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Exploring the Essential Features of “Mario Brown – Video Ads Formula”
Mario Brown – Video Ads Formula
Who Else Wants To Know How To Generate Massive Traffic & Cheap But Highly Targeted Leads Via Video Ads From A Platform That Is Getting Over 8 Billion Views Per Day Guaranteed?
Swipe ALL My Pages + Results Today & Generate Leads Immediately!
From The Desk Of Mario Brown
Wow the biggest social network announced that they’re getting 8 Billion (!) views daily to their videos. Let’s read this again, 8 BILLION Views, that’s with a ‘B’.
That’s just insane, can you imagine how much Traffic this would be for your affiliate marketing business, your information marketing products, your eCommerce store or local marketing agency?
Video Marketing is exploding right now and the place where it has the absolute fastest growth is that exact social network, which is now competing with Youtube.
Plus, since just 3 weeks you now can ALSO advertise directly on Instagram, reaching a Brand New Audience of ‘just’ 400+ Million people.
Are You Going To Leverage This For Traffic, Leads & Sales?
I immediately saw the opportunity and jumped right in running Video Ads, testing variations, figuring out how to get the cheapest leads, tweaked my landing pages for the highest conversions and here is the best part: I RECORDED EVERYTHING
Yes I’ve collected data day after day, investing my own money to create an amazing case study for YOU to leverage immediately.
IMPORTANT: This is A CASE STUDY meaning everything is REAL WORLD Data I collected from the Video Ads I’ve been running the last 4 weeks for this Case Study.
No theory – No Fluff.
Just 100% Real data driven Results and I’m not holding anything back, you get the FULL Funnel on a silver platter.
Here is the best part – this funnel has led to a 3000% Return Of Investment and you get EVERY STEP of the funnel today as soon as you invest in ‘FB Video Ads Formula’.
And here is the best part, I kept everything 100% Newbie Friendly. I’m not a technical guy myself so I need SIMPLE Solutions – in fact I need them so simple that a kid could implement them.
So with ‘FB Video Ads Formula’ You:
- Don’t suffer from overwhelm
(everything is very step by step) - You can start without experience
(my funnel only has 3 steps total) - You don’t need a list
(this will build your list FAST, it’s all about lead generation) - You don’t need a big budget whatsoever
(my campaigns are running for $3) - You don’t have to do it alone
(in every video you look over my shoulder) - You don’t have to start from scratch
(you can leverage my ads, templates & test results)
System Overview
We get straight to the point by delivering you the PROVEN, income generating formula right here in the first module. You’ll be off to a HUGE HEAD START by completing this lesson, you’ll discover why Video is critical PLUS You’ll get my Mental Toughness Hacks forcing you to execute and implement every lesson in this training for bigger profits & growth.
My EXACT Best Converting Landing Pages & Tracking
I show you STEP BY STEP how to create highly converting landing pages AND I reveal to you the EXACT landing pages I used during this case study to get a 53% conversion rate with COLD Traffic. You’ll ALSO learn how to set up your tracking correctly in a NEWBIE FRIENDLY way anyone can understand and implement right away.
Campaign Secrets & Creating The Perfect Ad
How did I get leads for next to nothing, penny clicks and a massive Return of Investment? Now YOU can do the same because I’m walking you through every step of my campaign set up, you literally look over my shoulder. I break down my video ads, I show you how to easily get your video ad up and how to target your ideal customer like a true Pro. Become a targeting ninja with this module and see exactly how I created my ad.
The Retargeting Revolution
Besides high click through rates, super cheap leads and a great Return of Investment I’m ALSO getting huge exposure, name recognition and authority credibility with each campaign thanks to super simple but POWERFUL retargeting strategies. I give you the EXACT ads I used, I show you how to set this up Step By Step quickly & how to really be perceived as the TOP Authority in your niche thanks to the extremely powerful and low cost marketing strategy.
The Results aka THE GOLD
This is when YOU BENEFIT The MOST. I’ve spent my hard earned money for you. Tested, tracked and optimized like a maniac to fin the BEST & Most Powerful interests, bidding strategies and formulas. YOU Don’t have to spend a dollar on testing, I’ve done it for you and I REVEAL EVERYTHING.
Which interest is getting me the most clicks, how is Mobile performing vs. Desktop, what was cheaper between Cost Per Click Vs. Cost Per Impression? Guess no more because I have hard earned DATA and now it’s YOURS for the taking, I hand it to you. This is the gold, this is where you save time, money and headaches right away. Use my data and get the best results immediately.
Creating Powerful, Converting & Engaging Videos
In this Module you’ll learn step by step how I’m creating Engaging & Converting videos that bring me views, clicks, likes, shares and most importantly very affordable leads and SALES.
I have training ready for you here on how to do simple but effective Screen-Capture videos the way I do them for my advertising campaigns. I’ll cover Mac, PC and even show you a 100% FREE tool to crank videos out in a snap. (You’ll LOVE this)
Then I’ll show you how to create in-person videos, I reveal my exact set up and how you can crank out amazing videos with your Smart Phone. Of course, you can also just outsource everything and I’ll show you the best place to do exactly that for next to nothing and FAST.
CRITICAL: Keeping Your Account Safe & Happy
The secret to running highly profitable, amazing and money making Facebook Ads is to be able to run Facebook Ads. It’s critical that you keep your FB Account safe & sound and there are 3 critical steps you must implement today to do that.
In this training I show you exactly how my students and I run massive traffic in any niche without any issues. If you give Facebook what it wants, it will love you and instead of getting your account shut down they WILL HELP YOU run better and cheaper ads period.
But you have to know what you are doing. Ignore these 3 steps or this module and sooner or later you’ll be in trouble.
Follow the simple yet powerful system I use and you’ll be safe, happy and you’ll get even better results guaranteed!
Video Ads Formula By Mario Brown, what is it included:
- 1. Front End
- 2. OTO1
- 3. OTO2
- 4. OTO3
- 4. Webinars (Bonus)
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