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Exploring the Essential Features of “Melissa McCreery – Your Missing Peace Program”
You aren’t alone in your desire for freedom. For results. And for a deprivation-free way of eating.
How would you like to lose your
overeating and emotional eating habits instead of fighting them?
I see what a smart, busy woman you are. You make stuff happen. People count on you. There’s work to be done and a ton of stuff you care about. But it seems like you and your goals keep falling off your never-ending to-do list. And eating is always the thing that doesn’t go as planned.
Plus, you’re tired of planning. You’re tired of binges that ruin your good intentions, diets that don’t fill you up (and don’t work), and pants that never fit quite right.
You’re tired of food plans that live you cranky and frustrated with yourself and you are beyond tired of waking up in the morning resolving to “stay on track.”
Even though you’re someone who makes things happen, has been successful with many things, and accomplished tons, there’s one place where you don’t feel confident or effective.
Let’s change this. The smart way.
Little known fact: You can enjoy creating results you love when you take your power back from overeating and emotional eating.
Here’s what real success and freedom from overeating look like:
- Waking up each morning and your first thought isn’t about food or about whether yesterday was a “good day” or a “bad” one
- Savoring and enjoying food – guilt-free.
- An easy ability to stop with one. One taste, one piece of chocolate, or one handful of chips. Not because you “have to,” but because you want to.
- You’re just not interested in emotional eating, and cravings have lost their power. You feel peaceful with food.
- You have more play, fun, and ease in your life, instead of compensating with extra snacks.
- Automatically comforting yourself, rewarding yourself, and coping with feelings like frustration hurt, and sadness without reaching for food.
- Leaving food obsession, guilt, shame, and self-blame behind. Your relationship with food works – even when life throws you curve balls.
This might be your current reality:
- You’re tired of that feeling when you walk into your closet. When nothing fits right. Nothing looks good, and you are so irritated with yourself because you’re still in this place and still fighting with the scale and struggling with overeating.
- You’ve lost the same twenty pounds over and over again – and put on another five (or more) in the process.
- You’re completely confident in your ability to chair the contentious meeting, manage the 8-figure budget, or argue the legal case, but you still feel powerless when confronted with that half-eaten bag of chips.
- Maybe you’re a dynamo who hides in baggy clothes, eats (for comfort) in secret, and suffers quietly with shame and guilt. You know this struggle holds you back, and you’re ready for bigger things.
- Perhaps you’re watching your weight creep up – a few pounds a year – and fearing the gain (and your hunger) is never going to stop.
- You’re busy, you know food is a stop-gap measure, but you don’t know how to change that.
You might believe that if you could just make yourself work harder, if you could force yourself to count every calorie, or if you could subsist on vegetables and chicken, the results you want would be yours. But you also know this belief is making you very tired.
As much as that unhelpful voice in your head tells you just need more discipline, the rest of your life reflects the truth:
You’re a smart, determined woman who knows how to get things done and who does hard things every day.
We live in a world that encourages women to diet, to go without, and then to blame themselves when these plans lead to failure, yo-yo weight loss, and endlessly starting over “on Monday”.
You’ve been steeped in an approach that is destined to fail, robs you of your confidence and your hope, and keeps you endlessly (obsessively) focused on food. It’s time for this to end.
You’re not alone, and contrary to what you may be telling yourself, I’m betting that you aren’t lazy, you don’t need more willpower, and you definitely don’t need another diet.
Did you know that there are specific reasons that smart, high-achieving women overeat?
When you’re busy and juggling multiple responsibilities, eating can be an easy, mindless response to your needs, stress, emotions, and exhaustion.
Food can be comfort and might be your sweet reward at the end of a long, demanding day when you haven’t had even ten minutes for yourself.
The reasons we turn to food are powerful – and go far beyond physical hunger. Our habits, our needs, and our thoughts and beliefs all come into play. You might be triggered to eat because you’re bored or tired or overwhelmed or stressed – or because your spirit has simply not been fed. All this is perfectly normal.
And yet, most approaches to overeating and weight struggles barely address these sources of hunger and overeating – and they certainly don’t provide strategies or solutions for permanently ending your struggle with food.
Your Missing Peace changes all that.
I’m Dr. Melissa McCreery
I know the struggles, because I’ve had my own, and I also know something that so many smart women don’t.
You. Can. Leave. The. Struggles. Behind. Poof. Goodbye.
The path to success isn’t figuring out how to “be strong” (or perfect) for the rest of your life. Your relationship with food shouldn’t feel like a full-time job. Freedom from overeating happens when you end the struggles altogether. You can enjoy your life, enjoy food, and spend your time and energy on better stuff.
