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Exploring the Essential Features of “Michael Janich – Junkyard Aikido”
Joint locking is one of the most complex, frustrating, and difficult-to-learn skill sets in the martial arts. Its practical application in self-defense is also widely misunderstood and sometimes highly overrated. When properly understood and applied, however, it can be an incredibly quick and efficient fight stopper.
Junkyard Aikido cuts through the myth and misinformation to make joint locking skills accessible to any martial artist or self-defense practitioner. Using the proven analytical style that defines his popular instructional method, Michael Janich leads you step by step through both the techniques and the concepts of combative joint locks. Starting with the fingers and progressing methodically through the wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck, Janich shows you how to use the same motions of your body against both the right and left sides of your attacker to produce different, yet highly effective locks. Many of these simple mechanics also reveal the βhiddenβ applications of classical martial arts technique.
Instead of throws and submissions, the applications of Junkyard Aikido focus on breaking joints and creating opportunities for disabling strikes that will decisively end a fight. It also teaches you locks as the basis for weapon strips and disarms, giving you a decisive advantage over an armed attacker.
To complete the package, Janich analyzes the weaknesses of many traditional locking methods, teaches you simple but effective counters to them, and shows you how to modify your lock technique to prevent counters.
Junkyard Aikido is a slightly irreverent, non-denominational approach to learning and applying joint locks. If you want the function without the dogma, this video is for you.
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