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Exploring the Essential Features of “Neville Medhora – The Copywriting Course (FULL SUITE 2022)“
Copywriting Course teaches you to sell online.
It’s a place to learn copy skills, improve your messaging, and get live feedback.
Come for content, stay for community.
Don’t just passively learn. Actively get help from professional copywriters.
Almost every training you see is just videos you watch on your own time. We’ve got plenty of those, but we also have an active community of copywriting professionals inside the members area.
Inside Copywriting Course you can actually write out a test email, and get critiques and help from professional copywriters and business people!
Get critiques on all your cold emails
Cold Email is one of the staples of the business world, but also one of the most dreaded. Our cold email training is based off years of experiences and hundreds of thousands of cold emails.
Not only that, but before you send your own email, you can get help with it from inside our private community. You can even get live help on the Office Hours.
Your instructors:
Dan has an insanely diverse background growing businesses in different industries. He’s worked with bars, restaurants, and meal prep companies to grow local followings. He spent 7 years as a grant writer, working on projects for the United Nations, USAID, and state governments. He also spent 10+ years as a consultant for clean tech.
Dan has sold beer for monks, lived in Hunter S. Thompson’s house for 7 months, and was one of the first people to step foot on the runway of the Virgin Galactic Spaceport!
Susana has been copywriting and in marketing for most of her career, with a detour for music and theatre.
Her superpower is writing engaging persuasive copy and helping others do the same. She’s also the team member best at catching grammar mistakes and re-do’ing sentence to flow better.
It is her honor and pleasure to share what she knows (and continue to learn) about marketing and persuasive writing with everyone at the Copywriting Course.
Johnny has over 15 years working in the financial and personal development space. His focus started in sales and in 2013 he added writing to his toolkit and land never looked back.
He has won numerous sales awards, trained hundreds of professionals, and has ghost-written for best-selling (New York Times) authors.
In his free time Johnny cooks, is an avid photographer, and loves spending time with his two kids.
Neville Medhora figured out in the pre-Google days you can get a bunch of very-targeted people to come to your website, consume your material, and even buy. He then applied this to every business he was a part of, including a rave company, the first financial blog online, Copywriting Course, AppSumo, and TheHustle.
He also runs SwipeFile.com (a free resource for marketers), a podcast (Neville Medhora Talks), his YouTube Channel, and advising numerous companies on their strategy.
Lesley has over 18 years of experience in advertising. She started as a Graphic Artist in 2001 and quickly became a Studio Manager. During that time she helped manage advertising projects for companies like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Bacardi, Red Bull, Heineken and GSK.
She left the corporate world to travel, and play poker semi-professionally. In 2014 she started working remotely to help entrepreneurs.
Lesley has been fostering children for the last three years and currently has a laser engraving side business.
Mike has been a professional writer since 2012. Everything from blogs and essays to case studies and books of poetry. He has a background in coaching and consulting and has spent the last 8 years helping international students get jobs in the UK, most recently at his own company Job Ready English. He’s also been a gardener, KFC burger boy and an aggressively average waiter.
Mike has travelled 30+ countries, loves CrossFit and Krav Maga and was once one of the top Chess players in the UK in his age group.
What’s inside Copywriting Course:
Go through these courses in order to get the most of the Copywriting Course!
Copywriting Course
Start here. This is the original video course that’s taught thousands of people to create copy, content, and emails that bring in the dollars.
The 25 Min Crash Course:
This is a 25 minute quick course you can show to your colleagues or employees so they understand how important copywriting is to their work.
Email Writing Course
This is one of those courses that distills years of our experience sending hundreds of millions of emails into a course that can drastically improve your emails, especially cold emails.
Autoresponder Course
This is the course that will teach you the secrets of writing copy all through an autoresponder sequence. This is a key piece of building an audience.
Content Writing Course
This is the course where we go in-depth on content writing. This kind of training is what gets people ranked at the top of Google, and massive amounts of shares for their articles.
Website Tuneup
This course goes through the way to think about certain pages, examples of each, and technical details for each. This covers basics like home pages, about pages, sales pages, signup pages, and more
Become A Copywriter Course:
This is designed to help you kick off (or improve) your career as a freelance copywriter. It will take you through everything you need to know from starting out, to getting new clients, to charging premium rates.
Autoresponder Bank
This is a bank vault full of different autoresponders that’ve been proven to work. It’s quite difficult to start an autoresponder completely from scratch, so it’s nice to have access to a bank full of written examples.
It’s our job to test all the tactics (on our own business and client businesses), then teach you exactly what works:
The Copywriting Course teaches the templates, examples, experiments, and methods learned from:
1,250,000,000+ emails sent.
51,000+ product sales.
Working in 45+ different industries.
Millions of dollars in digital sales.