You can have real, lasting freedom and peace with food.
I discovered this years ago, and left fighting with food and weight, completely behind. I stepped into a relationship with food that feels pretty effortless and happy. Over the last twenty-five years, as a clinical psychologist, author, I’ve helped thousands of other women do it too.
I’ve shared this approach with CEOs, professionals, entrepreneurs, physicians, and leaders who, despite all they’ve accomplished, couldn’t figure out how to stop overeating. Often, they felt embarrassed or frustrated, and most of all, ineffective. They didn’t know how they could win big contracts, save lives, set legal precedents–and yet still feel powerless when left alone with the Oreos.
They often didn’t realize that the weight loss advice and strategies they’d been counting on were sabotaging them and didn’t include all the pieces to the puzzle.
“I have put a huge bag of bricks down, a bag that I no longer have to carry with me. Working with you has completely changed my life. Before, food was good or bad, and then so was I. Now, it’s just food. I’m no longer blaming myself which is amazing and I’m much more aware of the reasons when I desire to eat. I feel freer with my food choices and I’m approaching food with a positive outlook. I could cry because I’m not mad at myself anymore for having cravings. Before, I only thought I was successful if I was perfect with my eating. I’m starting to feel successful all the time. If I do overeat, it’s not the end of the world. I can just keep going forward. I have experienced losing weight without it feeling hard or bad and I know this is just the beginning. The amount that I’ve changed in six months is amazing. I’ve worked with this issue my entire life and for the first time, I understand it. I am so grateful.
Missing Peace VIP Participant
Enter Your Missing Peace:
To create real freedom from overeating and peace with food you have to:
1. Reboot your thinking and your beliefs
Diet mentality just doesn’t cut it. It’s time to leave scarcity thinking behind and learn how to embrace your power and your own inner wisdom. In Your Missing Peace you’ll be introduced to mindset work, positive psychology, neuroscience, and the high-performance techniques you’ve been missing.
2. Create your personalized approach to food that isn’t based on impossible expectations and endless willpower.
In Your Missing Peace you’ll learn to trust yourself with food, divorce diets and deprivation, and eat in a way that feels good and works for you. No more rigid rules and plans that are thrown “at” you and that feel like more things you “have to do.” You’ll learn to listen to yourself and learn what fits you.
3. Adopt a forever mentality.
In Your Missing Peace you’ll learn to create lasting results with an approach that’s solid – instead of a quick-fix approach or a grind that you’ll never maintain. You deserve (and crave) an approach that motivates, inspires, feels good, eliminates self-sabotage, guilt, and self-blame (that lead to overeating anyway).
With the right approach, overeating becomes a problem you can solve.
When you solve the overeating problem, you dissolve the power food has in your life. Completely.
Warning: This can feel pretty hard/strange/awkward at first. Because we’ve been brainwashed by the other stuff (diet mentality, self-blame, perfectionism and “tough love” approaches) that actually work against you. So I’m here to be your guide off the hamster wheel.
“Food is no longer such a coping mechanism for me. Feeling full of other things means I can let go of having to always have food. I don’t feel deprived at all. My eating is very different already. I haven’t had cravings and I am allowing myself to eat anything I feel like eating . . . And yes, I have lost five pounds this week without trying . . . . I ate as much as I wanted, and then stopped, and I felt completely in control.”
I’d like to introduce you to
Your Missing Peace
Your Missing Peace is designed to create your freedom.
In Your Missing Peace you’ll discover how to SOLVE your overeating problem so that instead of fighting it, you can dissolve it.
There are four parts to the process. You’re going to discover how to:
Embrace your power
Understand how to connect with what makes you unstoppable and most effective and discover how to be strategic with the changes you make with food and eating.
Ditch the diet, divorce diet mentality and create your unique overeating freedom formula
One where you feel nourished and happy.
Promote yourself to CEO
Take charge of your wellbeing, your time, and your energy, and level-up your approach to getting your needs met and to how you treat yourself (instead of overeating).
Create FOREVER freedom
Discover the strategies for cementing freedom from overeating – the new changes, new habits, and new ways of being into place – permanently.
We’ll work together so you’re never confused about your next step.
Changing your approach – your thoughts and beliefs and your patterns and habits with food can be challenging at first. We are creatures of habit! That’s why I’ll be with you every step of the way.
