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Exploring the Essential Features of “Pamela Bruner – Signature System Blueprint Homestudy”
From the Desk of Pamela Bruner
For over 3 years I had what I call an “imaginary coaching business.” That’s the kind where you say you’re a coach, but you only have 2 clients, and 1 of them you’re coaching for free. Can you relate?
I had a love of coaching, and a passion to serve and help others, but I struggled with what so many transformational entrepreneurs struggle with… marketing.
I was terrified to put myself out there, and I was making the embarrassingly low amount $375/month as a coach.
While I wasn’t happy about the money, what really ate at me was that I wasn’t making the difference in people’s lives that I wanted to make.
And then 8 years ago… EVERYTHING CHANGED.
When I discovered what I’m going to share with you on this page, I went from $375/month to OVER A MILLION DOLLARS a year in just 3 years.
If you’re on this page I’m guessing you likely fit into one of 3 categories..
You’re a “starving genius.” You’re an active or aspiring coach, healer, therapist or other transformational entrepreneur who is struggling to find clients and make a full-time living, leaving you frustrated and unfulfilled.
- You have a gift you want to share with the world, but you know that you aren’t being paid what you’re worth.
- You provide incredible transformation to your clients, but you’re uncomfortable charging for the work that comes so easily to you.
- You struggle with networking, marketing, websites, messaging, and everything in between that gets you the clients you need to be able to run a sustainable business.
You’re an “overworked giver.” You’re a coach, healer, therapist or other transformational entrepreneur who has created a decent income, but you’ve maxed out private time.
- You’ve hit an income ceiling and can’t grow, and you have little to no time freedom.
- Perhaps you want to play a bigger game — with more money, more clients, more visibility — but you can’t imagine how to get there.
- Or perhaps you’re drained and overworked, struggling to come to terms with how you can keep your income up at your current pace of work, knowing that your transformational work takes lots of energy.
You’re a “compulsive creator.” You’re frustrated with trying to be an online expert, creating blog posts, podcasts, videos and other online content, along with products and programs but you’re struggling to reach enough people and sell enough products to earn a living.
- You’re frustrated with an overwhelming amount of “internet marketing” information on the web and it’s complexities, never knowing in which direction to go to get reach and impact…
- You’re tired of having to constantly learn new strategies when all you really want to do is help people…
- You want to help people but you’re not clear on your message and how to develop it and articulate it to the world in a way that is unique, relevant and digestible to people online…
Regardless of the category you fit in, let me tell you one important thing…
If you want to earn more money, have more time freedom, and have a bigger impact on others through coaching, speaking and online marketing, then what you’ll discover on this page will change everything for you…
I’ve been where you are and I know I can help.
It’s been my life’s mission and passion to help transformational entrepreneurs just like you to succeed.
Why you may ask?… Because I’m a transformational entrepreneur just like you! 🙂
My story is probably a lot like yours: I always hated marketing and sales.
After all, I was offering my spiritual gifts to the world. Why should I have to market myself?
So I struggled to get clients, felt inadequate, wasn’t making money and wasn’t having fun.
And the biggest problem was – I really WANTED to do the work. It wasn’t about the money for me.
I wanted to feel fulfilled, knowing that I was helping people transform.
Eventually, I sought some help. The spiritual folks taught me about mental blocks and mindset. The marketing folks fed me techniques and tactics.
They were all important parts of the puzzle, but for years I was unclear on how to put it all together. And sadly…
There’s a lot of misinformation about what it takes to build a transformational business (a lesson I learned the hard way) and if you go about it the wrong way, you’ll struggle.
I don’t want that for you. I don’t want you to be stuck in a pattern of being a “starving genius,” or “overworked giver,” or “compulsive creator.”
I’ve helped thousands of people just like you to actually build the business they dreamed of when they first followed their passion and made the career switch to becoming a transformational entrepreneur (do you still remember that dream you had?).
And while I’ve helped people develop as entrepreneurs (their coaching skills, networking, speaking, marketing, scaling, and much more)…
The most important first step I’ve always taught, which has had BY FAR the biggest effect on income, time, freedom, and impact for transformational entrepreneurs is, learning how to build an effective and profitable Signature System.
I’ll detail exactly what a Signature System is in a minute, but first let me explain why having a Signature System is essential and how it will transform both your business and your life…
Because I know that above all else, you want to know that what I’m sharing with you today will have an actual impact on the quality of YOUR life, and your ability to serve others without the stress of money, marketing, and running a business.
