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Exploring the Essential Features of “Michael Sartain – The Men Of Action MOA Mentoring“
What Is Men of Action?
Men of Action teaches men how to build an abundant lifestyle of high-status friends and incredible women. You will learn how to network with elites, attend exclusive events, become a “local celebrity,” and become the man that other men want to be. We Teach Men How To Become More Desirable, Forge Elite Networks, And Live A High-Status Lifestyle In Less Than 40 Days. The Men of Action program focuses on five pillars: Social Networking, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Mindset, and Finance to make you a well-rounded man with an abundant lifestyle.
Men of Action is a performance coaching program that helps men build an abundant lifestyle of high-status friends and incredible women. You will learn how to network with elites, attend exclusive events, become a “local celebrity,” and become the man that other men want to be.
Michael Sartain’s Long Walk To Freedom: The Story Behind Men of Action
Who Is Michael Sartain?
Michael Sartain is a performance coach who helps men build an abundant lifestyle of high-status friends and incredible women.
Early Life
Michael went to the University of Texas at Austin from 1996 until 2000 and graduated with a BBA in Management Information Systems.
He graduated college at the end of the DotCom Bubble and the beginning of a severe collapse in the job market. The lack of jobs led him to be a DJ, and later a manager, at a gentlemen’s club in Austin.
During this period, Michael learned the importance of clear, direct communication.
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