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Exploring the Essential Features of “Mel Mellers & RSVP – Modern Marvel(1-2)”
Get to know your host Mel Mellers This DVD features seven brand-new routines from the crew of John and the rest of his crew. They travel the length and breadth of the UK with their crew. You’ll see the results of over a year of work. Mel Perform in various live shows, and then you will be able to explain all that you need in the studio.
You can also watch the video below. Mel His opening routine wins him $20.00. He then tells the audience what’s missing on TV. He also cuts off an audience member with hilarious results. Finally, he takes a break to show you a Wee Little Trick. He teaches the audience how they can solve their own problems, and then finds a card that’s freely chosen with hilarious results.
Fans will be aware that Mel He is a funny magician, and all of his brilliant routines are adaptable to all performers. As usual Mel Takes an existing effect and twists it upside-down with a unique, original twist!
MelNorm Nielsen Vanishing Bottle: Norm Nielsen’s original take. Gambling with his own money Mel This is a winning opening routine that will win every time. It’s the perfect introduction to your show.
Observe him and explain what they are missing. Mel The newspaper plot is moved to another location, and it is given logic. The reaction is amazing!
Hands Off!
This hilarious comedy routine is a hilarious ten-minute comedy routine where a spectator acts as his glamorous assistant while he performs. Mel Cuts off the other spectator’s hands! It’s hilarious and so simple!
A group of people are asked to draw a tree from their imaginations. These random drawings were then taken to the stage. Mel Can read into each person’s personality and tell which drawing was theirs. Easy to do, and hilariously funny!
MelThis is a unique and hilarious take on the Multum in Parvo routine. Although there have been others before, none of them are quite as offbeat.
Slydini’s knotted silk routine finally has a logical story. Two handkerchiefs are all it takes to make ten minutes of comedy. It’s brilliant.
One spectator and a regular deck are all that is needed to create this simple effect. Comedy and ad-You will use this routine because it combines libs.
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