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Exploring the Essential Features of “Milton Erickson – On Problem Drinkers“
Milton H. Erickson, MD, the foremost medical hypnotist of his era and a pioneering figure in directive, strategic therapy, is widely recognized as an innovator in the field. These recorded conversations, dating back to the mid-1950s, were part of Gregory Bateson’s communication research project and Jay Haley’s consultations with Dr. Erickson on therapy.
Jay Haley provides a concise overview of Erickson’s perspectives on alcoholics, followed by in-depth discussions with Erickson on various cases, showcasing his interventions. The CDs offer a unique opportunity to listen to Erickson’s therapeutic approach, allowing you to experience his communication style firsthand – including his voice inflections, intonations, and pacing. Dive into the profound insights of Erickson’s therapy as revealed in these recordings.
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