Imagine if you could:
- Have rock-solid systems for pricing your services in a way that ensures a powerful transformation for your clients, and has your clients thrilled that they invested!
- Never again feel judged for the dollar per hour rate that you’re charging, because nobody will even be looking at that.
- Earn a much more comfortable living — or make BIG money — without compromising your integrity, service or values.
- Confidently price your services so you double or triple your income in as little as a few weeks, while working LESS!
- Break the cycle of fear and procrastination, wondering if you’ll have enough clients from month to month.
- Find your ideal high-paying clients so that you no longer have to work with the energy-drainers that aren’t willing to do the work to transform.
- Get your work out to a much wider audience, so you can FINALLY earn more money while making a massive impact.
You may be thinking..”Shouldn’t I just follow my passion and the money will follow?”
You can if you’d like to… but my guess is that either you’ve gone down that path already and seen the fruitless and frustrating results… or you’re on the path to learning that now.
I can tell you from my personal experience and the experience of working with thousands of clients that eventually you’ll come to the same conclusion I did…
Doing what you love, and having the money follow ONLY works if you have a system.
Without a system for getting more clients, and earning more money per client, and getting stronger results with those clients… you’ll always be trapped in an endless dollar per hour cycle.
So do you want to transform your business and your life? Are you ready to finally make things easier than they’ve ever been before?
Then get ready because developing your Signature System will be the most effective asset you’ll ever have to transform your business, your life, and the lives of others.
And the best part is…
I’ll show you exactly how to do it so that you can focus your energy on transforming people’s lives, rather than stressing out about growing your business and your income…
Here’s What a Signature System Is… AND What’s It’s Not!
A Signature System is not
- A Signature System is not putting together a package of 5 to 10 sessions and selling them at a discount. All that does is lower the hourly rate you earn…
- A Signature System is not creating a low ticket item that you package and sell online. That just creates a whole new challenge of needing to reach thousands and thousands of people in order to make a real income…
- A Signature System is not a system that is just “in your head” that you can’t easily and quickly explain the benefits of to others. That prevents it from creating real impact and helping others in the world…
So Here’s What a Signature System Is…
- A Signature System takes your genius, your best work, and puts it in a format that provides extraordinary value to your clients, takes up much less of your private time, and is something that your ideal clients are happy to pay top-dollar for.
- A Signature System involves creating a process for proven and measurable results for your ideal clients, through additional resources that you create in an evergreen format. These may include videos, audios, articles, PDF’s, checklists and other resources that go hand in hand with your one-on-one work…
- A Signature System is a format that shifts the focus from being solely about your one-on-one time (and the hourly rate you charge!) to being results-driven, allowing you to earn more income AND help more people with better results in the process!
So how exactly do you create a Signature System in a way that has people lining up wanting to pay you because they can clearly see the value and results you deliver?
I’ll show you…
Introducing the
Signature System Blueprint
Imagine for a minute what your life would be like if in just a few short weeks you could transform your business so that you no longer had to stress about money and marketing…
Within weeks you could double or triple your income, with less one-on-one sessions, in a way that gets your clients BIGGER results!
That’s what the Signature Success Blueprint will do for you!
- No more getting stuck in an exhausting trading hours for dollars model where you risk burnout and fear that any interruption in your life will drop your income…
- No more cap on your income based on the numbers of sessions you can get done in a month or year…
- No more stress from month to month, wondering if your clients will see the value in working with you and book more sessions (even though you know the value is there!)
- No more sharing the same information with client after client in a way that isn’t valued, so you aren’t appreciated or compensated for what you’re offering.
The Signature System Blueprint will show you EXACTLY how to build your own Signature System. We’ll also teach you how to find ideal clients that will line up to purchase it!
I’ll give you the exact steps you need to take your business to 6 figures and beyond.
It’ll be straightforward, with no reading between the lines, no guesswork. You’ll leave with a system for success you can immediately put to work.
PLUS, we’ll also work together to make mindset changes and clear old blocks FAST with cutting-edge techniques such as EFT Tapping.
EFT Tapping has been used by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide for issues ranging from fear of public speaking to PTSD, and many other issues.
This is one of the KEYS to success, and why so many other programs like this just don’t deliver. You MUST have the mindset and clearing techniques in order to succeed.
You won’t just use these techniques in the program. You’ll learn the formula for how to use them for every aspect of your business, so doing business constantly becomes easier and easier.
Here are the steps I’ll take you through…
Discover the ideal group of hot buyers that you’re meant to serve, so you’re paid top-dollar for what you do!
