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Exploring the Essential Features of “Melissa Cassera – Write Copy that Compels and Sells”
- 10 Video lessons in HD
- 1h 27m of class content
- Exclusive bonus content
1. Class Introduction
2. How To Move Your Audience To Buy
3. 5 Storytelling Guidelines
4. 10 Stories That Get People To Practically Throw Cash Money At You
5. Understanding Your Client’s Motivation
6. Turning Customers Into Fascinating Protagonists
7. How To Write A Logline
8. Turning Customer “Pain Points” Into A Compelling Crisis
9. Creating An Interesting World & Exciting Story Arc
10. Not A Disappointing Series Finale
How To Use Binge-Worthy Copy To Advance Your Business
For some business people, if they write a piece of copy that sounds decent and doesn’t have any grammatical errors, they’re happy. But lazy, serviceable writing isn’t going to help sell your product or service.
Marketing consultant and screenwriter Melissa Cassera will show you how to use storytelling techniques and professional TV writing structures to create copy that captivates your reader and compels them to buy. Before long, your clients and customers will be consuming your copy like it’s the latest episode of “Game of Thrones.”
In this class, you’ll learn how to:
- Turn your clients or customers’ pain points into compelling crises that they’re dying for you to solve.
- Determine what stories you should tell.
- Write copy that captures your personality.
- Understand your clients or customers’ motivation and what drives their decisions.
- Turn your readers into fascinating protagonists in your copy.
- Come up with loglines for your offers that immediately draw people in.
- Create a world in your copy that people want to be a part of.
- Develop an exciting story arc that guarantees people will read to the end.
Melissa Cassera is an award-winning Business Strategist and Professional Screenwriter. She teaches entrepreneurs how to build an audience that is 100% obsessed with their work, while making every step feel like a total guilty pleasure. She was named one of the nation’s “Top Personal Branding Experts” by Huffington Post and her insights have been featured in Success Magazine, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, and Forbes. Her first film GIRL FOLLOWED currently airs on Lifetime and she has a TV series in development.
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