“Joining Your Missing Peace has been a wonderful, life-changing experience. I started this program because I was tired of feeling sick, tired, hopeless and so unhappy with the person I had become. I used to binge about 3-4 days per week. I have maybe binged 2-3 times total in the past 4 months since starting the program! I have learned what it feels like to savor my food. I am starting to let myself feel my feelings instead of numbing them. I am kinder to myself. I am giving myself permission to eat foods if I want them and it’s now okay to leave food on my plate when I am satisfied or no longer enjoying it. I am proud of how far I have come. I am calmer and happier and no longer feel like I have to wait to be my Unstoppable Self!”
“I was at the end of my rope. Yo-yo diets didn’t work for me, I couldn’t see my way to fit in exercising consistently and I desperately needed help overcoming my stress eating habit. And let me say… I had a terrible eat-to-sooth-stress habit and panic ruled my days as I have a very stressful job in the healthcare industry, lots of travel plus the demands of raising a family. Your tools have been key to getting me back on track . . . After years of being in this terrible rut, I was really successful in making some positive changes . . . finally! Your program has been my page turner! I feel more confident, in control of my choices . . . my success isn’t tied to my environment but now within me!”
Here’s how we create peace with food and freedom from overeating:
Module One: Embrace Your Power
It’s time to put YOU back in charge. Your strengths, talents, and abilities shine through in the rest of your life, but when it comes to your eating and your well-being, chances are your confidence, your momentum, and maybe your trust in yourself have taken a hit. We’re going to detox the mess and create a solid foundation that fits YOU and is designed to be unstoppable. In this module, you’ll find your natural way of succeeding, stop waiting for “someday” to be your most fabulous self, and discover the key to creating a relationship with food where the journey feels good, and naturally propels you across any finish line you set for yourself. You’ll reconnect with your power and your confidence. Set yourself up for success by creating systems that fit you, your style, and your life. Emotional baggage is the first weight you’ll lose as you step into an easier and more joyful approach that is designed for YOU.
Here’s What’s Inside Module One …
Module Two: Ditch the Diet
You deserve so much more than an approach based on restriction, deprivation, and willpower. Diet mentality and diet culture lead to guilt, frustration, and vicious cycles with overeating but after all that “diet training” it can be challenging to know how to do it differently. Not anymore. In this module you’ll take your power back from dieting and position yourself to sit calmly in the driver’s seat with food, food choices, and your eating. You’ll learn how to address overeating triggers, have tools for taking your power back from emotional eating, and discover how to deflate cravings. And you’ll learn the easy way to always know how (when and what) to eat.
Here’s What’s Inside Module Two …
Module Three: Promote Yourself to CEO of Your Wellbeing
It’s time to embrace the CEO habits, the secrets, and the beliefs that put YOU in control of your time, energy, and wellbeing. Overeating happens when you’re busy and constantly in reaction mode. Overeating happens if you’re not getting time for yourself, or your spirit isn’t being fed. Put this training into action so you’ll get the care you deserve and feel purposeful, calm, and focused. And no, you don’t have to quit your job to have time to do this. This module is all about setting you up to get what you need instead of using food or overeating to fill in the gaps.
Here’s What’s Inside Module Three …
Module Four: Create Forever Freedom
You aren’t looking for results that require constant vigilance or perfection in order to last. Freedom from overeating means that you can relax into a plan and your new relationship with food that works – even when life doesn’t. In this module, you’ll look at the reasons you haven’t been successful in the past and address them proactively – before they happen again. Instead of crossing your fingers and hoping that everything works (and that you’ll be able to be perfect forever), you’ll create peace and success with a formula that incorporates your real-life challenges from the very beginning.
Here’s What’s Inside Module Four …
“Your Missing Peace was SO worth my investment. I’ve done Weight Watchers for almost 20 years off and on, and I’ve read many books on cognitive therapy skills with dieting and overeating. They helped me lose weight, but I would always regain it. These programs didn’t address the core emotions that caused me to overeat and their approach proved to be too complex or rigid to continue with every day. After completing Your Missing Peace, I eat mindfully. I eat less, and I feel more satisfied and less guilty when I do eat. The program showed me how to successfully pinpoint the exact emotions/feelings/situations that trigger me to overeat and what I can do instead. Now, instead of just being on auto-pilot and grabbing something to eat when I’m not even physically hungry, I have effective alternative strategies. I’m also calmer and happier with myself.
Most other programs are 90% about what and how to eat, and tend to make you feel totally deprived – something most of us don’t need at all. Your Missing Peace is a completely different approach. I think any woman who struggles with weight issues needs to do this program, because you need to know that you can be empowered instead of following a regiment and you can get off the dieting hamster wheel.”
