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Exploring the Essential Features of “NY 4 – Dr Christopher Cathey – How to Trade Initial Public Offerings”
Dr Christopher Cathey enjoyed a successful 15-year career as a Professional Trader. After completing a first-class degree in Natural Sciences and obtaining his PhD in Chemistry from Fitzwilliam College Cambridge, Chris was hired by Goldman Sachs. Chris worked for Goldman Sachs as an Equities Trader in Frankfurt, New York and London between 1993 and 2006. He then worked as a proprietary trader at Merrill Lynch Strategic Investments Group between 2006 and 2008.
During his Career Chris was the largest Market Maker and Proprietary Trader of NASDAQ listed Stocks for Goldman Sachs in New York. Subsequently Chris was instrumental in the Initial Public offerings of multiple tech companies during the most volatile period in Financial Markets since The Wall Street Crash of the 1920’s i.e. the Tech boom and bust. As an expert in IPO’s in this Seminar, Chris shows Institute students how to effectively appraise opportunities and risk and in IPO’s and how to go about trading them. IPO strategies are a legitimate way of adding significant returns to an investors / trader’s portfolio, however they can also be risky if investors and traders do not know what they are doing. Chris displays how what these risks are and how to avoid IPO’s that exhibit these risks, how to spot opportunistic IPO’s and the mechanics of how an IPO actually works behind the scenes at the top Investment Banks globally.
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