these 18 “Fun Time” Anchor Texts
You’ll Get An Arsenal of “Golden Responses”
1.For when she misunderstands your humor
2.For when you accidentally insult her
3.For when she responds with a one word answer
4.For when she compliments you
5.For when she’s fishing for a compliment
No need to struggle for hours trying to craft the perfect message…. Just flip through The 99 Best Texts of All Time and Steal One of These….
These Have Been Tested Over and Over Again… And Are Proven To Work
Yes, Give Me Everything Below
The Magnetic Messaging Training Guide:
Includes step by step instructions, examples, and prescribed texts for dozens of situations
The Infatuation Formula:
complete training videos for getting a woman to fall completely in love with you. This is our most advanced course ever.
The 99 Best Texts of All Time:
This book is filled with 99 of the most potent, and powerful texts of all time. These have all been tested extensively and are proven to work. These texts cover dozens of potential situations.
Rejection Proof
This one hour video will completely eliminate your fear of getting rejected and get excited about meeting more women. (this bonus is optional)
I don’t want pressure you, but you’ve got a choice to make…
1.Choice One
Is to keep doing what you’re doing now. keep sending the same old played out messages. but let me ask you… how has that worked out for you so far?
Maybe you think you can get by without having to get good at “texting” women… but i can tell you its only going to get worse… texting is not going away. and the guys that don’t figure this out now are going to be at a severe disadvantage…
You will continue to put time and effort into meeting a woman and getting to know her…. Only to watch slip through your fingers before you can turn it into anything meaningful….
If you’re not sending her the right texts… her attraction towards you is going to continue to plummet… and some other guy who “gets it” is going to steal her away from you before you ever see her again…
2.Choice Two
Of course you could choose to try doing it yourself. but did you ever hear the saying “why reinvent the wheel”? if you go out tonight and meet your dream girl… would you really want to risk it – trying it your way?
Wouldn’t you rather message her knowing you’ve got a tested, proven “formula” for turning that phone number into a date….
Right now there are girls in your phone who are still undecided about you… every wrong text you send and more and more of the attraction she felt towards you is disappearing…. and before you know it, any chance you had with her will be long gone….
It just doesn’t make sense to continue to fail… to continue to struggle… to continue be alone… especially when so many other guys are getting such amazing success.
3.Choice Three
risk nothing at all and get magnetic messaging begin turning phone numbers into dates and sex tonight.
It really is that simple. thousands have already done this before you.
Remember, all the risk is on my shoulders. If Magnetic Messaging doesnʼt deliver what I promised, you get all your money back, no questions asked.
So go ahead and take action right now. Click the orange button below that says “Get Instant Access” and take the first step toward being the kind of man you know youʼre capable of being.
Can you imagine a life filled with beautiful women eager for your attention, and what your life is going to be like when you don’t have this problem anymore?
Make it happen!
Bobby Rio
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/