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Exploring the Essential Features of “Michael Jenkins – Secret Angle Method”
Michael S. Jenkins Secret Angle Method
For the past 38 years I have been a professional day trader and I will now release to the world for the first time, a secretmethod I have used with great success to earn a living with almost no work required. While this system is but a fraction ofthe truth revealed in my private seminars, it does allow one to trade profitably on any time frame with almost no knowledgeor experience. I have never taught this method to anyone nor have I taught it in my private seminar but have kept it for myown personal use. Parts of it will look familiar and parts have been published as snippets in my books but often thedifference in life is seeing the ‘big picture’ that is hiding in plain sight and that makes all the difference. Much of the system isfound in software packages you already have and may be using but you did not know the one key essential twist to make itall work. That’s why it is worth money to spare you 38 years of searching and not finding. The tools needed to trade thissystem are just a computer software program that has a trendline tool, but you must be able to determine the exact ANGLEDEGREE that specific trendline is. You can do all this by hand with a protractor but most computer trading softwarepackages have this built in. For example, in TradeStation, the trendline has a ‘label’ that shows the slope angle in degrees, inMetastock they have a ‘Trendline by Angle’ tool, in Ensign you right click on a trendline and you set a label marker for ‘DEG’and you get the specific degree of the trendline. In Market Analyst 5 you use the ‘Geometric Line’ to get the angle. A greatmany other software packages also do this but I don’t know them all so you might want to check. The method can be appliedin less than one minute to any chart on any scale and will usually give a dozen turns accurate to a single bar for long periodsinto the future. For years I debated whether I would ever reveal this and should I charge $5,000 or $10,000 for it since it isworth a lot more and I have frequently made more than this on many single days using the method. However, since the times are tough and people are suffering and it is a verysimple system I have decided to charge $500. You will get a written manual with all the theory and explanations, with examples and also a computer CD with dozens and dozens ofexamples of applied charts in multiple time frames from 1 minute to 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 60 minutes, daily and weekly. It works on all time frames and accuracy is only limited toyour precision in drawing your angles. I’m fairly certain a method like this is what W.D. Gann used for day trading purposes when not using his planetary methods. Since this is a‘proprietary’ method you should keep this for you own use but if you do incorporate it into your own software for distribution you will need to include a visible credit ‘Michael S.Jenkins / Angle Method’ in the title bar or thereabouts once you have my permission. I don’t mind you marketing this but I would expect to be credited as author. Since this is anangle method, I know many of you will be wondering if you already use this type of system. The answer is probably yes, about 10% to 30% of it, but you almost certainly havenever been able to put it all together so you can take any high or low and get a comprehensive road map of all future trades into the future with high reliability and with a method sosimple you don’t even have to think and with a little skill can be applied to any chart in less than a minute. It works on up market charts or down market charts. It is NOT my JTTL ormore advanced methods that require a lot of calculations, nor is it simple cross over angles but more of a precise pattern grid combined with special harmonics. It is also not any ofthe ‘Gann’ type squares of 52, 90, 144 or any other so called Gann squares found on many software packages. Those squares show Gann’s attempt to solve the problem but to myknowledge he never found this simple method that I will teach you which is much more elegant and simple. Anyway I don’t need to sell my ideas, those of you who have dealt withme in the past know you always get your money’s worth. This time you’ll get 10 to 100 times its worth. The next pages show some examples of what I will teach you and when youget the method you will receive these exact same examples with all the key angles overlaid so you can see at a glance the master pattern and when the next high or low is due.When you look at these charts, note the sequences of lows to highs and vice versa, and note how almost ALL sequences are included in one comprehensive SYSTEM.
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