“If you had asked me a year ago, I would have told you that so much of my energy was focused towards an obsession with food and my body. I didn’t have the ability to be truly present because I was either thinking about what I ate, what I planned to eat, how much I disliked my body, thinking that if only I could get a handle on my eating, everything in my life would improve. I had lost weight at different points in my life, but it never stayed off. . . Something has changed. . . I am finally happy in my body. I have lost about 30 pounds, I eat whatever I want, stop when I am no longer hungry, and most importantly, the obsessions are gone. Gone are the mornings promising that I am finally going to be “good”, gone are the nights reprimanding myself for everything I did wrong, gone is the constant decision making about what to eat and when to stop.”
Financial Advisor
“I’ve always struggled with my weight and I was tired of food occupying so much space in my mind – I was one of those people who “live to eat.” … Food was always on my mind and I was always wanting to eat. I would think about food, dream about food, desire food, but once I ate it, I realized it was much better in my mind than in my mouth. Also, I was very aware of being a stress eater. Now I feel much calmer about food. I have strategies to help me so I am not constantly thinking about food … This program is really making me think and work in a whole different way! And yet it’s so forgiving … an inch at a time if needed … I love it! … I have to say that the materials are fantastic – there is so much gold there to mine! You are empathetic and supportive and creative and challenging. I appreciate all that so much… There’s a ton of excellent content here. A lot to learn and try and do. Be prepared to work for success. It’s so worth it! THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART DR. MELISSA! You’re amazing and you’re doing a wonderful service for women like me!”
“My relationship with food before this program was a deprivation diet. I would lose weight but then my willpower would just go away and I would have awful and ugly binges on those bad foods and gain it all back. After starting this program, I feel a sense of control and purpose and also hope. The daily Spiralocity has been my saving grace . . . I FINALLY feel like I am on the right track and I have hope for a much better future!! I thought your program was absolutely amazing and it is SO WELL put together. I would definitely recommend Your Missing Peace to others. All the other programs I have tried before never treated the emotions that I was stuffing down with food. So they were only short term solutions. Your Missing Peace will give you hope and will teach you how to overcome your emotional overeating. It is so well taught and organized. Thank you so much for developing this program. It was and is an answer to my prayers!”
“I was frustrated with gaining and losing weight without figuring out why I was overeating and sabotaging my success and felt hopeless. I’m finally losing weight and feel like I am in control of my eating issues for the first time ever! I love this program because it took me painlessly on a journey of self-discovery as to the whys behind my behavior. I learned to recognize emotional, stress and boredom triggers and to devise success strategies.
I highly recommend the program to anyone struggling with weight or eating issues because it makes finding peace with food easy. Diets just put a on band-aid on weight issues, but if you don’t discover why you are doing it, you will never succeed. I spend about 15-30 minutes a day at most and I have not only learned to deal with my eating issues, I have learned very effective time management skills, a positive way of focusing on my successes and taking charge of my life”
Here’s what you’ll get when you join Your Missing Peace:
The Complete Your Missing Peace Signature Training System
Each Training Module Includes:
Training videos. Each module contains a series of video training. Specific training, strategies, and activities that allow you to move forward, stay accountable and plan your next best step – even in the midst of challenges. You’ll have lifetime access to these materials so you can revisit them whenever you like.
A downloadable workbook filled with cheat sheets and step-by-step assignments. You’ll always know exactly what to do next.
Guided visualizations and guided thought experiments. You’ll use these over and over to expand possibilities and help you develop new ways of thinking and responding.
Implementation time and “catch up” weeks built into the program. I know that life gets busy. In Your Missing Peace, I’ve sprinkled extra weeks inside this program, specifically for you to review, tie up loose ends, revisit past training modules, and catch up – or simply catch your breath.
Note: participation on Facebook is entirely optional and a Facebook account is not necessary to participate in Your Missing Peace.
Who doesn’t love a bonus? I’ve put together these extras that will help you get the most out of Your Missing Peace:
Bonus: How to reward yourself and celebrate without food (including 50 specific strategies)
Let’s face it, we live in a culture that encourages us to use food – and it’s everywhere! I’ve seen even the smartest, most creative women go blank when asked how they were going to reward themselves or commemorate a win or special occasion without relying on a tasty treat. With this bonus training, I’ve done the work for you. In addition to this bonus training on how to leverage rewards to increase success (and the 3 big mistakes you want to avoid), you’ll also get my cheat sheet with 50 strategies that you can use, perfect, and adjust to make them your very own.
