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Exploring the Essential Features of “Michel Thomas – Portuguese complete course”
Learn another language the way you learnt your own
You learnt your own language naturally and enjoyably: now you can learn Portuguese in the same way.
Youβll stick with it because youβll love it
Use the unique method perfected over fifty years by the celebrated psychologist and linguist Michel Thomas.
This method works with your brain, helping you to build up your Portuguese in manageable, enjoyable steps by thinking out the answers for yourself.
You learn through listening and speaking without the pressure of writing or memorising.
You pick up the language naturally and unforgettably.
The NEW Portuguese Foundation Course
An eight-hour, 100% audio method for learning Portuguese. Join Michel Thomasβs editor Virginia Catmur, native speaker Paulo Santos and two students in a live lesson and within the first hour you will be able to construct simple phrases. You will learn the language with the students, hearing both their successes and their mistakes to keep you motivated and involved throughout the course. By the end, you will have the confidence to understand and speak Portuguese. On the final track, the teachers are joined by native Brazilian Portuguese speaker Gui Tavares to give you an insight into Brazilian pronunciation and usage.
Join the millions of people worldwide who have learnt a new language with the Michel Thomas Method
Contents: 8 CDs plus booklet with Portuguese phrases in English translation
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