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Exploring the Essential Features of “Mark Minervini – Minervini Private Access 2022“
Minervini Private Access (MPA) provides subscribers with a unique opportunity to trade with and learn from one of the best traders in the industry today.
Far more than a run-of-the-mill stock newsletter, Minervini Private Access is a comprehensive trading education platform that includes real-time trading alerts, top-shelf market commentary, weekly study sessions, Q&A, and much more.
Most members of MPA were initially introduced to Mark’s high-performance SEPA trading strategy through his bestselling books. Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard and Think & Trade Like a Champion are two of our all-time favorites and they provide foundational information for Mark’s trading system. Minervini Private Access builds on what is taught in those books, providing the essential hands-on experience that’s necessary to truly learn Mark’s approach to buying and selling stocks.
Minervini Private Access is a comprehensive educational package that includes many features and tools designed to take your trading to the next level. While many so-called trading gurus desire a following that’s fully dependent on them (and their products), Mark Minervini’s goal with both his MPA service and annual Master Traders Program is to train people to become completely independent traders. This is an important distinction, and Minervini Private Access provides a very unique opportunity to learn trading firsthand from one of the world’s finest.
Our service is designed to empower you with the knowledge, market monitoring, and accountability tools to dramatically improve your trading skill.
You can be rest assured that you will be guided by a well-calibrated compass with the highest quality training and research. Our unmatched service and expertise are why serious traders, private and professional, rely on us.
Through a rigorous selection process, we bring to you trading ideas that deserve your immediate attention. Buy and sell alerts are supported by fundamental and technical characteristics derived from decades of research.
Come experience the difference.
- Stay connected to Mark during the trading day via our real-time MPA Platform. Receive buy & sell alerts directly from Mark the minute he pinpoints low risk – high reward opportunities.
- Access our Online Training Room – see live charts of top stock picks, set-up criteria, specify entry & exit techniques, a review of general market analysis as well as questions answered LIVE.
- Keep abreast of important stock market activity, including breakouts, pullback buys, and general market conditions with our real-time flash alerts. Stay Informed.
- Our proprietary software gives you the tools to track, analyze, optimize, and perfect your trading. Know the truth about your trading.
Mark Minervini is considered one of America’s most successful stock traders; a veteran of Wall Street for more than 37 years. He is the author of the best-selling books Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard and Think and Trade Like a Champion. Mark is featured in Momentum Masters – A Roundtable Interview with Super Traders and in Jack Schwager’s Stock Market Wizards: Interviews with America’s Top Stock Traders.
Schwager wrote: “Minervini’s performance has been nothing short of astounding. Most traders and money managers would be delighted to have Minervini’s worst year—a 128 percent gain—as their best. His average annual return has been a towering 220 percent, including his 155 percent first place finish in the 1997 U.S. Investing Championship. But return is only half the story. Amazingly, Minervini achieved his lofty gains while keeping his risk very low: He had only one down quarter—barely—a loss of a fraction of 1 percent.
Mark Educates Traders About His SEPA Methodology Through Minervini Private Access
To demonstrate the capabilities of his SEPA trading methodology, in 1997, Mark put up $250,000 of his own money and entered the U.S. Investing Championship. Trading against highly leveraged futures and options traders, Mark traded a long-only stock portfolio to win the real-money investment derby with a 155% annual return, a performance that was nearly double the nearest competing money manager.
24-years later, he did it again. This time in the $1 million dollar category. Mark put up his own money and shattered the all-time U.S. Investing Championship record with an audited 334.8% annual return. STOCK TRADER WINS U.S. INVESTING CHAMPIONSHIP A SECOND TIME – BREAKS RECORD
Mark educates traders about his SEPA methodology through Minervini Private Access, an online platform that allows users the unique experience of gaining real-time access to his buy & sell recommendations, market commentary, and in-depth research and analysis. He also conducts a live Master Trader Program workshop where he teaches his system in a comprehensive multi-day event. You can follow Mark on Twitter at twitter.com/markminervini.
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