Bonus: The Spiralocity® Lab – the High-performance System that Skyrockets Results
My signature system, which I only teach inside Your Missing Peace, lets you transform any action or set of circumstances into a winning step forward. You won’t ever be stuck or hopelessly off track again. You can let go of having to get it perfect or that dread you feel in your stomach when you’ve “blown it.” No more. Once you discover the powerful process of Spiralocity® you’ll know how to create constant momentum and wins instead of being stuck on a hamster wheel with overeating, or on-again, off-again, weight loss.
Bonus: The Spiralocity® Daily and Weekly Planner
Only available inside Your Missing Peace! Now you’ll always know exactly what next, best step to take. The Spiralocity® Planner is the tool you’ll use to stay focused, motivated, and aligned with the Unstoppable version of you. Break cycles of procrastination, perfectionism, and spiraling off track with this downloadable planner. Contains daily Lab Sheets and a powerful weekly review section that you’ll use to refine your progress and increase your momentum.
“I’m a successful woman that always attains my goals – there must be a reason why I’m not successful with this one thing! I’ve spent a LOT of money on “diets” that don’t work and I’ll admit to being worried that this would be another thing I spent money on that wouldn’t work in the long run. I’m happy to share that I feel amazing right now. Even though I’m only on Module 2, this program has so far given me so much more than peace with food. I’m so happy and centered and unstressed – I’ve never felt like this before. I’ve never made myself and the things that give me joy a priority before and it feels amazing.
I could never figure out “why” I overeat. Why is this the one thing in my life I couldn’t stick to and accomplish? Your Missing Peace really addresses this and helps you find what will work for you individually. Other diet programs tell you what to do, and you feel like a failure when you can’t stick to it. I highly recommend the program. The lessons are like nothing I’ve ever heard before. If you’ve ever wondered why you can’t stick to a diet even when you really want to, and have known that you are an emotional eater this is for you. If you’re ready to commit to the program, it is going to really open up some doors for you. It will give you a new outlook on yourself and your life.”
“Melissa teaches in a way that makes everything so much easier than it sounds in my own head. Complications disappear. Everything is perfectly balanced. Video, printouts and Facebook support. This program makes self-improvement into a fun adventure, and not something that you feel forced into . . . I loved all the modules. They get right to the heart of things. Like Dr. Melissa can read my mind.”
“I came upon Melissa’s work when I was feeling incredibly tired of and hopeless about my relationship with emotional eating and my weight. I have found hope, responsibility and freedom in the concrete ideas and practices Melissa presented. It’s work – but work that pays dividends. I would recommend this program to anyone who is ready to do the work of changing their relationship with food and life.”
You may be wondering …
- When does the program begin?
- Can I do this program if I’m on a special food plan or if I’m working with intuitive or mindful eating?
- How long do I have access to the course? This is a busy time for me.
- What if I’ve invested in programs in the past, but they haven’t worked?
- Can I expect to lose weight right away?
- What happens once I sign up?
- How much time should I expect to spend on the program?
- I have a question I don’t see the answer to!
With the Missing Peace process, clients report that they:
- Eat more mindfully, eat less, and feel more satisfied.
- Break autopilot overeating habits.
- Lose their “out of control cravings.”
- Discover an end to obsessing about food, and about whether it was a “good day” or a “bad day.”
- Enjoy weight loss without dieting (and not feeling deprived).
- Feel calmer, lighter, and happier.
- Report an end to emotional eating and comfort eating.
- Stop overeating at night.
- Easily turn down desserts.
- See weight loss after being at a plateau
- Feel excited and hopeful about what else they can accomplish now that their energy and time aren’t being spent fighting with food and weight.
- Lose weight on vacation.
These are the kind of changes that create ongoing results – results that create the confidence, motivation, and ease that automatically propel you forward.
“I started a new program to control the beginnings of diabetes. Oh what a difference after our work together! I’m able to follow the plan with no problems and no desire for any of my old comfort foods (which are terrible for blood sugar)! There is no sense of angst or fear or compulsion. This NEVER would have happened before working with you . . . I’m so glad I followed my intuition and did this. I can’t thank you enough.”
“I joined Your Missing Peace looking for focus and more discipline. I wanted to put myself higher on my priority list and I wanted a way to handle cravings. I’ll admit, I was concerned about the time the program would take and the cost of joining.
I have tried diets, but I knew I really needed more help this time with my mind. I truly felt like I needed to get my head in the right place. This program has done that for me. Going through the training modules really worked to get me in gear. Your Missing Peace has helped me to have the focus, discipline and self-control, to be the strong advocate for my own health, that I know I can be.
Thank you! I now have a path that I look forward to, rather than feeling weary and skeptical.”
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/