*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Painting Business Pro – Eric Barstow – Eric Barstow”
1. PBP Start Here
- 1. Intro, Course Overview, & Forms
- 0.2 Module 0 Three Phases of Business Growth – UPDATED.mp4
- 0.3 Business Launch Checklist.mp4
- 0.4 Goal Setting.mp4
- 0.5 Getting Your First Job.mp4
- 0.6 Growing Your Business and Yourself.mp4
- Business_Goal_Setting_Sheet.pdf
- Business_Launch_Checklist.pdf
- Goal_Setting_Sheet.pdf
- Resources – Getting your first.rar
- Resources – Growing your business.rar
2. PBP Estimating & Paint
- 1.1 Types of Painting Companies.mp4
- 1.2 How to Grow Smart.mp4
- 1.3 Exterior Painting Common Problems.mp4
- 1.4 Exterior Estimating.mp4
- 1.5 Interior Common Problems.mp4
- 1.6 Interior Estimating.mp4
- 1.7 Exterior Estimate Examples.pdf
- Estimating_Instructions.pdf
- Exterior_Common_Problems.pdf
- Exterior_Estimate_Form_Standards.pdf
- Exterior_Estimate_Form.pdf
- Interior Estimating.rar
- Interior_Common_Problems.pdf
3. PBP Marketing (Lead Generation)
- 2.0 Introduction to Marketing.mp4
- 2.1 Door to Door Marketing.mp4
- 2.1 Door_to_Door_Pitch.pdf
- 2.2 Marketing_Lead_Sheet.pdf
- 2.2 The Pitch & The Plan.mp4
- 2.3 Hiring a Marketing Rep.mp4
- 2.3 Marketing_Rep_Interview_Outline.pdf
- 2.3 Marketing_Rep_Job_Post.pdf
- 2.4 Marketing Rep Training_Outline.pdf
- 2.4 Training a Marketing Rep.mp4
- 2.5 Managing a Marketing Team.mp4
- 2.6 Networking & Referrals.mp4
- 2.7 Website & Online.mp4
- 2.8 Leveraging Lead Services.mp4
- 2.8 Leveraging Lead Services.rar
- 2.9 Guaranteed Booked Job from Painter Choice.png
- Marketing Rep_Phone_Call.pdf
4. PBP Sales
- 3.0 Six Elements to Effective Sales.mp4
- 3.1 Q_A_Outline.pdf
- 3.1 Sales Process Outline.mp4
- 3.1 Sales_Process_Outline.pdf
- 3.2 Understanding Why People Buy.mp4
- 3.3 Conveying Professionalism.mp4
- 3.3 Resources.rar
- 3.3 Why_People_Buy.pdf
- 3.4 Tracking Sales Statistics.mp4
- 3.5 Context & Taking Care of Customers.mp4
- 3.6 Customer_Tracking_Sheet.xls
- 3.6 Initial_Call.pdf
- 3.6 The Initial Phone Call.mp4
- 3.7 Building Rapport & Relationship.mp4
- 3.8 Pre Closing & Preparing Them to Buy.mp4
- 3.8 Pre_Closing_Script.pdf
- 3.9 Exterior Common Problems.pdf
- 3.9 Interior_Common_Problems.pdf
- 3.9 The Need Satisfaction Selling Cycle.mp4
- 3.10 Closing the Deal & Follow Up.mp4
- 3.11 Closing_ Follow_Up_Script.pdf
- 3.11 Common Sales Problems Updated.mp4
- 6_Elements_to_Sales.pdf
- Confirmation_Call_Script.pdf
5. PBP Production & Maximizing Profit
- 4.0 Job_Folder_Example.pdf
- 4.0 Production Introduction & Process Flow.mp4
- 4.0 Production_Process_Flow.pdf
- 4.1 Subcontractors vs Employees.mp4
- 4.2 Managing Your Production Form.mp4
- 4.2 Production_Management_Form.pdf
- 4.2 Production_Management_Form.xls
- 4.3 Hiring a Subcontractor.mp4
- 4.3 Resources.rar
- 4.4 First 3 Jobs with a New Subcontractor.mp4
- 4.4 Subcontractor_Agreement.pdf
- 4.5 Production Common Problems.mp4
- 4.6 Why 50% is Fair & Why NOT to Negotiate With Subs.mp4
6. PBP Hiring Your Team & Intro to Phase 2
- 5.0 Team Building When & Who to Hire.mp4
- 5.1 Hiring a Production Manager.mp4
- 5.2 Downloads.rar
- 5.2 Hiring a Sales Rep.mp4
- 5.3 Downloads.rar
- 5.3 Training Sales Reps & Production Managers.mp4
- 5.4 Customer_Tracking_Sheet.xls
- 5.4 Ongoing Support for All Team Members.mp4
- 5.4 Production_Management_Form.xls
- 5.5 Building Team Common Problems.mp4
- 5.5 Trouble_Shooting_Guide.pdf
7. PBP Commercial Painting & New Construction
- 6.1 Commercial Painting – General Expectations and Guidelines.mp4
- 6.2 Commercial Painting – Estimating.mp4
- 6.3 Commercial Painting – Sales.mp4
- 6.4 Commercial Painting – Production.mp4
- 6.5 New Construction Painting General Expectations & Guidelines.mp4
- 6.6 New Construction Estimating.mp4
- 6.7 New Construction Sales.mp4
- 6.8 New Construction Production.mp4
8. PBP Business Admin
- 7.0 Accounting & Bookkeeping.mp4
- 7.1 Downloads.rar
- 7.1 Insurance, Workers Comp, Licensing.mp4
- 7.3 Personal Taxes.mp4
- 7.4 CRM & Software Systems.mp4
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