- Map the connection between your expertise & gifts, and the money you desire so you do what you love and are well-paid.
- Find the perfect application of your spiritual gifts so you serve the world in a much bigger way.
- Identify the most lucrative application of your expertise, so you make the maximum profit while doing what you love most.
“Unlock Your Gifts” bonus call and worksheet.
Signature System Hot Topics List
Identify all the genius that you have (that you’re currently not being paid for) so you attract clients more easily, and they’re happy to pay you far more.
Learn a step-by-step formula for creating a program, product, or offering that people need, and will eagerly pay for.
Access parts of your expertise that you didn’t even know you had but will bring you lots of money.
How to get the ‘organic work’ that you do out of your head and into a program or package so you can serve more people, and create multiple streams of income.
Profitable Naming Template: Easily create juicy names for your package.
Successful Signature System Examples Packet
Create your ideal offering: the best format for the transformation you provide, so you maximize both the impact for your client and the profitability for you.
- Learn the 3 best ways to share your knowledge so ideal clients will get the most out of what you offer.
- Create a high-ticket offering from your gifts that attracts eager fans.
- Discover the ins and outs of creating and packaging content so your people feel incredibly well-served.
Signature System Templates to easily format a high-ticket package.
Making Your Signature System Irresistible
Signature System Resources: How to Create a Great Package
Discover the four pricing strategies to reach the perfect price for your package or program.
- Strategize the ‘sweet spot price’ that maximizes both your profit and your clients’ transformation.
- Create a pricing strategy that allows you to serve more, and make more.
- Uplevel your money mindset so you can double or triple your fees with ease.
Signature System Pricing Guide: Keys to setting the perfect price for your offer.
Making Your Signature System Irresistible
Signature System Resources: How to Create a Great Package
Learn the simple, step-by-step system for authentic, effective sales conversations, so you enjoy enrolling new clients (and it’s surprisingly easy even at your new higher rates!)
- Master authentic, effective techniques to have people say ‘yes’ to what you do.
- Avoid the 5 common mistakes that transformational entrepreneurs make when offering their gifts.
- Become confident with sales, so you’re selling from a place of service and power.
Signature System Selling Guide: Proven scripts for high-ticket sales.
Learn exactly when and how to move into lower-priced offerings, how to enroll your group programs, and the ins and outs of passive income generation.
- Discover the business structures that work as you progress to six figures and beyond. Become comfortable with the money that your gifts bring you.
- Receive strategies to re-purpose the work that you’ve already done into multiple streams of income, so you’re serving more people, and making more money – with very little work.
- Get your work out to a much wider audience, so you can FINALLY earn more money while making a massive impact.
Each Module Will Have 3 Main Components:
Each module will start with a detailed training that you can access as audio or video. In each of these trainings, I go in depth on the ins and outs of that week’s topics, leaving no stone unturned, revealing everything I can possibly share so that you can implement quickly and effectively!
You’ll get handouts, templates and worksheets, and step-by-step instructions, to build the components of a Signature System.
Customizable Templates & Examples
If you’re someone who says ‘just give me an example!’ I’ve got you covered!
You’ll get templates & examples for each step of the process, so creating your Signature System becomes SO much easier!
Bonus #1
19 Ways to Find Your Ideal Client Training
Easily locate those people eager to purchase your high-ticket, high-value package. Identify places that your potential clients are hiding that you never even considered! Systematically discover new ways to connect with groups of your ideal clients.
Bonus #2
Profitable Free Consultations
Get the step-by-step formula for exactly how to ask people to have a consultation with you, naturally and authentically. Keys to help your ideal clients say ‘yes, I’d love to speak with you!’ Confidently answer the question ‘how much do you charge?’
So Are You Ready to Catapult Your Income, Business and Life Forward With Your Very Own Signature System?
Yes, Pamela!
I’m in for the Signature System Blueprint.
I understand that I’ll receive:
The Signature System Blueprint Program
- 6 Signature System Training Presentations
- 6 Signature System Training Guides
- 6 60-minute training/Q&A calls
- Templates, examples, and handouts
- MP3s of all calls
I’ll also receive:
Bonus #1
19 Ways to Find Your Ideal Client Training
Bonus 2
Profitable Free Consultations
So Does a Signature System Really Work?
Absolutely! I went from $375 a month to $1,000,000 in less than 3 years with this system. And for the first two years, I wasn’t even working full-time in this business! My process has helped hundreds of other conscious entrepreneurs make the same shift. But you don’t have to take my word for it, here’s what my students have said…
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/