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Exploring the Essential Features of “Michael Fiore – Text Your Wife Into Bed”
Text Your Wife Into Bed
The name Text Your Wife Into Bed is a bit misleading.
Why? Because you don’t have to be married to have more sex with women using Michael Fiore’s texting techniques.
If you’re a guy who wants to have more sex with the women in your life, then this program is intended to help you do just that…all at the push of a few buttons on your cell phone.
And that totally ROCKS!
Michael Fiore’s Text Your Wife Into Bed
Text Your Wife Into Bed is a true multimedia experience.
Inside the member’s area, you’ll find a combination of video, audio, and text-based PDF files teaching you how to use text messages to turn your wife or girlfriend on and ultimately get her into bed with you.
Click here to visit the official Text Your Wife Into Bed website
Michael Fiore provides full texting conversations and text message examples you can just copy and paste and then watch your wife or girlfriend go crazy with excitement and anticipation. Talk about the lazy man’s way to get a woman to sleep with him.
Of course, as you master Michael Fiore’s techniques you’ll want to devise some texts of your own, but what Michael Fiore provides in the Text Your Wife Into Bed program is about as “fool-proof” as it comes.
When talking about the Text Your Wife Into Bed Black Book which is included as part of the program, Michael Fiore says…
“This manual is the “pedal to the metal” section of your Text Your Wife Into Bed training. While the videos and audio downloads cover all of the “theory” how to use text messaging to add more heat, spark and sex into your marriage (or relationship. A shockingly high number of unmarried guys have discovered this material), this manual is where the rubber really hits the road and I give you the examples and “Done for you” tools you need to get started.”
Won’t it be nice to get back to the early days in the relationship when the spark of “newness” and “mystery” made getting your wife or girlfriend to sleep with you a walk in the park?
Inside Text Your Wife Into Bed By Michael Fiore
The Text Your Wife Into Bed formula can be broken down into 4 easy steps which Michael Fiore teaches you how to pull off to perfection. These are:
- Use a “curiosity pivot” to strike up a conversation and get her attention
- Use masculine sexual language to establish your lust for her
- Use feminine sexual language through multi-sensual storytelling to narrate a sexual experience
- Build anticipation and seal the deal
And of course the 5th step is to take her to bed with you. Awesome!
Every man has probably experienced a time in the relationship when getting sex was easy.
Your wife or girlfriend would dress up in that tight fitting little black dress because she wanted to look good for you and impress you. She wanted to excite you. She wanted to TURN YOU ON and make you lust after her.
But then the newness wore off and something changed…
She stopped caring about her appearance. She didn’t take the time to dress up sexy for you anymore. She stopped being “in the mood” and seemed unphased by your advances.
And, worst of all, your hand suddenly became your best friend.
But with the release of Michael Fiore’s Text Your Wife Into Bed program, it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.
If you’re a man who wants more heat, spark, and sex in your relationships, then…
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