Dominating search results with great content.
845+ consult sessions.
Running the top copywriting blog.
1,450+ articles written.
Landed in 3,400,000+ email inboxes.
Copywriting is a valuable career skill
Some people realize they have such a great knack and love for copywriting, they end up improving their career because of it! This bundle comes with an entire mini-course on becoming a copywriter. It includes everything from how (and where) to get started, to building your client list, to increasing your prices and getting highly paid copywriting gigs.
“Based on the principles I first acquired from the Copywriting Course…
…I left my Houston based, oil geologist life behind to digital nomad it up in Eastern Europe.
I’m funding myself through a small but growing copywriting career referencing Pub-Nev often.
Thanks for turning me into a paid writer!
Copy-Killing it in Budapest! 😎”
– Matt Totten
“Thank you again for the great courses.
Today we dropped a fun new white paper to help our clients and prospects prepare for vampire attacks! Here are some of the responses we’ve received so far:
“Thank you! I am safety manager here and this is a very good source of information. I am passing it out to key people in the organization.”
“Thank you and I’ve already forwarded it to El Paso. You are a genius. Thank you.”
– Katherine Chalmers
Companies we’ve worked with
Everyone’s welcome! From single person companies, to the Fortune 500.
- A1 Healthcare Staffing
- Ahrefs
- Apotheo
- AppSumo
- Austin Towers
- AwesomeREI
- Axero Solutions
- BariLife
- Best Self Co.
- Betterway Health
- Board Studios
- Bot Academy
- BullyMax
- Capital Factory
- Chamber Of Commerce
- CoachTube
- Code My Views
- Collins School of Training
- Copley Advertising
- Corel
- Current Body
- Dairy Coach
- Decked
- Dental Practice Group
- Easy Agent Pro
- Fedora Venture Capital
- FlackBox
- Flipora
- Gartner
- Get Licensed
- Go 83 Bar
- Green Car Reports
- Heavyweight eCommerce
- Hippo Contact
- Hoop
- Horkey Handbook
- HotJar
- IMGH Ministries
- Indo Calgary Rugs
- Ink361
- InventureX
- Johnson Group
- Josh Flagg Real Estate
- JVM Lending
- Kissielts
- LA Print and Design
- Leave Law Behind
- Mail Plane
- Maker Square
- Mattress Insider
- Michigan Political Campaign
- MindLayers
- Mixergy
- Mode Transportation
- Move The Needle
- MyAchievement
- MyBodyTutor
- Nerd Fitness
- New York Institute Language
- Next Step Test Prep
- Nimble Bar
- NY Book Editors
- Olive Fantastic
- Opesta
- Optimal Thyroid
- Orange Envelope
- Pinterest VA
- Podcast Assist
- Preppr
- RadTech Radiology
- RealSavvy
- Renegade Fitness
- Retro Supply
- Sausage Dog Central
- School Of Motion
- Seo101
- Shape Scale
- Simplify Chess
- Soap Hub
- Social Insight
- Step Strategic
- The Female Doc
- The Hope Factory
- TheHustle
- Theme Kraft
- Tile
- ToodleDo
- Turing
- Underground Cellar
- Very On Brand
- Viacom
- VidCon
- VideoFruit
- Vouris Consulting
- White Cleaning Solutions
- WhiteRock Locators
- WinZip
- Wiser
- X27
- Yelp
- …and 20,000+ more.
The Copywriting Course:
Instant Access to Training, Office Hours & Copywriters.
- The Copywriting Course
- The Copywriting Checklist
- Full Recording Archive
- The Autoresponder Course
- The Autoresponder Bank
- Full Website Tuneup Course
- Become A Copywriter Course
- First Freelance Gig Course
- Email Script Bank
- Email Writing Course
- How To Make Images Course
- 25 Minute Crash Course
- SEO Content Writing Course
- SEO Help On Your Articles
When I first discovered what copywriting was, I was immediately obsessed. It made total sense that the way you approach trying to “sell” something has a profound effect on the outcome.
I originally started applying these copywriting principles to my own business (and saw profit go up quickly), and then started helping other companies do it. I’m not just a copywriter, but a longtime business owner. I’m the founder of HouseOfRave, Copywriting Course, NevBlog, Swipe File and involved with The Hustle, Hustle Con, Sumo, Pink Java, Real Savvy and AppSumo.
By simply changing words around on a page, I was able to help set the tone and increase sales to another level on all types of businesses. My goal is to transmit all that information to you. We’ll start with the famous Copywriting Course to teach you the concepts and tactics of a great writer.
Then if you need help, post in our super active community and you’ll receive help and advice from professional writers with different backgrounds that can spark amazing new ideas. Or if you choose you can just watch other people go through the process and learn by observing!
See you inside the Members Area! Neville Medhora
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/